

Download Rhythm – Multipurpose One/Multi Page Template Nulled


This item is HTML template. It doesn’t compatible with WordPress.

If you need support or have any questions, feel free to contact us at this page

  • One Page and Multi Page Demos
  • 50+ Different Demos
  • 180+ HTML Files
  • 40+ Portfolio Pages
  • 5 Single Project Pages
  • Light, Dark and Transparent Menu Bars
  • Isotope portfolio filtering
  • Revolution Slider: you save $14.00
  • Easy to customize: backgrounds, color schemes, content
  • Fully responsive
  • Retina ready
  • Font Awesome 400+ icons
  • Et-line 100+ icons
  • Powered with Bootstrap
  • Parallax sections
  • Smooth animation
  • Working Ajax contact form with validation
  • Working Newsletter form with Mailchimp
  • Google Maps easy to setup via data attributes
  • 9 Blog layouts
  • 5 Posts variants (Text post, Image, Gallery, Video, Quote)
  • Powerful shortcodes
  • Responsive video (YouTube, Vimeo,, Viddler, Kickstarter)
  • Browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera)
  • Well documented
  • Clear & Neat design
  • Accurate HTML code with comments
  • Layered PSD files included
  • FAQ Included

What Our Customers Say

Websites Made with Rhythm    


All the photos used in this template are intended only to illustrate the template and all the rights on them belong to their legal owners.

  1. jQuery
  2. jQuery Easing Plugin
  3. Bootstrap
  4. jQuery WOW
  5. jQuery.appear
  6. Owl Carousel
  7. jQuery countTo Plugin
  8. jQuery Gmap3
  9. FitVids
  10. jQuery.localScroll
  11. jQuery.scrollTo
  12. mb.YTPlayer
  13. jQuery Parallax
  14. Isotope
  15. Masonry
  16. Smooth Scroll
  17. Sticky
  18. jQuery.Viewport
  19. Placeholder
  20. Magnific Popups
  21. Simple Text Rotator


v. 2.11.1 – 4 January 2019

- issue with HTML5 background video on IOS was fixed:
--- file /js/jquery.backgroundvideo.min.js was updated 

v. 2.11 – 12 November 2018

- jquery.mb.YTPlayer was updated to the latest version:
--- file /js/jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js was updated 

v. 2.10 – 29 June 2018

- Google Maps Api was replaced with Google Maps embed (details -
--- file /css/style.css was updated ("Google Maps" section)
--- file /css/style-responsive.css was updated
--- file /js/all.js was updated ("Google Maps" section)
--- all HTML files were updated (removed including of Google Maps Api and file /js/gmap3.min.js)
--- HTML code of Google Maps sections was updated
--- file /js/gmap3.min.js was removed

v. 2.9.9 – 15 May 2018

- issue with autoplay video in Google Chrome was fixed:
--- file /js/jquery.backgroundvideo.min.js was updated
--- file /css/style.css (line 1153) was updated
--- files index-15.html, index-19.html, mp-index-15.html, mp-index-19.html, special-restaurant-2.html were updated

v. 2.9.7 – 23 November 2017

- bug with side and fullscreen menus was fixed:
--- file /css/style.css (lines 2245 and 6122) was updated

- Font Awesome was updated
--- file /css/font-awesome.min.css was updated
--- file /fonts/FontAwesome.otf was updated
--- file /fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot was updated
--- file /fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg was updated
--- file /fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf was updated
--- file /fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff was updated
--- file /fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 was added

v. 2.9.6 – 13 June 2017

- bug with the contact form in demo "Product Designer" was fixed:
--- special-product-designer-about.html was updated
--- special-product-designer-contact.html was updated
--- special-product-designer.html was updated

- small bug with side panel on mobile devices was fixed:
--- file /js/all.js (line 938) was updated

v. 2.9.5 – 12 April 2017

- new demo was added:
--- folder /images/product-designer was added
--- file special-product-designer.html was added
--- file special-product-designer-about.html was added
--- file special-product-designer-contact.html was added
--- file /css/style.css (line 177) was updated

- intro page page was updated:
--- file intro.html was updated
--- files /images/intro/intro-40.jpg was added

v. 2.9.4 – 19 January 2017

--- file /php/class.phpmailer.php was updated
--- file /php/class.smtp.php was updated
--- file /php/PHPMailerAutoload.php was updated

- issue with search field in fullscreen menu was fixed:
--- file /css/style-responsive.css (line 808) was updated

v. 2.9.3 – 21 December 2016

- issue with HTML validation was fixed:
--- all HTML files (Favicons section) were updated

v. 2.9.2 – 8 December 2016

- small bug with accordion was fixed:
--- file /js/all.js (line 399) was updated

v. 2.9 – 3 July 2016

- new cv/resume demo was added:
--- folder /images/cv-resume was added
--- file special-cv-resume.html was added

- intro page page was updated:
--- file intro.html was updated
--- files /images/intro/intro-39.jpg was added

- Google Maps API Key was added:
--- all HTML files were updated (scripts including in the end of the documents)

- documentation was updated

v. 2.8 – 14 June 2016

- new barbershop demo was added:
--- folder /images/barbershop was added
--- file special-barbershop.html was added
--- file special-barbershop-about.html was added
--- file special-barbershop-gallery.html was added
--- file special-barbershop-pricing.html was added
--- file special-barbershop-contact.html was added

- intro page page was improved:
--- file /css/style.css (line 5581) was updated
--- file intro.html was updated
--- files /images/intro/intro-22.jpg - /images/intro/intro-37.jpg were updated
--- files /images/intro/intro-38.jpg was added

v. 2.7 – 15 May 2016

- fashion shop demo was added:
--- file special-fashion.html was added
--- folder /images/fashion was added
--- file intro.html was updated
--- file /images/intro/intro-37.jpg was added

- label "new" was added to intro page and mega menu:
--- file /css/style.css (line 5567) was updated
--- all HTML files were updated (mega menu - link "special demos")

- small bug with portfolio filtering was fixed:
--- file /js/all.js (lines 48 and 19) was updated

v. 2.6 – 20 April 2016

- two finance demos were added:
--- file special-finance-1.html was added
--- file special-finance-2.html was added
--- file special-finance-2-about.html was added
--- file special-finance-2-expertise.html was added
--- file special-finance-2-portfolio.html was added
--- file special-finance-2-qa.html was added
--- file special-finance-2-contact.html was added
--- folder /images/finance was added
--- file /css/style.css (lines 2791-2850) was updated
--- file /css/style-responsive.css (lines 90, 127-137) was updated
--- file/js/all.js (lines 59, 1117) was updated
--- file /images/intro/intro-35.jpg was added
--- file /images/intro/intro-36.jpg was added
--- file intro.html was updated

- small bug with portfolio filtering was fixed:
--- file /js/all.js (line 971) was updated

v. 2.5 – 30 March 2016

- restaurant demo was added:
--- folder /images/restaurant/ was added
--- file special-restaurant-1.html was added
--- file special-restaurant-2.html was added  
--- file special-restaurant-2-about.html was added
--- file special-restaurant-2-menu.html was added
--- file special-restaurant-2-gallery.html was added 
--- file special-restaurant-2-location.html was added
--- file special-restaurant-2-reservations.html was added  
--- file /js/contact-reservations.js was added 
--- file contact_reservations.php was added
--- file contact_reservations_smtp.php was added 
--- file /video/video-restaurant.jpg was added
--- file /video/video-restaurant.mp4 was added
--- file /video/video-restaurant.ogg was added
--- file /video/video-restaurant.webm was added
--- file /js/jquery.backgroundvideo.min.js was updated
--- file /css/style-responsive.css (line 411) was updated
--- file index-19.html (line 45) was updated
--- file mp-index-19.html (line 46) was updated

v. 2.4 – 14 February 2016

- RTL version was added:
--- folder "www-rtl" was added

v. 2.3.2 – 27 January 2016

- small bug with background on Ipad Pro was fixed:
--- file /css/style-responsive.css (line 843) was updated

- SMTP method for contact form was added:
--- folder /php was added
--- file contact_me_smtp.php was added

v. 2.3.1 – 16 October 2015

- small bug with zoom controls on Google Maps was fixed:
--- file /js/all.js (line 1060) was updated

v. 2.3 – 18 September 2015

- now you can open portfolio filter via link ( ):
--- file /js/all.js (line 27) was updated
--- file /js/all.js (line 956) was updated
--- all HTML files with portfolio filter (filter links) were updated

- small typo/bug was fixed:
--- file /css/style.css (lines 2604, 2605) was updated

v. 2.2 – 30 July 2015

- new "coming soon page" demos were added:
--- special-coming-soon-1.html was added
--- special-coming-soon-2.html was added
--- folder /images/coming-soon was added
--- file /js/jquery.downCount.js was added
--- file /css/style.css (line 113) was updated
--- file /css/style.css (line 6268) was updated
--- file /css/style-responsive.css (line 237) was updated
--- file /css/style-responsive.css (line 561) was updated
--- file /css/style-responsive.css (line 2238) was updated
--- file /images/intro/intro-31.jpg was added
--- file /images/intro/intro-32.jpg was added
--- file intro.html was updated

v. 2.1.2 – 23 July 2015

- small issue with background youtube video was fixed:
--- file /css/YTPlayer.css was updated
--- file /js/jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js was updated

v. 2.1.1 – 22 July 2015

- small bug was fixed:
--- file /js/all.js (line 729) was updated. 

v. 2.1 – 9 July 2015

- construction website demo was added:
--- folder /images/construction was added
--- file /css/style.css (line 613) was updated 
--- file /css/style.css (line 632) was updated 
--- file /css/style.css (line 1930) was updated 
--- file /js/all.js (line 954) was updated 
--- file /js/all.js (line 214) was updated 
--- file special-construction-1.html was added
--- file special-construction-1-about.html was added
--- file special-construction-1-contact.html was added
--- file special-construction-1-portfolio.html was added
--- file special-construction-1-services.html was added
--- file special-construction-1-services-single.html was added
--- file special-construction-2.html was added
--- file special-construction-2-about.html was added
--- file special-construction-2-contact.html was added
--- file special-construction-2-portfolio.html was added
--- file special-construction-2-services.html was added
--- file special-construction-2-services-single.html was added
--- file special-construction-3.html was added
--- file special-construction-3-about.html was added
--- file special-construction-3-contact.html was added
--- file special-construction-3-portfolio.html was added
--- file special-construction-3-services.html was added
--- file special-construction-3-services-single.html was added

v. 2.0 – 9 June 2015

- new photography demo was added:
  - folder /PSD/photographer-2 was added
  - folder /images/photographer/photographer-2 was added
  - file special-photographer-2.html was added
  - file special-photographer-2-about.html was added
  - file special-photographer-2-portfolio.html was added
  - file special-photographer-2-contact.html was added
  - file special-photographer-3.html was added
  - file special-photographer-3-about.html was added
  - file special-photographer-3-portfolio.html was added
  - file special-photographer-3-contact.html was added
  - file intro.html was updated
  - file /css/style.css (line 167) was updated
  - file /css/style.css (line 473) was updated
  - file /css/style.css (line 5737) was updated
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 76) was updated
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 179) was updated
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 528) was updated
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 803) was updated
  - file /js/all.js (line 35) was updated
  - file /js/all.js (line 824) was updated
  - file /js/tiltfx.js was added

-small bug with photography demo was fixed:
  - file special-photographer-1.html (line 275) was updated
  - file special-photographer-1-portfolio.html (line 149) was updated

-small bug with "download" button was fixed:
  - file /css/style.css (line 5631) was updated

v. 1.9.1 – 3 June 2015

- small bug with demo index-10.html was fixed:
  - file index-10.html (line 41) was updated

v. 1.9 – 2 June 2015

- new photographer demo was added:
  - folder /images/photographer/ was added
  - file special-photographer-1.html was added
  - file special-photographer-1-about.html was added
  - file special-photographer-1-portfolio.html was added
  - file special-photographer-1-contact.html was added
  - file intro.html was updated
  - file /css/style.css (line 1442) was updated   
  - file /css/style.css (line 1470) was updated    
  - file /css/style.css (line 1907) was updated   
  - file /css/style.css (line 4921) was updated   
  - file /css/style.css (line 5653) was updated   
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 175) was updated   
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 326) was updated  
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 755) was updated    
  - file /js/all.js (line 34) was updated    
  - file /js/all.js (line 624) was updated
  - file /js/owl.carousel.min.js was updated

v. 1.8.2 – 27 May 2015

- new special demos were added:
  - file special-landing-1.html was added
  - file special-landing-2.html was added
  - file /css/style.css (line 113) was updated
  - file /css/style.css (line 1305) was updated
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 387) was updated
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 575) was updated
  - file /js/all.js (line 614) was updated
  - folder /PSD/landing was added
  - folder /images/landing/ was added

v. 1.8.1 – 22 May 2015

- 2 magazine demos were added:
  - file /js/all.js (line 589) was updated
  - file /css/style.css (line 1311) was updated
  - file /css/style.css (line 1434) was updated
  - file /css/style.css (line 5098) was updated
  - file /css/style-responsive.css (line 478) was updated
  - folder /images/banners/ was added
  - file special-magazine-1.html was added
  - file special-magazine-2.html was added

v. 1.8 – 18 May 2015

- HTML5 background video demo was added:
  - file /css/style.css (line 210) was updated 
  - file /css/style.css (line 1089) was updated 
  - file /js/jquery.backgroundvideo.min.js was added
  - file index-19.html was added
  - file mp-index-19.html was added


- content slider demo was added:
  - file index-20.html was added
  - file mp-index-20.html was added

v. 1.7 – 6 May 2015

- script /js/bootstrap.min.js was updated to the latest version
- script /js/isotope.pkgd.min.js was updated to the latest version
- script /js/jquery.fitvids.js was updated to the latest version
- script /js/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js was updated to the latest version
- script /js/jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js was updated to the latest version
- script /js/jquery.sticky.js was updated to the latest version
- script /js/masonry.pkgd.min.js was updated to the latest version
- script /js/wow.min.js was updated to the latest version
- file /js/jquery-1.11.2.min.js was added
- file /css/magnific-popup.css was updated
- all HTML files were updated (scripts including in the end of the documents)
- small bug with newsletter form was fixed:
  - HTML files (newsletter form) was updated
  - file /css/style.css (line 3277) was updated

v. 1.6.1 – 21 April 2015

- small bug with scroll navigation on windows phone 8.1 was fixed:
  - file /js/jquery.localScroll.min.js was updated
  - file /js/jquery.scrollTo.min.js was updated

v. 1.6 – 13 March 2015

- working subscribe Mailchimp form was added:
  - file /css/style.css (line 925) was updated
  - file /js/jquery.ajaxchimp.min.js was added
  - all HTML files were updated (script including in the bottom of document)

v. 1.5.3 – 9 March 2015

- multiple lines in sub menu were fixed:
  - file /js/all.js (line 168) was updated

v. 1.5.2 – 27 February 2015

- small bug with Owl Carousel in Android browser was fixed:
  - file /css/style.css, line 3355 was updated
  - file /css/style-responsive.css, line 570 was updated

v. 1.5.1 – 13 February 2015

- small video background bug was fixed:
  - /css/YTPlayer.css was updated

v. 1.5 – 7 February 2015

- page "Shopping cart" (shop-cart.html) was added
- file /css/style.css (line 4111) was updated

v. 1.4 – 3 February 2015

- file contact_me.php was updated
- file /js/all.js was updated
- file pages-landing.html was updated
- file elements-icons-et.html was updated

v. 1.3 – 2 February 2015

- mobile sub menu bug was fixed
- file /css/style.css was updated
- mobile gallery bug was fixed
- files pages-gallery-2col.html, pages-gallery-3col.html, pages-gallery-4col.html, pages-gallery-6col.html was updated

v. 1.2 – 30 January 2015

- small bug was fixed.
- file /js/jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js was updated.

v. 1.1 – 28 January 2015

- file /js/jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js was updated

v. 1.0 – 24 January 2015

- initial release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Rhythm – Multipurpose One/Multi Page Template
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Rhythm – Multipurpose One/Multi Page Template from the The Developer ( Bestlooker ) website. Thank you.
Download = Rhythm – Multipurpose One/Multi Page Template-[Updated].zip

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