

Download Jkreativ – Multilayer Parallax MultiPurpose Theme Nulled



Get Ready to Impress all your visitor with Jkreativ

JKreativ is ultra multi purpose, super responsive, SEO Optimized WordPress Theme with highly customizeable feature. You can create very beautiful photography website, classic villa or hotel website, interior or architecture, creative, or practically this themes fit with any kind of business. Jkreativ also bring very unique shop page layout with WooCommerce. It come with ton of styling option and feature that make your website different from other site that using the same themes.

This themes is a real heaven for your portfolio with most compete portfolio option you can have on a themes. You can have mixed multimedia content, control your portfolio size, margin, or block size, or using ajax extend, or extended portfolio and Side portfolio expand mode. You can also choose normal (you can create metro style from this layout), masonry, pinterest layout style, no forget gallery with additional justified option.

Full Feature List

  • Responsive Design
  • Retina display ready
  • Visual Composer Page Builder – Included for FREE
  • 18 Page Template
    • Blog – Clean Layout
    • Blog – Masonry Layout
    • Blog – Normal Layout
    • Blog – Wide Layout
    • Contact – Fullscreen Map
    • Single Fullscreen Page – Video
    • Single Fullscreen Slider – IOS Slider
    • Single Fullscreen Slider – Kenburn Slider
    • Single Fullscreen Slider – Service Slider
    • Single Fullscreen Slider – Video & Image
    • Gallery – Media Gallery
    • Gallery – Media Gallery with Side Content
    • Landing Page Builder
    • No Wrapper Page
    • Single page – Cover Page Layout
    • Single page – Normal Page Layout
    • Single page – Wide Page Layout
    • Portfolio – Portfolio List Page
  • Ability to override setting on single page, blog post, portfolio, even product page with global option setup such as :
    • Override Navigation Setup
    • Override Website Background
    • Override Website Loader
  • 8 Combined Navigation Posibility
    • Side Navigation
    • Side Navigation Collapse
    • Side Navigation with no header
    • Top Navigation
    • Top Navigation Two Line
    • Narrow Top Navigation
    • Shrink Top Navigation
  • 3 Type of Page Loader
    • Circle Loader
    • Linear with percentage loader
    • Youtube Style Loader
  • Contact interactive with fullscreen map
    • Show Direction
    • Multipe Location
  • 2 Type Of Menu
    • Mega Menu
    • Normal Menu
  • Deep integration with several plugin to create seamless experience
    • Draggable post
    • Order post
  • Disable right click, show credit with background sound
  • Super smooth 360 degree image product
  • 4 Type of landing slider
    • Parallax Slider
    • Split slider
    • single page landing style slider (with video background)
    • revolution slider
  • Landing page main feature
    • Vertical or horizontal moving background
    • Multi layer parallax
    • Cool image animation
    • Section navigation with section progress indicator
    • Video background on section
    • Ribon for landing separator
    • Video background
  • Blog Feature :
    • Blog layout
      • Normal blog layout
        • Half Width & Fullwidth
        • Blog float left, right, center
        • Use sidebar or not
      • Wide blog layout
      • Clean blog layout
      • Masonry blog layout
    • Single blog layout
      • Wide blog layout
      • Normal blog layout
      • Cover with sticky share button
      • Clean blog
    • Single blog type
      • Standard Image
      • Quote
      • Image Slider
      • Vimeo
      • Youtube
      • Soundcloud
      • HTML 5 Video
      • Advertisement (only for masonry)
    • Sticky Sidebar on normal blog and cover layout
  • 4 fullscreen slider
    • Kenburn slider
    • Service slider
    • Ios slider
    • Mixing video & image slider fullscreen slider
  • Gallery Option
    • 3 Layout
      • Normal Layout
      • Masonry Layout
      • Justified Layout
    • Custom Height & Width
    • Custom Margin
    • 3 type of expand script
      • Magnific
      • Photoswipe
      • Swipebox
    • 6 Load Animation
    • Partial Load Content
    • Custom Block Size
    • Mixed gallery content
      • Image
      • Youtube
      • Vimeo
      • HTML 5 Content
  • Portfolio Feature
    • Unlimited Portfolio Item
    • Portfolio Layout
      • Normal with ability to create metro style portfolio
      • Masonry
      • Pinterest
    • Expand mode
      • (Ajax) Inline Expand Mode
      • (Ajax) Theather Expand Mode
      • (No Ajax) Extended Expand Mode
      • (No Ajax) Cover Expand Mode
      • (No Ajax) Side Content Expand Mode
    • Custom Height & Width
    • Custom Margin
    • Custom Block Size
    • Ajax Load More
    • Image Scale Mode on Ajax Expand
      • Fit
      • Zoom
      • Fit no upscale
  • Shopping Cart with Woocommerce
    • Unique product list design with masonry / normal thumbnail setting
    • Unique single product design with side content image with full gallery setting
  • Twitter Widget
  • Subscriber Widget
  • Demo XML
  • Music Background
  • 150 Live customizer Option
  • 600 Google Font with 3 Placeholder
  • Theme Options – Powered by Vafpress Framework
  • Fontawesome Included
  • Autogenerated Shortcode (More than 75 Shortcode)
  • Translation Ready, PO & MO included
  • Contact form 7 Compatible
  • SEO Plugin Compatible
  • Child theme ready
  • WordPress 3.9 ready
  • Multisite Ready
  • Revolution Slider Included

Images used in the Demo

All images used in the demo are not distributed with the theme. They are all licensed under Creative Commons and credited to their respective creator/owner

We would say thank you for noncommercial image used from Bali Wedding Makeup

Note: the photos and illustrations seen in the live preview are not included with the theme.


We also would say thank you for image, video, and music used on this themes.

  • Thomas Leuthard – Flickr
  • Paul Flavius Nechita – Dribbble
  • SUNBZY – Dribbble
  • Justin Mezzeli – Dribbble
  • Artua – Dribbble
  • Ramotion – Dribbble
  • Emiliano Morciano – Dribbble
  • Bali Indonesia – Youtube
  • Casey Warren – MINDCASTLE – Youtube
  • Southern Hills Country Club wedding – PenWeddings – Youtube
  • Janice Lacey – Soundcloud

Update Log

Version 2.5.1: 22 January 2019

- add Classic Editor plugin as required plugin
- fix SSL issue when embeded Vimeo video

Version 2.5.0: 10 December 2018

- update WPBakery plugin to version 5.6

Version 2.4.2: 15 August 2017

- update compatibility with woocommerce 3.1.1
- update visual composer to version 5.2.1
- add social button for etsy
- update font awesome to latest version
- update Jkreativ mail subscribe list plugin to version 1.0.1

Version 2.4.2: 18 April 2017

- update visual composer to version 5.0.1
- update woocommerce to version
- update revolution slider to version 5.3.1

Version 2.4.1: 18 February 2017

- update compatibility with woocommerce 3.0.0
- update visual composer to version 5.1.1

Version 2.4.0: 9 december 2016

- fix issues with google map api key
- version issues on mega main menu
- disable responsive parameter for vc column
- update woocommerce user registration

Version 2.3.8: 4 June 2016

- fix issues with mega main menu
- fix issues with loaded image
- fix slow animation on vc row

Version 2.3.7: 14 April 2016

- update visual composer integration to ver 4.11.2
- update revolution slider version to
- update compatibility with woocommerce 2.5.5

Version 2.3.7: 14 April 2016

- update visual composer integration to ver 4.11.2
- update revolution slider version to
- update compatibility with woocommerce 2.5.5

Version 2.3.6: 20 January 2016

- fix issues during first creating of portfolio
- update WooCoomerce Integration to version 2.5.0
- fix integration with visual composer
- twitter share fix

Version 2.3.3: 14 September 2015

- Fix issues for first time install (without jkreativ plugin)
- Remove favico because its already handled from WordPress Customizer
- Update Visual Composer into version 4.7
- Add new feature on portfolio

Version 2.3.2: 25 August 2015

- javascript unique array from javascript array prototype to javascript function
- update WooCommerce integration to version 2.4.2
- Update Visual Composer into version 4.6.2
- update Revolution Slider to version
- Fix 404 portfolio issues

Version 2.3.1: 19 June 2015

- Fix several word missing on PO / MO
- Update Visual Composer into version 4.5.2
- Fix image stacking on mobile
- Add copyright on mobile menu
- update WooCoomerce Integration to version 2.3.11
- update Revolution Slider to version 4.6.93

Version 2.2.9: 5 May 2015

- fix comment button disapear
- fix Full text slider button click problem
- fix disappeared category on portfolio problem
- fix shop problem when set as front page

Version 2.2.8: 24 April 2015

-- Update Visual composer to version 4.4.3
- Update WooCommerce to version 2.3.8
- Image fallback untuk mobile parallax
- Title disappear on single ajax portfolio
- Update TGM plugin activation
- Remove Image size checker on WordPress Importer that causing image import failed

Version 2.2.7

- add option on service block to have URL option
- update themes to fit with latest Visual composer 4.4.2
- update themes to fit with WooCommerce 2.3.3
- update revolution slider to version 4.6.5

Version 2.2.6

- fix accordion problem
- update visual composer to version 4.3.5

Version 2.2.5

- fix accordion problem
- enable Fulltext slider HTML 5 background for IE
- update revolution slider to version 4.6.5
- update compatibility to woocommerce 2.2.10
- update compatibility with WordPress 4.1.0 (remove title tag to handle with WordPress)
- provide ability to filter category on landing page blog list

Version 2.2.4

- change portfolio URL listen on portfolio list to append portfolio parent url
- fix portfolio side menu meta lost
- language switcher for two line navigation

Version 2.2.3

- hot fix, PHP bellow 5.3 version unable to recognize anonymous function and causing blank screen

Version 2.2.2

- upgrade jkreativ plugin to version 1.2.1
- fix upload problem when loading external url / media
- fix music player not working on WordPress 4
- fix image select problem when thumbnail not available
- Show more detail notification about jkreativ plugin update which many user forget to upgrade / dismiss TGM plugin notification
- fix input slider problem on visual composer

Version 2.2.1

- Hot Fix : remove script that disable heathbeat, its causing some backend script not working

Version 2.2.0

- Make backend faster, on portfolio & page
- Provide hover title for portfolio video for side content portfolio
- Update jkreativ plugin version to 1.2.0
- Update Revolution slider to version 4.6.0
- Update visual composer to version 4.3.3
- Disable WordPress Heartbeat
- Fix twitter & google plus share problem
- Fix navigation scroll problem
- Fix child themes doesn't load child style

Version 2.1.1

- update jkreativ plugin version to version 1.1.1
- fixing alternate text lost from media gallery
- remove design option from textblock visual composer
- add notification to disable WordPress importer
- only show pricing & team when legacy section builder enabled

Version 2.1.0

- Enable one click import demo data
- Update masonry script (isotope) to version 2.0.0
- Add category & tag detail on bottom of blog post
- Use another kenburn script to make it more responsive
- Automatically add WPML flag (when using top navigation) and menu (if using side navigation)
- Use textarea instead input text to second line top navigation additional text, it will give ability to insert html tag too
- add VK social flag
- fix category filter lost on portfolio
- add option to upload favico

Version 2.0.3

- Pinterest on blog refixed
- top transparent fixed
- Pinterest share portfolio fixed
- Mega menu on second child fixed

Version 2.0.2

- fix pinterest sharing media not shown
- fix top navigation disappear

Version 2.0.1

- user normal shortcode processing instead using vc autowp removal, to make shortcode processing easier on texteditor vc element

Version 2.0.0

- Integrate Visual Composer with JKreativ Themes
- Fix crash causing of multiple style load cause of Mega Main Menu
- Remove license check when installing plugin
- Move Plugin to local repository instead fetching to server
- Add class to open Movie Credit

Version 1.1.2

- hot fix for shortcode on credit that not showing up

Version 1.1.1

- hot fix for cleanup shortcode method

Version 1.1.0

- share translation on blog
- fix portfolio arrange position bug when filter executed
- fix twitter problem, and provide cacheing method for twitter feed
- don't load twitter oauth if its already loaded by another plugin
- integrate flickr widget new API
- provide option to disable smooth scroll
- Several shortcode fix for W3C Compatibility
- Create jkreativ own menu that hold several menu functionality
- add envato wordpress toolkit into TGM list for easier themes update
- Fix top nav menu color override by flat & dark css
- fix mobile nav search customizer bug
- WPML Integration
- update plugin to version 1.1.0 to fit with Jkreativ Themes 1.1.0

Version 1.0.3

- remove global iframe, object, embeed, video absolute position. This will fix problem when user trying to load other iframe or object usage.
- use H1 instead of H2 on single page
- fix translation for several word, also update PO & MO
- add feature for custom font uploader
- fix bug on video background remove javascript calculation on video size, use user input instead
- add feature, blog section on landing page
- add portfolio into rss feed
- add feature to switch position of media content on portfolio side content (previously added on media gallery - side content)
- add disqus comment support
- make jkreativ compatible with child themes, also include jkreativ child starter template
- update plugin to version 1.0.3 to fit with Jkreativ Themes 1.0.3

Version 1.0.2

- add 500px social icon
- add feature to show image caption on gallery
- add feature to switch position of media content (side media content) from top to bottom
- update version of image loaded javascript to version 3.1
- fix problem on fulltext slider on IE

Version 1.0.1

- Fix fetching logo mechanism
- Fix dark style for mega menu
- Fix Navigation Top Woocommerce Image

Version 1.0.0

- Initial Release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Jkreativ – Multilayer Parallax MultiPurpose Theme
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Jkreativ – Multilayer Parallax MultiPurpose Theme from the The Developer ( jegtheme ) website. Thank you.
Download = Jkreativ – Multilayer Parallax MultiPurpose Theme-[Updated].zip

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