

Download The Ark | WordPress Theme made for Freelancers Nulled


Agencies, Barbers, Gym, Fitness, Restaurants, Cafe, Church, Photography and Photographers, Bistro, Construction, Parallax Effects, Movies, Videos, Woo Commerce stores, Fashion, Blogs, Portfolio, Actors, Dentist, Law, Lawyers, Medical Doctors, Clinics, Stores, Grocery Stores, Freelancer, Web Developer, App Developer, Mobile Apps, Scientists

Excellently works with these plugins

  • WooCommerce
  • WPML
  • MailChimp
  • WP Super Cache
  • Revolution Slider

Premium plugins bundled with The Ark for FREE

  • Revolution slider
  • Fresh Performance Cache
  • Fresh Custom Code
  • Fresh File Editor
  • Fresh Favicon
  • Fresh Menu Item Limit Fix

Bundled plugins FAQ

Key Features

There is just huge amount of features in The Ark. We have created this “never-before-seen” beast, which has been called the best WordPress theme in the world by many of it’s users and is currently rewriting the history. Listing of all the things that are possible to do in The Ark would create a small book, so down here is just a few important features. Remember, we are doing client websites for a living as well, so we are very aware of the usual problems that all the other themes are having. These strong words are backed up with our customer reviews. The Ark has achieved the best rated product of all time status on ThemeForest (out of 30.000+ other web related products on ThemeForest).

  • Tons of pre-defined designs and content
    • 307+ demo pages
    • 223+ big section blocks ready for 1-click insertion
    • 5 demos
    • Simply assemble your website from big parts, without hustle and light-fast
    • You can then customize every little detail with unprecedented amount of detailed options
  • Fresh Builder (unique)
    • Currently the #1 builder in the world
    • Years ahead of every competitor
    • Visual Composer killer
    • Still familiar, intuitive, effective and easy to use
  • Fresh Grid (unique)
    • Fast Parallax effects
    • Background Layers engine (never seen before)
    • Vertical Centering
    • Full Height sections
  • Layouting System (unique and must-have)
    • Customize every corner of your website
    • Everything backed up with Fresh Builder
    • No coding required (this time for real, even for uncommon or tiny/large changes)
    • Never seen before, other themes are not even close in terms of freedom The Ark offers
  • Headers
    • Re-size headers to your liking
    • Logo size is not limited (any logo size will play nicely with the rest of the header)
    • Header size is not limited and can be easily changed
    • Left, Right and Top side positions
    • All the other features you are used to
    • 15+ pre-designed headers for your comfort to use as a starting point
  • Blogs
    • 20+ Blog elements
    • They can be combined to limitless number of variations (unprecedented level of detail and customization options)
    • Grid, Slider, Masonry, Fullwidth, Simple, …
  • Portfolios
    • Unlimited variations of portfolio elements
    • Grid, Slider, Masonry, Fullwidth, Simple, …

Roadmap – see what is coming


2018 May 11th – Version 1.31.0

- Improved - CSS duplicate printing - add option into theme options to disable it

2018 April 23th – Version 1.30.3

- Improved - CSS printing for multiple buttons per page

2018 April 19th – Version 1.30.2

- Improved - Page loader on pages with Boxed Wrappers
- Improved - Background engine on display:inline elements
- Improved - Reduced amount of CSS printed
- Improved - Breadcrumbs on posts page

2018 April 12th – Version 1.30.1

- Improved - Background Engine fixes and improvements

2018 April 10th – Version 1.30.0

- New - Performance boost 10%
- New - Google Pagespeed 100 is achievable now
- Improved - Background and grid engine is rewritten form javascript ot PHP
- Improved - ACF and Saving menu conflict

2018 April 05th – Version 1.29.1

- Improved - WooCommerce builder
- Improved - CSS animations and preloader

2018 April 03th – Version 1.29.0

- New - Over 25% performance speed boost
- Improved - custom loops now can be printed with any elements (tables, ul-li etc)

2018 March 18th – Version 1.28.2

- Improvement - Backend performance

2018 March 14th – Version 1.28.1

- Improvement - Accordions
- Improvement - Fresh Grid

2018 March 12th – Version 1.28.0

- New - WooCommerce builder
- Improvement - Option to white-label Ark and hide Ark Academy and Hire us tabs
- Improvement - Image Element - set width and height is applied even when you do not use freshizer
- Improvement - WC variable product works

2018 February 07th – Version 1.27.2

- Improvement - srcset and sizes attributes for sites with disabled freshizer

2018 January 30th – Version 1.27.1

- Improvement - Admin Saving

2018 January 29th – Version 1.27.0

- New - 4 installable demo websites (Barbershop, Logistics, Event, Cosmos)
- New - 50% reduction in included CSS files for performance boost
- New - Over 50 new sections for the Section Library
- New - Integration with our new Ark Academy (

2017 December 05th – Version 1.26.0

- New - Layouts admin screen
- New - Rel nofollow option in links
- New - Ability to duplicate headers
- New - Option in Theme Options, which allows you to lower quality of images globally
- New - Added option in Header to include the Topbar Height in white space compensation calculation
- New - Templates can be printed with Shortcode easily now
- New - Added new element "Custom Divider
- Improved - Element WooCommerce Product crashes when WooCommerce plugin is not installed
- Improved - Description in contact form wrapper
- Improved - Email auto responder - now you can return false and do not send emails

2017 November 14th – Version 1.25.0

- New - Form auto responder
- New - Background Gradient
- New - Improvement tab in admin
- New - Option to disable freshizer in Theme Options
- New - ACE editor available on every textarea
- Improved - You can write PHP codes to influence Backgrounds
- Improved - You can write PHP codes to influence links

2017 October 24th – Version 1.24.0

- New - ACF Gallery Element
- New - Ability to disable builder shortcodes printing in the content (theme options)
- Improved - WooCommerce Cart Templates
- Improved - WooCommerce checkout page fix
- Improved - Updated section that links to non-existing image
- Improved - Featured images fix

2017 October 04th – Version 1.23.0

- Improved - Element Countdown has now option to have leading zeros
- Improved - WooCommerce checkout page
- Improved - Main Demo Installation
- New - Forms now have option to submit via post and get - you can create nice and useful forms for your apps
- New - Image element has automatically added srcset and size by bootstrap breakpoints
- New - Featured Image element has automatically added srcset and size by bootstrap breakpoints

2017 September 07th – Version 1.22.1

- Improved - Default Product Category Archive default template display settings
- Improved - TinyMCE z index bug
- Improved - the_content filter was sometimes applied twice
- Improved - Amp in menu works

2017 August 30th – Version 1.22.0

- New - Naming Sections in builder by ID attribute for better orientation in builder
- New - Drag and drop builder delay 50ms for better workflow
- New - Builder can be printed through do_shortcode tag
- Improved - Contact form has option to redirect to thank you page after submit
- Improved - TinyMCE is not converting URLs to relative anymore
- Improved - Better description to typography tab (line height)
- Improved - Better URL rewriting
- Improved - Amp in menu works

2017 August 11th – Version 1.21.0

- Improved - Post Content Default Printing Builder

2017 August 08th – Version 1.20.6

- Improved - Text editor z-index issue introduced by WordPress 4.8.1 fixed

2017 August 08th – Version 1.20.5

- New - Custom loops
- New - Full Advanced Custom Fields integration
- New - ACE code editor implemented in some places (more coming)
- New - Ability to copy/paste sub-elements
- Improved - Self-hosted video backgrounds will now play on mobile/tablet as well

2017 July 07th – Version 1.20.4

- New - FreshBuilder can be enabled on any CPT
- Improved - Headers (pills and others)
- Improved - Portfolio you can show all filters, even the empty one
- Improved - Menu double tap to click iOS iPad / iPhone

2017 July 04th – Version 1.20.3

- Improved - WooCommerce Header
- Improved - Loop sort by Author
- Improved - Better demo tab description
- Improved - Better Form Wrapper description
- Improved - Portfolio - deep linking enabled
- Improved - Portfolio - added support for custom taxonomy for filters

2017 June 28th – Version 1.20.1

- New - Apetit Demo added
- Improved - Fresh Builder workflow
- Improved - Global Styles
- Improved - Hire Us Tab

2017 June 27th – Version 1.20.0

- New - Added Global Styles (killer feature)
- New - Fresh Builder loads lightfast (killer feature)
- New - Hire Us tab
- New - Fresh Select (option type)
- New - Apetit
- Improved - Fresh Builder workflow
- Improved - freshizer svg support
- Improved - Multiple lines of CSS and JS printing

2017 May 31th – Version 1.19.0

- New - Reorganized Ark Dashboard
- Improved - Gallery element better description
- Improved - Yoast SEO content integration
- Improved - Password protected posts
- Improved - Menu font changes
- Improved - New revolution slider versions
- Improved - Gallery element JS rendering on backend
- Improved - Accordion2 element JS rendering on backend
- Improved - Migration Tab Improvement

2017 May 23th – Version 1.18.2

- Improved - z-index lightbox fix
- Improved - demo content URL changed

2017 May 17th – Version 1.18.1

- Improved - parallax background image position in Firefox
- Improved - links with lightbox has now options for sizes

2017 May 09th – Version 1.18.0

- New - Gallery Element feature added
- New - 34 sections added
- Improved - WooCommerce 3.0 product gallery zoom, lightbox and slider

2017 April 19th – Version 1.17.0

- New - Spa demo added
- New - 9 sections added
- New - Wrapper element has option to disable caching
- Improved - Fresh Builder revision handling
- Improved - Ajax influencing
- Improved - OWL Slider links

2017 April 12th – Version 1.16.0

- New - Dentist demo added
- New - Yoga demo added
- New - Cafe demo added
- Improved - Copy Paste
- Improved - Ajax influencing
- Improved - Custom Taxonomies coverage with sitemap
- Improved - Sitemap

2017 March 29th – Version 1.15.0

- New - Icon font better implementation
- New - Added option - menu items with submenu on mobile opens sumbeno and not go to another page
- New - Added option to always have opened topbar on mobile phone 
- Improved - Header hide on scroll animation

2017 March 20th – Version 1.14.1

- New - WooCommerce cart in left and right menu
- Improved - Font Awesome update
- Improved - paragraph formatting when saving through WP publish button
- Improved - youtube video background can play music

2017 March 15th – Version 1.14.0

- New - Developer Console appears on front-end (for admins)
- New - WP Debug can be enabled from Ark Dasbhoard
- Improved - Contact form javascript events
- Improved - Contact Form custom messages - created example
- Improved - Sitemap Scrolling
- Improved - Headers, Titlebars and Footers reset
- Improved - Parallax and video backgrounds cant be working on mobile phones description
- Improved - Posts page and blog page cant be same
- Improved - Performance Cache info message
- Improved - Image info tool
- Improved - Freshizer

2017 March 08th – Version 1.13.0

- New - Major Fresh Builder speed and usability improvement
- Improved - WooCommerce tab switching

2017 March 01th – Version 1.12.0

- New - Boxed Wrappers - this way you can transform Ark into boxed design
- New - Theme Options global layout tab - you can set one header, titlebar and footer globally
- Improved - WPML layout routing funcitonality
- Improved - Featured Image can have Alt and Title attributes fed from image data
- Improved - Post / page settings writepanel redesigned
- Improved - Duplicating layouts functionality
- Improved - Javascript menu items fix
- Improved - OnePage menu smoothscroll enabled by default
- Improved - Text-transform css option now supports value none
- Improved - Topbar
- Improved - Header sidemenu can now set background color
- Improved - Documentation contains chapter about how to create one page navigation

2017 February 21th – Version 1.11.0

- New - Element Shortcode Wrapper
- New - Smoothscroll offset can be set in Theme Options
- Improved - Migration Tab now have options to replace any strings inside your WP install
- Improved - Single Portfolio can have custom URL, open lightbox video etc
- Improved - Scroll to top button fixed menu connection
- Improved - Featured Video Area
- Improved - RSS Feed showing
- Improved - YOAST seo opengraph tags
- Improved - Global Styles can be deleted and renamed
- Improved - Membership plugins compatibility
- Improved - Custom Loop reset at the end

2017 February 15th – Version 1.10.1

- Improved - Major Contact Form improvement

2017 February 14th – Version 1.10.0

- New - Element Image before after
- Improved - Post Content
- Improved - Fresh Builder Loading
- Improved - HTML Element
- Improved - Accordion elements
- Improved - Animated heading
- Improved - WPML Search
- Improved - Custom Sidebar functionality
- Improved - Navigation Menu dropdown element folding
- Improved - Blog Timeline added pagination
- Improved - Smooth Scroll improvement

2017 February 07th – Version 1.9.1

- Improved - Smoothscroll and OnePage functionality
- Improved - Vertical Menu
- Improved - Post Content block

2017 February 02th – Version 1.9.0

- New - Migration Admin menu (migrate your website from staging to productions server easily)
- New - Smooth Scroll available at any link
- New - Added video tutorials everywhere
- New - Added Support and Docs admin menu
- Improved - Breadcrumbs on woo commerce single archive
- Improved - Removed system tabs from header
- Improved - Icon font loading
- Improved - GD library version compatibility check
- Improved - Fresh Framework ajax reports

2017 January 27th – Version 1.8.2

- New - System Status tab
- Improved - Fresh Builder Caching

2017 January 24th – Version 1.8.1

- Improved - Updating system

2017 January 23th – Version 1.8.0

- New - Hair Salon demo added
- Improved - Headers major improvement (added option to insert builder elements into header)
- Improved - Fresh Builder Caching
- Improved - Image aspect ratio
- Improved - Multiple select2 options loading
- Improved - Different port url rewriting
- Improved - Fresh grid container

2017 January 18th – Version 1.7.1

- Improved - Fresh Builder Caching and Performance

2017 January 17th – Version 1.7.0

- New - Update feature
- Improved - Fresh Builder Caching and Performance
- Improved - SEO redirecting

2017 January 10th – Version 1.6.1

- Improved - Headers
- Improved - Fresh Builder Caching

2017 January 09th – Version 1.6.0

- New - Header Tablet Logo option
- Improved - Woo Commerce loops
- Improved - PHP low version warning
- Improved - PHP memory requirements
- Improved - Map element has now option for insert custom JSON style
- Improved - Map element double markers duplicity problem
- Improved - Post Meta - custom HTML / PHP code insertion

2017 January 03th – Version 1.5.0

- New - Element If added
- Improved - Woo Commerce loops
- Improved - Header Fullscreen option to switch menu button
- Improved - Header Vertical option to set width 
- Improved - Rev Slider Element
- Improved - Custom CSS code selector input

2017 January 02th – Version 1.4.1

- Improved - Header and logo major improvement

2016 December 26th – Version 1.4.0

- New - 4 Section Blocks - Gym added
- New - 5 Section Blocks - Construction added
- New - 3 Section Blocks - Healthy Food added
- New - Revolution Slider new version
- Improved - Fresh Builder Elements JS loading
- Improved - Update functionality

2016 December 21th – Version 1.3.0

- New - Plugin Fresh Performance Cache added ($21)
- New - Plugin Fresh Custom Code added ($12)
- New - Plugin Fresh File Editor added ($12)
- New - Plugin Fresh Favicon added ($10)
- New - Plugin WordPress Menu Item Limit Fix added ($10)
- Improved - Loop pagination at front page
- Improved - Theme Options font picker
- Improved - WooCommerce CSS
- Improved - Recaptcha JS including

2016 December 20th – Version 1.2.0

- New - Healthy Food Shop demo
- Improved - Color picker for copyright text in vertical headers

2016 December 19th – Version 1.1.1

- Improved - Advanced Toggle Box usage improved
- Improved - Select2 Initialization
- Improved - Element Revolution Slider
- Improved - Buttons openning in same window

2016 December 15th – Version 1.1.0

- New - Element "Breadcrumb Title" created and added
- New - Element "SEO Microdata Breadcrumbs" created and added
- New - Element "Specification" created and added
- Improved - Header editor linking
- Improved - Element "Icon" Links
- Improved - Element "Carousel Slider" - major improvement

2016 December 12th – Version 1.0.3

- Improved - WooCommerce caching improved
- Improved - Background Engine YouTube Api Loading
- Improved - Fresh Builder Loading Time

2016 December 10th – Version 1.0.2

- New - Construction demo
- New - 5 Section Blocks
- New - Muted Admin Colors
- Improved - Map element - major improvement
- Improved - Faster Performance
- Improved - Carousel Slider Arrow Navigation

2016 December 07th – Version 1.0.1

- Improved - Faster Performance

2016 December 05th – Version 1.0.0

- Initial release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = The Ark | WordPress Theme made for Freelancers
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy The Ark | WordPress Theme made for Freelancers from the The Developer ( FRESHFACE ) website. Thank you.
Download = The Ark | WordPress Theme made for Freelancers-[Updated].zip

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