Download Vision App – Core ML Nulled

Download Vision App – Core ML Nulled

Sample application using Vision Framework and Core ML. Detects the dominant objects present in an image from a set of 1000 categories such as trees, animals, food, vehicles, person etc. The top-5 error from the original publication is 7.8%. Also this app Watch video Here : What do you need to run this app […]
Download SocialStats PHP Class  Nulled

Download SocialStats PHP Class Nulled

A simple PHP class to fetch social stats like Facebook comments, likes, shares, tweets, pins, Delicious posts, StumbleUpon views and many more! UPDATE: New refreshed UI, A new Widget Module & Various Updates Features & Networks included Google+ – Know how many people hit Google+ for the url Facebook – Shares, Comments, Likes, Clicks & […]
Download Fireplace Nulled

Download Fireplace Nulled

Tap to objects for remove it, left only wooden log. More about project: Project have share function, you can put short link to share message for increase users in game. To increase audience retention we use local notifications after 1,6 and 24 hours and after 1 week. For monetisation project has AdMob framework, you can […]