

Download Porto | Ultimate Responsive Magento Theme Nulled


Version: 3.0.4 | Porto is already Fully Compatible with Magento 1.9.3.x and 2.2.x

  • Magento Community Edition 2.0.10, 2.1.x, 2.2.x Ready!
  • Magento Community Edition 1.7.x – 1.9.3.x Ready!
  • Magento Enterprise Edition 2.x Ready!
  • Magento Enterprise Edition 1.13~1.14.x Ready!
  • Responsive Magento Theme & Retina Ready
  • Unlimited Color Options
  • Only free Google Fonts over 300
  • Easy Install Sample Data
  • Fluid Product Grid 2 – 8 Columns
  • Unlimited Header Types
  • Lots of Product Detail Page Variations
  • Dark Version available!
  • Responsive On/Off Mode
  • Super Fast Magento Theme
  • 1st Fully Working Ajax Theme
  • Various Category Banners
  • Parallax Category Banner
  • Banner Slider in Category Page
  • Product Page with/without Sidebar
  • Lots of Userful Custom Blocks
  • 20 Homepage Layouts including Full Screen mode
  • Magento Ajax Navigation Extension Integrated
  • Magento Ajax Cart Extension Integrated
  • Touch Friendly for all Mobile Devices
  • 300+ Admin Features
  • Browser Compatibility(IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera)
  • Social Bookmarks for Products
  • “New” and “Sale” Product Labels
  • Customizable Product Image Ratio
  • Nice Price Slider
  • SEO Friendly
  • Mega Menu, Vertical Mega Menu
  • Flexsible Menu functionality
  • Change Image on Hover
  • Support Right-To-Left Language
  • Fast Support & Regular Updates
  • Compatible with CM Multivendor Extension.
  • Compatible with Webkul Marketplace Extension.
  • Compatible with IWD_Onepagecheckout Extension.
  • Compatible with Zeon_Manufacturer Extension.
  • Compatible with Mageplaza Extensions(One Step Checkout, Social Login, Blog, Affiliate, and much more )

Version 1.4.0 (3/23/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Broken product tabs, when set to does not show description tab.
    - Wrong quickview url, when add the store code into the url.
    - Catalog Search Form Action Url with SSL.
    - Multishipping Page Styles.
    - Refreshed the page, when input blank into the review form.
    - Minor CSS style issues.
  • Updated
    - Added Home Version 15.
    - Added Home Version 16.
    - Added Header Type 12.
    - Added Google Rich Snippets.
    - Added Thumbnail Image and Product name for Prev/Next Products.
    - Added the config for show/hide flag image in language selector.

Version 1.4.1 (4/9/2015)

  • Fixed
    - When set "Show Custom Tabs" option to YES the custom tabs were not shown.
    - Broken product tabs, when set to does not show description tab.
    - Mobile nav and Side nav conflicts.
    - Broken header type 10 on mobile browsers.
    - CAPTCHA forms were not showing, when it's enabled.
    - Minor megamenu style issues.
  • Updated
    - Added product image right side zoom type on the Product View Page.
    - Added an option for moving product tabs above of the product price on the Product View Page.
    - Added product add to cart sticky on the Product View Page.
    - Added an option for changing category page layout.
    - Added thumbnail image title on the Product View Page.
    - Added options for changing product label texts - Sale & New.

Version 1.4.2 (5/5/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Fatal error is showing in category page, when the site is run in document root or subdirectory.
    - Product custom tab issue.
    - PHP issue in Product media template.
    - Bootstrap Components issue.
    - Improved menu position style.
    - Fixed minor style issues.
  • Updated
    - Added Daily Deals Extension.
    - Fully compatible with Magento 1.7.

Version 1.4.3 (5/12/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Price Slider was not working, after select slider range of no products.
    - Minor Daily Deal Styles.
    - Aspect Ratio option was not working on filterproducts blocks.
    - "scrollToMe" function was not working, when no elements.
  • Updated
    - Added an option for showing category description at the default position.
    - Added menu icon title on mobile resolution.
    - Updated showing 2 columns products on mobile resolution.
    - Upgraded magento version to in the quickstart package.

Version 1.5.0 (6/6/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Auto Expire for Daily Deal Products.
    - Invalid Blog Link in the Top Links.
    - Daily Deal Products page Layout.
    - Removed Category Navigation on the Category Page for "Is Anchor" is "No".
    - Invalid Continue Shopping url, when clear cart on the shopping cart page.
    - Right Side Zoom was not working on Magento 1.9.1
    - Minor CSS Style issues.
  • Updated
    - Updated Home version 3.
    - Updated Classic Menu Styles.
    - Updated Mobile Menu Styles.
    - Optimized Category page.
    - Added Notice custom block above the header.
    - Added an Option for enable Sticky Header on Mobile.
    - Added Product Sale Label with Discount Percentage.
    - Added more CMS Block Tab for product custom tabs.
    - Added one more custom style field in the theme settings panel.
    - Added translate.csv file in theme's locale directory for translating.

Version 1.5.1 (6/21/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Daily Deal timer started immediately whenever.
    - Blog pages were redirected to the blog index page on every blog pages and post pages.
    - Bestseller block was not working with configurable products.
    - Optimized Megamenu extension.
    - Product custom tabs were showing, when open the products from homepage, if set it to hidden in the categories.
    - Quickview url was not working, sometimes.
    - Couldn't change the product price on add to cart sticky, when select the product options.
    - Add to links icons were broken on wishlist update page.
    - Minor CSS Style issues.
  • Updated
    - Updated Home version 2.
    - Added Dark version.
    - Added an option for newsletter popup with delay.
    - Added an option for showing newsletter popup on every pages.
    - Added an option for hide small thumbnail image, when the product has one image.
    - Added compare product list popup.
    - Added an option for disable responsive mode.
    - Compatible with CM Multivendor extension.

Version (6/24/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Catalog Search with multiwebsite issue.
    - Home version 2(new) Content was not showing.
    - Facebook widget was not working.
    - A href link was not working in the product tabs.
    - IWD onepagecheckout extension's style issue.
    - Minor CSS Style issues.
  • Updated
    - Added an option for change the product page layout.
    - Added an option for show/hide store switcher.

Version (6/26/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Catalog Search Result Page shows blank page.

Version 1.5.2 (8/2/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Couldn't open the product detail page, when the parent categories were not assigned.
    - Qty changer was not working on quickview for grouped products.
    - IWD onepagecheckout extension's Login popup was not working with version 4.0.9.
    - Php error from bestseller block.
    - No Products was showing, while change the price filter slider.
    - Php fatal error, when remove/disable dailydeal extension.
    - Multiple Product Images were showing, when select the swatches then resize the window.
    - Minor CSS Style issues.
  • Updated
    - Added Header Type 13 - logo center mode.
    - Documentat instruction.
    - Removed Smartwave_SharingTool Extension.
    - Added AddThis_SharingTool Extension.
    - Added an option "Float" in Menu Tab on Manage Categories Page.
    - Added an option for adding logo image into the sticky header.
    - It's possible to set the product image's natural width, when "Keep Image Aspect Ratio" to "Yes".
    - Added patch files in the theme package for Magento 1.9.2.

Version 1.6.0 (8/22/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Removed /app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Type/Configurable.php
    - Megamenu items with float was not working wich has no subcategories.
    - Product prices were showing incorrectly in the filterproducts blocks.
    - Rating stars were showing incorrectly in the filterproducts blocks.
    - Changed Contacts form's title.
    - Minor CSS Style issues.
  • Updated
    - Added Demo Version 17.
    - Updated Header Type 13.
    - Added Ajax Infinite Scroll for Category Page.
    - Added an option for showing empty categories in the Megamenu settings.
    - Added an option for show/hide rating stars in the category page.
    - Added an option for show/hide price in the category page.
    - Added an option for show/hide add to buttons in the category page.
    - Added an option for show/hide qty field for simple products in the category page.
    - Added FlexGrid mode for category page and filterproducts blocks.
    - Added an option for change the product image size in the product detail page.
    - Added an option for vertical product thumbnail image gallery in the product detail page.
    - Added an option for change the product tabs type(vertical tabs, accordion) in the product detail page.
    - Added main categories navigation into the left side in the product detail page.
    - Updated Megamenu for showing category icons.
    - Updated Blog Extension for Security.
    - Updated jQuery, jQuery UI, Bootstrap, Fancybox versions with the latest versions.

Version 1.6.1 (9/5/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Addtocart button was not working, when disable the ajaxcart on the category view pages.
    - The page was broken, when remove the products from the compare popup.
    - My downloadable products page was broken.
    - PHP error in the daily deal sidebar block.
    - Sticky header was moved, when fancybox was opened.
    - Duplicated logo image in the sticky header, when enable the full page ajax.
    - Product image zoom was not working, when select the configurable swatches.
    - Sticky breadcrumb was broken with header type 12, when scrolling page.
    - Megamenu links with SSL.
    - Minor CSS Style issues.
  • Updated
    - Added Demo Version 18.
    - Added Header Type 14.
    - Added brand logo in the right side of the product page, it will need to install the Zeon Shop by Manufacturer extension.
    - Added custom block above of the contacts form.
    - It's able to show only the categories in the side menu.
    - Updated ajax loader for ajax cart and quickview.

Version 1.6.2 (10/2/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Couldn't remove the scheduled deals.
    - Masonry grid worked incorrectly on home version 18.
    - Catalog Search Result page with full width layout.
    - PHP fatal error in the right side of the product detail page without zeon manufacturer extension.
    - Configurable Swatche selection image overrided with vertical image gallery in the product detail page on mozilla.
    - Track Shipment page styles.
    - Minor CSS Style issues.
  • Updated
    - Demo 4 - Removed parallax background newsletter
    - Demo 4 - Improved some image blocks
    - Added an option for hide menu item in the manage categories page for megamenu.
    - Updated google richsnippet with rating star.

Version (11/1/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Add Deal page on the admin panel.

Version 1.6.3 (11/27/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Blog admin page css file missing issue.
    - Theme Design Settings were not affected for Header type 12.
    - PHP errors from some template files.
    - Social Icons on product review page.
    - Swapped product image's size was different, when select swatches.
    - Footer newsletter input box style issue.
    - My wishslist table style issue on safari.
    - View order page table style issue on mobile devices.
  • Updated
    - Fully Compatible with SUPEE-6788 security patch and Magento
    - Thumbnail Images for grouped product items.
    - Rating stars for Richsnippets.

Version 2.0 (12/23/2015)

  • Fixed
    - 404 error in Add a Deal page on the admin.
    - Price slider was not working on search result page.
  • Updated
    - Magento 2.0 Ready! (Starts with only 4 demos Magento 1.x version.)

Version (12/25/2015)

  • Fixed
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Removed Smartwave_Blog Extension(M1).

Version (1/13/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Import CMS sample datas issue(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Optimized products list for filterproducts block and category view page(M1).
    - Removed popular tags block from left sidebar(M1).
    - Added toolbar in dailydeal page(M1).

Version 2.1.0 (2/6/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Ajax Filter was not working with configurable swatches(M1).
    - Mini-cart Qty was not showing on mozilla(M2).
    - Minor CSS Styles(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Added Megamenu Extension(M2).
    - Added "All Categories" block for cms pages(M2).
    - Added Header Type 5(M2).
    - Home Version 8, 18, 10 from 1.x version are available as Home 5, 6, 7(M2).
    - Updated all javascript in the CMS Contents(M2).
    - Added an option for disable all border radius(M2).
    - Added grid template for filterproducts(M2).
    - Added example porto_child theme(M2).

Version 2.2.0 (4/23/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Quickview Extension's SQL Injection Vulnerability issue(M1).
    - Compile command was not running(M2).
    - Minor PHP errors(M2).
    - Minor CSS Styles(M2).
  • Updated
    - Added Left side megamenu feature(M2).
    - Added Header Type 6(M2).
    - Added Header Type 7(M2).
    - Added Home Version 8, same as Home version 14 for Magento 1.x(M2).
    - Added Home Version 9, same as Home version 6 for Magento 1.x(M2).
    - Added Home Version 10, same as Home version 7 for Magento 1.x(M2).
    - Added Home Version 11, same as Home version 17 for Magento 1.x(M2).
    - Added 1280px maximum page width mode(M2).
    - Added an option for disable all border radius(M2).
    - Added flex grid mode(M2).
    - Added small list template for filterproducts(M2).

Version 2.2.1 (5/23/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Facebook fanbox limit option was not working(M1).
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1).
    - Megamenu was not working, when font icon was added for submenu items(M2).
    - Sometimes, minicart qty was not showing(M2).
    - Mobile menu couldn't be closed on Homepage type 9(M2).
    - Removed porto_child theme files from the theme package(M2).
    - Minor CSS Styles(M2).
  • Updated
    - Added an option for showing 1 column products on phone devices(M1).
    - Compatible with AW_Blog extension(M1).
    - Added Custom Product Tabs feature(M2).
    - Added Sticky Header Feature(M2).
    - Added an Option for showing one column of products grid on Phone Devices(M2).
    - Added AddtoCart Sticky feature on Product Detail Page(M2).
    - Added 3 types of product tab styles, Accordion, Horizontal, Vertical(M2).
    - Added an Option for moving product tab at the right of the product image(M2).
    - Added Prev/Next Products feature(M2).
    - Added Newsletter Popup feature(M2).
    - Added Header and Footer in checkout page(M2).
    - Added RTL child theme version(M2).
    - Compatible with Magefan_Blog extension(M2).

Version 2.3.0 (6/14/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Category Page performance, when patch with "Porto Theme (patch for Configurable Swatches).zip"(M1).
    - Sometimes megamenu was not working, when enable full page cache(M2).
    - CMS content was broken in Home version 8(M2).
    - Move Product Tab setting was not working, if it's accordion(M2).
    - Minor CSS Styles(M2).
  • Updated
    - Added Bestseller products Block(M2).
    - Added Sale products Block(M2).
    - Added Home Version 12, same as 12 from 1.x version(M2).
    - Added Home Version 13, same as 15 from 1.x version(M2).
    - Added Home Version 14, same as 2 from 1.x version(M2).
    - Added Home Version 15, same as 3 from 1.x version(M2).
    - Added Home Version 16, same as 16 from 1.x version(M2).
    - Added Home Version 17, same as 9 from 1.x version(M2).
    - Added Home Version 18, same as 11 from 1.x version(M2).
    - Added Header Type 8(M2).
    - Added Header Type 9(M2).
    - Added Header Type 10(M2).
    - Added Header Type 11(M2).
    - Updated some of the sample cms contents(M2).
    - "New" and "Sale" Product Label(M2).
    - Added an option for showing short name of currencies(M2).
    - Added custom notice block(M2).
    - Compatible with IWD_Onepagecheckout extension(M2).

Version 2.3.1 (6/28/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Move Product tab was not working, if it's accordion(M1).
    - Minor Sample CMS Contents(M2).
    - Minor CSS Styles(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Added Ajax Megamenu Popup feature. You can configure for this in System > Configuration > SW Extensions > Megamenu > Popup Settings(M1).
    - Added an Option for "Hide Menu Popup Delay Time(miliseconds)". You can configure for this in System > Configuration > SW Extensions > Megamenu > Popup Settings(M1).
    - Added Socialfeeds extension for Facebook Fanbox, Flickr Photos Blocks(M2).
    - Added an Option for show/hide flag images in language switcher. You can add your own flag images into /pub/media/wysiwyg/smartwave/porto/flags/ directory(M2).
    - Compatible with Magento 2.1.0(M2).

Version (6/29/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Socialfeeds extension's etc/adminhtml/system.xml file had a spell issue(M2).
    - "SW Menu" tab was not showing on Magento 2.1.0(M2).

Version (7/5/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Added "API Key" option for google map on contact us page(M1, M2).
    - Added "width", "height" attribute into image elements for page speed(M1).
    - Optimized sample images for page speed(M1).
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1).
  • Updated
    - Added "aspect_ratio"(0 or 1), "image_width", "image_height" attributes(Filterproducts)(M1).
    - Added "lazy_owl"(0 or 1) attribute for lazy load product images in owl carousel mode(Filterproducts)(M1).
    - Added "lazy_owl"(0 or 1) attribute for lazy load product images in owl carousel mode(Zeon Manufacturer) (M1).
    - Added "lazy_owl"(0 or 1) attribute for lazy load product images in owl carousel mode(Filterproducts) (M2).

Version 2.3.2 (7/27/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Added Header Type 15(M1).
    - Added Header Type 12(M2).
    - Added an Option "Show Category List on Left" in System > Configuration > Porto > Porto - Settings Panel > General(M1).
    - Added an Option "Show Category List on Left" in Stores > Configuration > Porto > Porto - Settings Panel > General(M2).
    - Added New Demo Version 19(M1, M2).

Version 2.3.3 (8/29/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Header Type 15 responsive style issue(M1).
    - Demo 7 Checkout Page Styles(M2).
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Updated Demo 19 Styles(M1, M2).
    - You can import sample cms pages and static blocks for only one demo version(M1, M2).
    - Added a new product tab style "Sticky Tab" in System > Configuration > Porto > Porto - Settings Panel > Product View(M1).
    - Added a new product tab style "Sticky Tab" in Stores > Settings > Configuration > Porto > Porto - Settings Panel > Product View(M2).
    - Fully Compatible with Magento EE(M1, M2).
    - Added QuickStart Package(M2).

Version 2.3.4 (9/5/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Custom Product Tab was not working, when create a new root category for other stores(M1).
    - New Tab Style "Sticky Tab" was not showing in System > Configuration > Porto > Porto - Settings Panel > Product View(M1).
    - Import Sample CMS contents Module was not working(M1).
    - Some of the colors were not updating for Category Event Block on Magento EE(M2).
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M2).
  • Updated
    - Implemented Mageplaza LayeredNavigation Extension(M2).
    - Compatible with WeltPixel Quickview Extension(M2).

Version (9/15/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Category Filter was not working on Category Page(M2).
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M2).
  • Updated
    - Added color change options for Price Slider in LayeredNavigation(M2).
    - Updated Some CSS Styles for Color Swatches and Size Swatches, Price Slider(M2).

Version (9/20/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Mageplaza LayeredNavigation Extension issue on Magento 2.0.x(M2).

Version (9/21/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Mageplaza LayeredNavigation Extension issue on Magento 2.0.x(M2).
    - LayeredNavigation Filtered Items were showing duplicated items(M2).

Version 2.4.0 (10/26/2016)

  • Fixed
    - CSS Style issue for hover product images in product grid, when disable border radius(M2).
    - Filter toggle was not showing, when change grid/list mode on category page(M2).
    - Fatal error with New Order Email(M2).
    - Toolbar Style issue on category page for RTL version(M2).
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Compatible with Magento 2.0.10(M2).
    - Compatible with Magento 2.1.2(M2).
    - Compatible with Magento 1.9.3(M1).
    - Updated Mageplaza LayeredNavigation Extension(M2).
    - Added New Demo Version 20(M1, M2).
    - Added New Header Type 13(M2).
    - Added New Header Type 16(M1).
    - Added Login popup(M2).
    - Changed Ajax Loader Icons(M1, M2).

Version (10/26/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Import CMS Page was not working(M1).

Version 2.4.1 (11/7/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1, M2).
    - Added Empty Stars into Product Detail Page, if it has no reviews(M1, M2).
    - Category list on sidebar was showing in the quickview for demo 19(M2).
  • Updated
    - Added Notification Message Feature(M1, M2).
    - Added Theme Activation Feature(M1, M2).
    - Updated Home 20 with parallax(M1, M2).
    - Changed some of the Ajax Loader Icons(M1, M2).
    - Added "AddThis" social sharing icons in Product Detail Page(M2).

Version 2.4.2 (11/10/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Import CMS was not working on Magento and below versions(M1).
    - Ajax Loader was not working correctly(M2).
    - Fixed Compilation issue(M2).
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Lazyload for Full Screen OWL Slider(M1).
    - Updated Theme Activation(M1, M2).
    - Added options "Keep Image Aspect Ratio", "Image Width", "Image Height" for Product Media Gallery in Stores > Configuration > Porto > Porto - Settings Panel > Product View(M2).

Version (11/11/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Changed one js file of Mageplaza_Core extension on this version for the issue that theme colors in design panel are all FFFFFF. It's located in /app/code/Mageplaza/Core/view/adminhtml/web/js/jscolor.min.js(M2).
    - Revert 3 encoded php files(M2).

Version (11/17/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Revert one encrypted file which is /app/code/local/Smartwave/Porto/Helper/Data.php(M1).

Version 2.4.3 (11/26/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Changed Header Top Links Color for Demo 18 in Design Panel(M1).
    - Cannot change the Megamenu Dropdown font color(M1).
    - Cannot change the Classic Menu Dropdown hover color correctly(M1).
    - Configurable Swatch was not working correctly on Magento 1.9.3(M1).
    - Removed SmartLayers from Quickview Popup(M1).
    - Checkout Page Style issues(M1).
    - Mobile menu was not working correctly on some of the demos(M2).
    - PHP issue in gallery.phtml file(M2).
    - Top Links Dropdown was not working in Demo 11(M2).
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Updated Sample Demo 1(M1).
    - Added new Header Type 17(M1).
    - Added new About Us Page(M1).
    - Added an option for change the breadcrumb's position in Settings Panel(M1).
    - Added new Custom Block into the Product Detail Page(M1).
    - Added an option for change the Upsell Products Grid Columns in Settings Panel(M1).
    - Added an option for change the Upsell Block's position in Settings Panel(M1).
    - Updated Sample Demo 3(M2).
    - Added new Header Type 14(M2).
    - Added an option "Show Share Buttons at the Right Side" in Settings Panel(M2).
    - Added an option for Enable/Disable Login Popup in Settings Panel(M2).
    - Added options for change the page layout of Product Detail Page and Category Page in Settings Panel(M2).
    - Added new Custom Block into the Product Detail Page(M2).
    - Added an option for change the Upsell Products Grid Columns in Settings Panel(M2).
    - Added an option for change the Upsell Block's position in Settings Panel(M2).
    - Updated Mageplaza_LayeredNavigation Extension with the latest version(M2).

Version 2.4.4 (12/3/2016)

  • Fixed
    - Revert Mageplaza Layered Navigation Extension with the old version(M2).
    - Minor CSS Style issues(M1, M2).
  • Updated
    - Updated Some CSS Styles Demo 1(M1).
    - Updated Some CSS Styles Demo 3(M2).

Version 2.4.5 (1/20/2017)

  • Fixed
    - Minor css style issues (  M1 and M2)
    - Some issues in RTL theme (M2)
    - Product video didnot show in product detail page (M2)
    - New/Sale label didnot show
  • Updated
    - Skin and Design update for Demo 2
    - Skin and Design update for Demo 3
    - Skin and Design update for Demo 4
    - Skin and Design update for Demo 5
    - Skin and Design update for Demo 6
    - Skin and Design update for Demo 8
    - Skin and Design update for Demo 9
  • Version 2.4.6 (2/20/2017)

    • Fixed
      - new/sale label not showing (M2)
      - Mobile menu issue on Iphone 6/6plus (M2)
    • Updated
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 1 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 2 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 5 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 9 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 17 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 10 (M1)
      - Add new header type (M1 & M2)
      - Add fullwidth background for upsell products (M2)
      - Add filter products block to work on detail page (M2)

    Version 2.4.7 (3/20/2017)

    • Fixed
      - Some minor css issues (M2) 
      - The css style issue in Demo 14's Slider on mobile (M2)
    • Updated
      - Added "Infinite Scroller" option to Category View Setting (M2)
      - Added "Show Qty Field" option to Category View Setting (M2)
      - Added Google Right Snippets to Category View (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 7 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 15 (M2)

    Version 2.5.0 (4/30/2017)

    • Fixed
      - Fix bug one page category link. (M1)
      - Fix bug view lightbox gallery image product view. (M1)
      - Fix bug quickview on ipad. (M1)
      - Fix bug parallax on mobile and tablet. (M1)
      - Fix bug toolbar aw blog on porto (M1)
      - Align the menu icon on mobile: this change is applied to some of Porto demo, it focus providing a user-friendly mobile menu for users
      - Fix bug header demo (M1)
      - Fix style bugs in wishlist layout page  (M1)
      - Fix the 500 error when enabling the flat catalog  categories and flat products option (M2)
      - Fix the issue when you enter a search term in the standard search box and then select a autocomplete suggestion (M2)
      - Fix the issue with infinity scroller (M2)
      - Fix the style issue for cart icon on Safari (M2)
      - Fix RTL bugs (M2)
    • Updated
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 7 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 11 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 13 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 4 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 10 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 18 (M2)
      - Provide the ability to import the old skin of Porto demos
      - Compatible with Magento 2.1.6 & Update theme patch for Magento 2.1.6. 
      * Magento 2.1.6 has released with importance change "optimized image resize". The users need to make the image resize with a command,
       no way to use the Aspect Ratio Image option in panel. In case of using Magento 2.1.6, please apply the patch above

    Version 2.6.0 (6/14/2017)

    • Fixed
      - Fix the RTL style issue on header type 21 (M1)
      - Fix appearance of custom block in sidebar of product page (M2)
      - Fix the style issue on header type 15 (M2)
      - Fix the issue when cannot see see searchbox's "Search entire store here" text in search bar (M2)
      - Fix the issue when buttons in product page dont respond to different screens (M2)
      - Fix the issue with header of product page when it was not responsive on mobile (M2)
      - Fix some responsive issues (M2)
    • Updated
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 14 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 15 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 16 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 17 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 18 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 6 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 8 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 11 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 13 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 16 (M2)
      - Add social instagram photo (M1 & M2)
      - Add patch magento 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 Only 
      - Compatible magento 2.1.7
      - Update Mageplaza Layer Navigation extension

    Version 2.6.1 (8/07/2017)

    • Fixed
      - Fixed the isue with mageplaza extension (M2)
      - Fixed the isue when switching between language stores
      - Fixed minicart icon's position is incorrect Demo 18 (M1)
    • Updated
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 12 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 19 (M1)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 20 (M1) 
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 12 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 19 (M2)
      - Skin and Design update for Demo 20 (M2) 
      - Update Mobile Menu Skin (M1)

    Version 2.6.2 (9/26/2017)

    • Fixed
      - The white space issue in the bottom of newsletter popup (M1)
      - The issue with breadcrumb's position in detail pages (M1)
      - The "Add to cart" button style issue. Make icon and text vertically aligned (M1)
      - The style issue with sidebar content in detail page when viewing on 1366x768 mode
      - When some of top header links font color is white.
      - Style issue with Featured products in the sidebar of category page in Demo 8 (M1)
      - Issue "the content not same as demo site" and style issues when importing some of Magento 1.x demo themes with quickstart package & template installer (M1 & M2)
      - "Add to Cart" button in Quickview popup. Reduced space between icon and text, and made them vertically centered (M1 & M2)
      - Style issues in Search Result Page (M2)
      - Style issue in  bundle product page (M2)
      - Issue with "Close button" in Quickview popup, made it's appearance look better (M2)
      - Issue when importing demo content 12-14-17 (modern style) (M2)
    • Updated
      - Rearrang the Demo Import section in Porto- Setting Panel > Demo Import (M1 & M2)
      - Upgrade Mage_fan Blog extension to new version for quickstart package (M2)
      - Compatible magento 2.1.8 & 2.1.9
      - Updated documentation: screenshots and some instructions are updated
      - Make quickstart pacakge for Magento 2.1.9 (M2)
      - Make quickstart pacakge for Magento (M1)

    Version 2.7.0 (10/31/2017)

    • Fixed
      - The style issue on breadcrumb of old & new skind demo 14 (M1)
      - The issue with datatime possition on mobile on Demo 8 (M1)
      - Adjust the space of footer blocks on some demo (M1)
      - Some minor css issues in Magento 1.x & 2.x  demos (M1 & M2)
      - Close button was not shown in Quickview Popup in small screen resolution (M1)
      - Color swatches issue on theme when upgrading magento to 2.2 (M2)
      - when logged in and click the account menu on mobile phone, it shows duplicated menu items (M2)
      - Shop by cateogries in layered navigation sidebar (M2) only show the top-level category items. (M2)
    • Updated
      - New Skin and Design Demo 21  (M1 & M2)
      - Add patch for Magento 2.2.x
      - Compatiblity with Magento 2.2

    Version 2.7.1 (11/15/2017)

    • Fixed
      - The issue with paralax content in Demo 5 (M1 ) , and Demo 1 (M2)
      - Dropdown narrow icon is not showing correctly in the left sidebar (M1 & M2)
      - Adjust the size of minicart icon on mobile (M1)
      - Mobile header of Demo 2 is not good-looking (M1)
      - The issue with search box on mobile (M1)
      - Some minor css issues (M1 & M2)
    • Updated
      Make new style for filter section in layered navigatio sidebar (M1 & M2) in mobile mode

    Version 3.0.0 (1/18/2018)

    • Fixed
      Fixed: quickview link was not showing in category page list mode.
      Fixed: configuration was not correct in theme files, different with demo site.(M2)
      Fixed: styling issue when it has no brands attribute in product detail page.(M1)
      Fixed: In category page's sidebar, maximize-minimize icons were reversed.
      Fixed: styling issue in product detail page's add-to-cart sticky feature.
      Fixed: In some case, left and right arrow position was not centered vertically in product detail page's image zoom box.
      Fixed: In demo 8's product detail page, font icons in the right sidebar was not styled as main color.
      Fixed: different background color issue in add cart popup.
      Fixed: Minor styling issues.
      Fixed: hover styling issue in demo 12's classic menu.
      Fixed: styling issue in quickview popup in demo 2(M2)
      Fixed: left navigation issue while scrolling(M1)
      Fixed: an issue for full width demos(M2), it was being enlarged from boxed width while page load.
    • Updated
      Added: speed optimization tab, you can now minimize bootstrap, animate css and jquery ui files to speedup page download size.
      Added: max-height for full screen sliders to make them nice on large screen resolutions.
      Added: Made sidebar content as popup in below 991px width mode.
      Added: min-height for demo 15's homepage blocks, to avoid breaking in mobile devices.
      Added: jquery-ui js optimization option
      Added: animate.css optimization option
      Added: bootsrap optimization optioon
      Updated: Bootstrap version to 4.0
      Updated: rearranged demo order for Magento 2 version, all demo orders are now same as Magento 1 demos.
      Updated: menu color of demo 1
      Updated: RTL compatibility.
      Updated: compare link to be always visible like M1 demos(M2)
      Updated: menu position in mobile resolutions as original M1 demos(M2)
      Updated: For modern designs, restored mini-cart popup as classic designs
      Updated: gap space size between columns in modern demo 12
      Updated: made filter popup under 991px mobile mode in category page.
      Updated: right sidebar of product detail page smaller in full screen mode.
      Updated: demo 18's homepage slider, works beautifully on any screen resolutions.(M1)
      Updated: layout column option setting issue in admin option(M2)
      Updated: mobile header for Magento 2 demos, mobile menu position is now same as Magento 1 demos
      Updated: replaced related products with featured products in product detail page.(M2)
      Updated: WeltPixel Quickview Extension(M2)
      Updated: Made upsell products as owl carousel in product detail page.(M2)
      Updated: quickview styling(M2)
      Updated: mobile responsiveness for category page in 320~480px width mode.
      Updated: quickstart package content(comes with Magento and 2.2.1)
      Updated: documentation
      Removed: top bar in newsletter popup for all m2 demos

    Version 3.0.1 (2/21/2018)

    • Fixed
      Fixed: the menu columns in the megamenu popup was not showing correctly.(M1)
      Fixed: in demo 15, parallax images were not working properly in mobile devices.(M1)
      Fixed: in demo 3's category page, layered navigation's expand/collapse button's activity was wrong.(M1)
      Fixed: in demo 3's category page, toolbar button styles were not correctly.(M1)
      Fixed: minor css style issues.(M1)
      Fixed: license activation issue.(M1, M2)
    • Updated
      Updated: reorgnized header type variations, removed some unnecessary header types.(M1)
              removed old type 9, 20 (you can use header type 3)
              removed old type 21 (you can use header type 4)
              removed old type 22 (you can use header type 6)
              removed old type 23 (you can use header type 9)
              removed old type 24 (you can use header type 21)
              removed old type 25 (you can use header type 12)
              removed old type 26 (you can use header type 13)
              removed old type 27 (you can use header type 14)
              removed old type 28 (you can use header type 10)
              removed old type 29 (you can use header type 16)
              removed old type 30 (you can use header type 20)

    Version 3.0.2 (3/19/2018)

    • Fixed
      Fixed: compilation issue by layerednavigation extension.(M2)
      Fixed: old header type style issues.(M2)
    • Updated
      Updated: daily deal extension's styles.(M1)
      Updated: reorgnized header type variations, removed some unnecessary header types.(M2)
              removed old type 17 (you can use header type 2)
              removed old type 19 (you can use header type 6)
              removed old type 21 (you can use header type 17)
              removed old type 22 (you can use header type 10)
              removed old type 23 (you can use header type 7)
              removed old type 24 (you can use header type 5)
              removed old type 25 (you can use header type  
              removed old type 26 (you can use header type 13)
              removed old type 27 (you can use header type 19)

    Version 3.0.3 (4/10/2018)

    • Updated
      Added: New 12 types of About Us Pages.(M1, M2)
      Added: daily deal extension.(M2)
      Updated: daily deal extension's styles.(M1)
      Updated: the correct links of the footer.(M1,M2)
      Updated: many styling improvements
      Updated: show "featured products" instead of "related products" in product detail page.(M2)
    • Version 3.0.4 (4/20/2018)

      • Updated
        - Fix calling font-awesome by less file made the issue when running deploy command because this method is not compatible with Magento 2. Called fontawesome to theme by using css instead
        - Fix the style issue for instagram layout M1, M2
        - Fix the issue with spacing between product image and product info in detail page (M2)
        - Fix the issue with appearance of category page, M2 

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Porto | Ultimate Responsive Magento Theme
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Porto | Ultimate Responsive Magento Theme from the The Developer ( p-themes ) website. Thank you.
Download = Porto | Ultimate Responsive Magento Theme-[Updated].zip

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