Ghost 3.x compatible
Membership ready
Auden comes with full support for the members feature.
Unique pages were designed:
- signin
- signup
- account
- membership
Dark & Light theme in one
Custom Layouts
3 different Home Page Layouts:
- default: 3 column (2 posts + sidebar)
- home2: 2 column (1 post + sidebar)
- home3: 3 column (3 posts)
3 Custom post templates:
- default (with sidebar)
- without sidebar
- with Table of Contents
- Featured posts also have a different style
Custom Pages:
- Membership Page
- Authors Page
- Tags Page
- Contact Page
Fast & Lightweight
Auden was designed with performance in mind, keeping the whole theme size minimal. This helps in achieving faster speed and making a positive impact for search engines. There are other important factors for performance and search ranking.
Following audits were all passed:
- valid html
- properly size images
- defer offscreen images
- minify CSS
- minify JavaScript
- remove unused CSS
- avoids enormous network payloads (<500KB)
- avoids an excessive DOM size
- JavaScript execution time (<0.8s)
- All text remains visible during webfont loads
Translation Support
Auden supports Ghost i18n for theme translation. There are a couple of language translations already present in the theme:
Check out the documentation on how to add a new language.
The search is performed as you type, enabling it requires to create an API key. And editing one of the theme files. Details can be found in the theme documentation.
Syntax Highlighting
Auden comes with Prism for syntax highlighting. Being already built in you don’t have to worry about adding it to the theme. Using it it’s really simple.
Related Posts
Related Posts assures you are suggesting relevant articles to your readers, making them more likely to stay on your website. Posts will be shown checking for common tags within posts.
Featured Posts
With the post layout you can have a featured posts section for your audience, simply by checking the featured post checkbox in the admin panel.
Disqus Comments
Auden has Disqus comments integrated, all you need to do is change the disqus shortname and you are good to go.
We will provide a detailed documentation covering everything you need starting from installing the theme to customizing it according to your needs.
Online Documentation
Easy to Customize
Auden was developed using modern web development tools. Check out the development part in the documentation for more details.
We would love to hear your feedback, help us to help you.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have suggestions or need help.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Biron Themes
Twitter: @bironthemes
Auden uses the following packages/plguins:
- Prism.js –
- FitVids –
- Lazyload –
- Ghost Search –
- Tocbot –
- Fslightbox –
- Google Fonts –
- Feather Icons –
- Unsplash –
Images are not included in the download files!
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Auden – a Magazine & Membership Ghost Theme from the The Developer ( bironthemes ) website. Thank you.
Download = Auden – a Magazine & Membership Ghost Theme-[Updated].zip