

Download BWL Pro Voting Manager Nulled


Powerful voting system to get user votes and feedback for WordPress regular and custom post types posts. Easy, lightweight and dynamic voting plugin.

Voting plugin comes with almost zero configuration requirements. That means you don’t need to worry about plugin setup. Plugin will automatically add a voting interface after each single post details. You can enable/disable voting interface for individual post or group of posts. You can also reset user votes and insert manual votes from option panel.

Plugin gives you the opportunity to get feedback about your post content and improve according to their suggestion. Admin will also get notification when submit a new feedback.

Plugin comes with powerful option panel to manage voting interface layouts, colors and show/hide bars feature. You can also restrict voting only for registered users, as well as set option to vote only by user groups. Here goes full feature list of plugin-

Key Features of Pro Voting Manager

Zero configuration requirement:

Plugin comes with almost zero configuration requirement feature. Just upload, install and activate the plugin and you’re ready to go.

Responsive Voting Box:

Plugin provide you a custom responsive voting box to collect user votes. Voting box automatically resize it’s voting button according to screen size. Also, user can easily submit their votes from their mobile screens very easily.

Like/Dislike Voting Option for Single Post:

Plugin automatically set voting box below your post detail content. You don’t need to add any custom shortcode in to post. You can also define the location (before post content/after post content) from admin panel. You can disable dislike button from option panel, if you want to collect only like votes.

Feedback panel for dislike votes:

Plugin offer an unique feature to collect feedback from users about post content. If any user submit dislike vote then plugin display a small box to collect user opinion/reason for dislike votes. You will get notification email once user submit their feedback. This way you can improve post content according to user demand.

Support Custom Post Types:

Plugin support any custom post type including WooCommerce to collect votes for its post content. You can enable/disable custom post type voting support from option panel. It’s super easy and user friendly.

Ajax Powered Voting System With Colorful & Animated Result Bar:

No more reloading for collect votes. Just a simple click and plugin collect user like/dislike vote. User can see live voting result in to colorful animated. You can customize voting result bar from plugin option panel.

Font-awesome voting icons with Custom Icon Upload System:

Plugin provide 6 custom font-awesome icons for like/dislike button. Also, plugin gives you the option to upload custom image icon for like/dislike vote buttons. So, you’ve full freedom to upload your own icons.

Custom Share Buttons:

Plugin allows users to share posts in to social sites after submit like vote. This way you can get more visitors/voters for your site. You can enable/disable share option from plugin option panel.

Voting Start & End Date Option:

Want to set voting limit for a post? Plugin gives you that powerful option to handle time limit for vote submission. You can set custom time limit for individual post.

Quick & Bulk Edit Option to Reset Vote Counter:

Using quick and bulk edit you can easily reset old vote counts. You can reset single post votes using quick edit and bulk edit allows you to reset multiple post vote counts.

Extensive Option Panel for Customization:

You can customize everything regarding voting plugin from option panel. It provide every customization options. Like- Enable/disable voting box for custom post types, Set custom themes for voting icons and boxes, customize voting box tooltip colors, enable/disable IP filtering, enable/disable user role based voting options, add custom CSS codes and enable/disable automatic update notification feature.

IP Filtering/Maximum Votes/user role based voting Option:

Plugin collect votes based on user IP address. So, by default user can submit only one vote from one IP address. But you can set custom limit for number of votes from same IP address. Also, set time limit for maximum repeat votes. You can also define the user roles, who only allowed for submit votes. It’s a unique and powerful feature of voting plugin. Plugin support custom roles generated by Membership plugins.

Custom CSS Code Insertion Panel:

If you need to add custom CSS code, you don’t need to add code directly to Plugin core stylesheet file. Plugin provide custom CSS editor in option panel, where you can easily add your custom CSS codes and it will store in Database. So, for future updates you will never lose your custom codes. It’s safe and the best way to add custom CSS code in to a plugin.

Visual Shortcode Editor:

Plugin comes with TinyMCE integrated visual shortcode editor. Using shortcode editor, you can easily integrate voting panel anywhere of your website. Available shortcodes listed in below-

  • Display Voting Box: [bwl_pvm/]
  • Display Voting Box with animated progress bar: [bwl_pvm animation=1/]
  • Display Voting Results(Display Both Like/Dislike Counter): [bpvm_results/]
  • Hide Like Voting Results: [bpvm_results show_like=0/]
  • Hide Dislike Voting Results: [bpvm_results show_dislike=0/]
  • Display 5 top liked post of last 1 day :
  • Display 5 top liked post of last 7 days :
  • Display 5 top liked post of last 30 days :

  • Display 5 top liked post of custom date interval :
  • Display 5 top disliked post of last 1 day :

  • Display 5 top disliked post of last 7 days :

  • Display 5 top disliked post of last 30 days :
    [bpvm_filter order_type=’disliked’ limit=5 date_filter=1 interval=’1 month’ /]
  • Display 5 top disliked post of custom date interval :
  • Custom Posts Lists for submit vote :

Built-in Widget to Display Top liked/disliked posts:

Plugin comes with built-in widget feature that allows you to display Top Up Voted and Top Down Voted posts in sidebar. Go to Appearance Widgets. You will find a widget box titled by BWL Voting Manager Widget. Drag and drop it in your right side widget container. Remember, for using this feature your theme must support widget option.

RTL Support:

Plugin provide awesome support for Arabic language. You just need to turn on RTL support option from admin panel, plugin automatically adjust its content to right side.

Ready For Localization:

Plugin provide awesome support for Arabic language. You just need to turn on RTL support option from admin panel, plugin automatically take care rest of the things.

Tested Up to Latest WordPress Version

We always keep our plugin up to date. So, we can make sure plugin always work with latest WordPress version and If you got any issue just let us know, we will deal with that.

Automatic Update Notification:

When we released new version plugin will display an update notification message in your site admin area. We also provide details change log information with update notification.

6 months Premium Support:

Plugin comes with 6 month premium support directly from developer and life time free update feature. I?m always here to provide quality support for the buyers.

Recommendation for you

2017, March, 28 - v 1.1.5
- Added option to display voting counter in percentage format.
- Improved plugin performance.
- Checked compatibility with WordPress latest version.
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
2016, October, 12 - v 1.1.4
- Added option to automatic show voting interface in blog/category/tags/archive page.
- Improved voting report table.
- Improved Language File.
- Improved Documentation.
2016, April, 27 - v 1.1.3
- Fixed date interval voting filter issue.
- Improved voting report section.
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
2016, April, 14 - v 1.1.2
- Added the option to download voting data in CSV format.
- Added option to set voting box location(After/Before the post)
- Fixed share button display issue.
- Fixed user role based voting issue.
- Fixed post filter display limit issue.
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
2016, January, 23 - v 1.1.1
- Added Extensive Voting Report Panel.
- Added Manual Voting Feature.
- Improved Option Panel.
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
2015, October, 12 - v 1.1.0
 - Added WooCommerce product filter by top liked/top dislike. 
- Improved voting interval for posts. 
- Improved custom filters for display top liked/top disliked post in a date range. 
- Fixed share button display issue.
- Improved Language File 
- Improved Documentation Thanks.
2015, May, 10 - v 1.0.9
- Improved Shortcode Editor.
- Added RTL Feature.
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
 2015, April 13 - v 1.0.8 
 - Added shortcode to display like/dislike results in anywhere.. 
- Fixed update notification issue. 
- Improved Language File 
- Improved Documentation 
 2015, February 23 - v 1.0.7 
- Added share buttons on submit votes.
- Added date range feature for voting.
- Added show/hide votes counter options in widget area.
- Added Maximum no of vote submission from same IP feature.
- Added user role based voting feature.
- Improved JS and CSS scripts.
- Improved Plugin option panel.
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
2014, November, 06 - v 1.0.6
- Added TinyMCE integrated shortcode editor.
- Added Option to Disable Voting Bar.
- Update Top up/down voted posts filter interface.
- Update Language File
- Update Documentation
2014, September, 22 - v 1.0.5
- Added 10 new CSS3 Animated progress bar for vote counter.
- Added new shortcode to display animated progress bar.
- Display multiple voting interface in a single page using shortcode.
- Improved Top up/down voted posts filter interface.
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
2014, June, 29 - v 1.0.4
- Add shortcode to display top up/down voted post in a single page.
- Add Gallery Post Type Voting Support.
- Support WooCommerce Product Voting.
- Disable Feedback From Option.
- Add update notification feature.
- Improved bulk edit code.
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
 2014, May, 11 - v 1.0.3
- Improved Shortcode Feature
- Introduced Tooltip on voting buttons.
- Added Tooltip customize Feature In Admin Panel
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation 
2014, May, 12 - v 1.0.2 

- Added Shortcode Feature
- Support Custom Post Type.
- Reset Like/Dislike Voting.
- Integrated Bulk edit of voting option.
- Added Advanced Option In Option Panel
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
 2014, May, 07 - v 1.0.1 

- Added custom image upload option for voting icons
- 7 Predefined Voting Icons.
- Disabled Down Voting option
- Integrated Bulk edit of voting option.
- Integrated Voting Closed Option.
- Improved Language File
- Improved Documentation
2014, April, 30 - v 1.0.0 - Initial release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = BWL Pro Voting Manager
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy BWL Pro Voting Manager from the The Developer ( xenioushk ) website. Thank you.
Download = BWL Pro Voting Manager-[Updated].zip

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