SCD – Smart Currency Detector The New 30 days free trial version
Avalaible for download here
This wordpress / woocommerce plugin is an ALL-IN-ONE solution for online market places owners, sellers, end customers. It not only masters the issues around selling products in foreign currencies and countries, but also helps market places owners and sellers to make additionally money out of this.
Get a glimpse on our rich demo. It is worse a try!
Admin Dashboard demo:
Get a glimpse on our rich demo. It is worse a try!
Admin Dashboard demo:
Frontend user login:
Frontend user demo:
Admin credentials (e.g. marketplace owner)
User: admin, Password: admin
User: admin, Password: admin
Role credentials (e.g. marketplace seller or Subscriber)
User: seller, Password: seller
Other credentials (e.g. if you don’t want to test the marketplace/multiuser use case)
User: demo, Password: demo
Looking for support, a copy of the readme, Theme updates, Ideas or usage instructions? Check out our Documentation for Smart Currency Detector.
- All-in-one
- Add 1-10% on top of instant Exchange rates
- Specify the number of usable currencies for your different roles
- Set a specific products price for each given currency
- Round up the converted price to your convenience
- Automatic target currency detection, depending on end users Location
- Manual target currency selection, done by end users in your Website
- Customize foreign currencies names, Formats, symbols, signs, brands
- Users to roles settings and restrictions
- Appropriate for all other currency echange use cases
- Supports 237 countries and 157 currencies
- Approximate the products price
- Exchange rates are fetched from Yahoo Finance So they are always updated
- Mobile friendly
- Supports all modern browsers
- Easy installation
Approximate the price
Automatically update the exchange rate
Update intervals
Manual settings options
Webpages display currency
Filter users currency display choice
Decimal numbers display
Number of decimals
Multi roles based, webpages display currency
Multi users/Roles settings
End users widget
- All-in-one
- Add 1-10% on top of instant Exchange rates
- Specify the number of usable currencies for your different roles
- Set a specific products price for each given currency
- Round up the converted price to your convenience
- Automatic target currency detection, depending on end users Location
- Manual target currency selection, done by end users in your Website
- Customize foreign currencies names, Formats, symbols, signs, brands
- Users to roles settings and restrictions
- Appropriate for all other currency echange use cases
- Supports 237 countries and 157 currencies
- Approximate the products price
- Exchange rates are fetched from Yahoo Finance So they are always updated
- Mobile friendly
- Supports all modern browsers
- Easy installation
Approximate the price
Automatically update the exchange rate
Update intervals
Manual settings options
Webpages display currency
Filter users currency display choice
Decimal numbers display
Number of decimals
Multi roles based, webpages display currency
Multi users/Roles settings
End users widget
If you have any problems, questions or suggestions please join the members discussion on my WooCommerce dedicated support.
- 3.9
- Fixed: cookies management
- Added: a new source for currency rates
- 3.8
- Fixed: error handling manual updated rates
- Fixed: display issues
- SCD incompatibilities and issues on woocommerce 2.6.+
- 3.7
- Fixed: paypal currencies issues with spg
- Fixed: Issues with yahooapi call
- Fixed: Some Display issues
- 3.6
- Fixed: js issues on product page
- 3.5
- Added: enable end users to update SCD from admin panel
- 3.4
- Fixed: display issues and notices
- Added: cookies management
- 3.3
- Added: Compatibility with his paypal gateway [Smart Paypal Gateway]
- Fixed: issues on money format fixed
- 2.1
- Fixed: End users widget with flags + currencies
- Fixed: Multi users / roles display style
- Added: Shortcode
- 2.0
- Added: All-in-one
- Added: Approximate the products price
- Added: Allow to auto update exchange rate
- Added: Exchange rates are fetched from Yahoo Finance So they are always updated
- Added: Set time to update Exchange rates
- Added: Customize each currency separately
- Added: Set the position for each currency (e.g. £50, 50£)
- Added: 1-10% on top of instant Exchange rates
- Added: Round up the converted price to your convenience
- Added: Customize foreign currencies names, Formats, symbols, signs, brands
- Added: Several options to customize your exchange rate for each currency
- Added: Format / rename your currencies
- Added: Automatic target currency detection, depending on end users Location (e.g. Auto detection)
- Added: End users widget
- Added: Allow to add a decimal numbers display
- Added: Set the number of decimals
- Added: Enable Multi roles based, webpages display currency
- Added: Specify the number of usable currencies for your different roles
- Added: Set a specific products price for each given currency
- Added: Appropriate for multi store market places (e.g. WC Marketplace)
- Added: Appropriate for multi vendor sites (e.g. WC Vendors, Dokan)
- Added: Users to roles settings and restrictions
- Added: Simplified the products creations UI for multiple currencies
- Added: Supports 237 countries and 157 currencies
- Added: Appropriate for all other currency echange use cases
- Added: Mobile friendly
- Added: Replace Original Price
- Added: Supports all modern browsers
- Added: Easy installation
- 1.0
- Added: Initial release
[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = Smart-Currency-Detector
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Smart-Currency-Detector from the The Developer ( G_Ouandja ) website. Thank you.
Download = Smart-Currency-Detector-[Updated].zip