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Mitho – Multipurpose new features shopify theme
Mitho is a new feature multipurpose shopify theme with high conversion rate for online store like beauty, cosmetic store, medical shop, organic food, supermarket, health store,
flower shop, coffee store, food store, vegetable store, medical theme, medical care, fruit shop, food shop and ecommerce store.
Mitho multipurpose eCommerce shopify theme for a business like ecommerce store, online store, shopping store, responsive store, ecommerce resposive store support to all device.
Mitho multipurpose eCommerce shopify theme has multi features like multiple blog pages, fully responsive, multiple product detail page, google web fonts, multiple grid and list, multiple header and footer options, product swatch, product quick view, advanced mega menu, advanced ajax search, mobile-friendly, easy to customize, SEO Optimized with RTL and box is written in clean code and easy for developers who want to build their own projects or client project using various framework using powerful design quality and features.
Mitho Core Features
- 4+ Premade Layout
- 4+ Homepage Layout
- Attractive Product Layout
- Attractive Blog Layout
- Sticky Sidebar with Blog Layout
- Multiple Product Grid Options (3 and 4)
- Multiple Product List Options
- Multiple Product Details Slider Images
- Unique Sticky Header Variations
- Unique & Mupliple Footer Variations
- Mega Menu Integrated
- Different Minicart Integrated
- Mobile Optimized Design
- Newsletter Popup
- Quick View Popup
- Category Pages
- Custom Product Filters
- Magnific Popup Integration With Product Slider Image
- Amazing 5 stars support
- E-commerce Image Swatches
- Social Sharing Features
- Multiple Product Wishlist Pages Added
- Fully Responsive (Tested on Multiple Devices)
- Fully compatible with all major browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer 11+
- Build with Latest Bootstrap 4.1.3 version
- Modern & Clean Design
- Google web(Shopify) fonts
- Well Documented
- SEO Optimization
- Clean and Commented code
- Life Time Free Update
- Instagram Feed
- 404 Page
Included in the purchase package:
- Documentation
- Theme
- Quick Setup
- Content (Product CSV)
Google Fonts
Images Only Demo Purpose Only
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Mitho – Multipurpose new features shopify theme from the The Developer ( spacingtech_webify ) website. Thank you.
Download = Mitho – Multipurpose new features shopify theme-[Updated].zip