xInvoice – Beautifully designed invoices/sales order/ purchase orders/ quotes/ bills with few lines of codes
xInvoice is an advance PHP application to generate beautifully designed invoices/sales-purchase orders/quotes with few lines of codes. All you need to do is write 2 lines of code to generate invoice in pdf/html format. You can create invoices, quotes or orders easily from professional templates in super fast manner.
xInvoice Demo
xInvoice Documentation
By default, You can enter all data of invoice in the config files and invoice will be generated on the basis of that data.
You can modify complete data dynamically using various functions available in script. You can also generate invoice from database as it
comes with PDOModel database helper class so you can connect with database and fill the invoice values directly from database also. xInvoice comes with many different designs of invoice/ order / receipt/ quotes. You can also add new templates or customize available templates easily with little knowledge of coding.
Not just invoice, order, quote but You can also create completely new report easily by copying existing structure and modifying it
and pass data from database using PDOModel to generate entirely new report.
xInvoice comes with more than 100 different designs of invoice/ order / receipt/ quotes. You can also add new templates or
customize available templates easily with little knowledge of coding.In all demo example, we have given button to generate HTML and pdf.
You can also generate pdf/html directly without any button click event also.
Below is the most basic example of how to generate invoice in pdf/html format.
Example code
//Create object of xinvoice application
$xinvoice = new Xinvoice();
// call render function on object to generate PDF
echo $xinvoice->render();
- Generate beautifully designed invoices, bills, quotes or orders with just 2 lines of code.
- Generate invoices, bills, quotes or orders directly from database.
- More than 100+ different design option for invoices, bills, quotes and orders.
- Create new design option for invoices, bills, quotes and orders easily by copying existing structure and modifying it.
- Generate invoices, bills, quotes or orders directly from config data file.
- Creates different set of data for different invoices in config by creating different data file.
- Each data file allows you to define data, label, css styles and display settings also, making each data file independent of other
- You can create completely new report and pass data from database using PDOModel to generate entirely new report.
- You can create completely new report by passing data in format of array.
- You can generate HTML of invoice also that can be used as template in your other projects
- Dynamically calculates item totals.
- You can add tax, discount and other totals items dynamically.
- You can easily add your own design or theme,logo, color, various styles parameters, items and various kinds of totals.
- Dynamic section feature to allow you add data between different sections.
- Add watermark and badges.
- Supports Multi language.
- Supports Multi Currency.
- Supports callback functionality.
- Supports RTL.
- Supports various type of formatting (date, time, number, prefix, suffix etc).
- 100’s of pages of demo example and documentation
xInvoice supports database operation using our popular database abstraction script PDOModel. So users will get free copy of PDOModel also (worth $13).
- PHP 5.6 or higher
xInvoice has many features and it takes some time to understand it completely.
Please go through complete documentation and demo examples to understand it completely. If you have any difficulty,
either in installation or any function related help, we are here to help you. Please feel free to contact us. We will
reply you as soon as possible. If it doesn’t work for you even after that, we will immediately refund you as well. We
are also open to any suggestion or feature request, please share your ideas, we would love to hear them. Thanks
- mpdf
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy xInvoice – Generate beautifully designed invoices dynamically from the The Developer ( ddeveloper ) website. Thank you.
Download = xInvoice – Generate beautifully designed invoices dynamically-[Updated].zip