Latest version [Nulled] , powered by TemplateMela
QScanner : QR Code, Barcode Scanner is an ultimate Barcode Scanner, QR code scanner. You can scan & generate SMS, phone number, Email, Wifi and much more. also share generated a QR code. App Contains Admob ads and Onesignal Push Notification.
App Features
- Generate, Scan & Share to social media
- Scan QR Code and Barcode
- Beautiful UI / UX
- OneSignal Push Notification
- All Device Compatibility
- Easy to Customization
- Email Generate
- Contact Generate
- Phone Number Generate
- Url Generate
- SMS Generate
- Wifi Generate
- Text Generate
- Location Generate
- Event Generate
- Barcode Generate
- History Generate
- Privacy Policy
- Rate Us
- Share App
- Easy To Reskin Code
- Ready For Publish
- Support Android 12, API 31
- Admob (Banner, Interstitial, App Open)
- Much More..
Update History
- 23-October-2021
Initial Release
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy QScanner – Multipurpose QR Barcode Scanner & Generator | Admob | OneSignal Push Notification from the The Developer ( TemplateMela ) website. Thank you.
Download = QScanner – Multipurpose QR Barcode Scanner & Generator | Admob | OneSignal Push Notification-[Updated].zip