

Download Classiads – Classified Ads WordPress Theme Nulled


Classiads – Classified ads WordPress theme

The ClassiAds is all time #1 Premium Classified Ads WordPress Theme on Themeforest. We know its a perfect choice for your business. Super flexible, Rich with features availability, Drag and Drop system with page builder and Top payment gateways 100% responsive design (try resizing your browser). Built with HTML5 and CSS3. A lot of thought and care were put into ClassiAds making it a pleasure to use.

We carefully hand crafted this theme with a strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience. It’s very quick to setup and easy to customize. You’ll love it.

PLUGINS: Three plugins will be required and other are recommended, Choice is yours whether you want to have them or not. Your theme will work properly without them. No paid plugin required means we will provide all the latest updates of the plugins with the theme updates. It doesn’t mean we are going to provide license of the plugins as these are third party plugins.


  • Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
  • Fully Responsive
  • Custom fields
  • Built with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Visual composer integration
  • Woocomerce 3X integration
  • payment gateway
  • Bank transfer gateway
  • Membership system
  • Messaging system
  • Bidding system
  • Classiads ultra layout
  • two different Single Listing Page
  • Verification System
  • Online/Offline Status
  • csv Import/Export
  • svg category Icons
  • Badges included
  • author verification system
  • front-end ads posting
  • back-end ads posting
  • Rating system
  • recurring PayPal payments
  • Print and PDF option
  • User email verification on registration
  • User menu in the header
  • Invoices system
  • Email notification
  • Pay per post system
  • Comments system
  • Billing history
  • Add to favorite option
  • Custom Banner
  • +16 Pre-Made Layouts
  • 100% RTL Supported
  • Arabic Pre-made layout Included
  • MailChimp Integrated
  • PayPal Integrated
  • Google maps integrated
  • Google maps styles option
  • Geo location support
  • ReduxFramework
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Child Theme Supported
  • Pricing Plan Paid and Free both available
  • Turn ON/OFF Featured Ads Option
  • bbPress (Forum)
  • LayerSlider $15
  • Sliders are touch swipe compatible
  • Working Contact form
  • Cross Browser support
  • Twitter integrated
  • Strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience
  • 650+ Google fonts
  • Social media icons
  • SEO optimized
  • Translation Support, Includes the .po and .mo files
  • Unbranded Advanced Theme Options Panel
  • Latest WordPress 4.8 ready
  • Membership Plans
  • Front End Listing Submission
  • Facebook Login
  • Twitter login
  • Google Plus Login
  • Language translation supported
  • Social Share for Posts
  • Well commented code.
  • and much more.
  • Note: We don’t provide support regarding illegal and adult websites. If you are interested to buy our theme you can but don’t expect support.

Change Log

15 – Feb – 18 – V5.3 Updated


+ New version classiads fantro
+ New listing option panel
+ New post style Fantro
+ Zoco Post style converted to classiads pro
+ Solic Post style converted to classiads pro
+ Mint Post style converted to classiads pro
+ Zoco Category style converted to classiads pro
+ MinT Category style converted to classiads pro
+ Solic Category style converted to classiads pro
+ Zoco Location style converted to classiads pro
+ Mint Location style converted to classiads pro
+ New Header Style
+ Header Search Bar
+ Mobile Header
+ App view listings 2 column on mobile
+ New category list Style
+ Now content fields ca be separated in custo, archive and widget search form
+ Phone Number can be remove from front-end by admin
+ Seller Address restriction.
+ Seller website restriction on front-end
+ Seller Social media links restriction
+ Seller public profile restriction 
+ Address filed auto complete restriction to a single country
+ Search filed suggestions based on keywords in ad titles
+ Vimeo integration for listing
+ New demo import system
+ Use any of image, svc or font icons for categories

- Performance improvement
- RTL layout improvement
- Ajax search improvement
- Ajax location system on submission improvement
- Load more ajax improved
- Submission and edit listing form layout improvement
- Responsive layout improvement
- Back-end ad submission Layout Re-designed
- Single listing slider improved
- All listing styles improved
- All location styles improved,
- Custom Box wrapper forLocations masonry style 
- Category styles improvement
- Category and ad slider improvement
- New tablets and smart phone device detector 
- CSV import and export improvement
- bootstrap select box replaced with select2


* Search select box with was not working
* Advanced search always open was not working
* Auto map generation on submit page was not working with address field
* Bell icon was showing red circle even with no notification
* Bookmark disable option was not working
* Parent category auto-select when sub-category selected
* Category background option was not working correctly 
* content field text strings styling issue on single listing
* Free level duration string remaind 1 month event selected other values
* Comments Author image was showing only admin profile image
* Listing level was not  saving selective category and content fields.
* Listing style5 default doesn’t work
* Location was not preset on edit listing
* Menu (navigation) for logged in was not working
* Messaging system disabled from backend but still shows in the dashboard.
* Messaging system was not working for some users.
* User's other ads on/off option was not working
* Fetal error when suing custom heading element
* Profile edit choose images and save string was not translating
* User panel listings status strings where not translating
* Report abused form strings where not translating
* User type strings where not translating
* Single listing gallery images where not showing correctly on mobile
* Fetal error when search form turned of on archive pages
* Archive layout options where not working correctly
* Ad expiry was not working correctly
* Admin bar was not showing
* User restriction to wp-admin option was not working

07 – Dec – 17 – V5.2.2 Updated

+ Missing invoices menu from front-end user panel ( Added )
+ Woocommerce front-end dashboard on/off option added( Added )
+ Admin can restrict other user like, subscriber, editor,customer etc to access wp-admin( Added)
+ Admin can turn off map on single listing ( Added )
+ Lazy load added to single listing gallery ( Added )
+ User can add custom content fields in listing style5 ( Added )
+ Author's other ads configurations added for single listing and author page ( Added )

* Width option was not working in Search content field type select ( Fixed )
* Content field text string style issue in group ( Fixed )
* Listing style5 ( Fixed )
* Separate menu for logged-in user ( Fixed )
* Print listing page visual issues fixed ( Fixed )
* Price missing on listing issue resolved when WordPress default prefix are changed ( Fixed )
* User profile image issue resolved ( Fixed )
* My bookmarks Page layout issue ( Fixed )
* classic pagination style issue ( Fixed )
* submit listing and edit listing page design issues (Fixed)
* Documentation updated (  Updated )

28 – Nov – 17 – V5.2.1 Updated

85 fixes from 5.2

24 – Nov – 17 – V5.2 Updated

+ Messaging system (New)
+ Bidding system (New)
+ Classiads ultra system (New)
+ New Category Style (New)
+ New location Style (New)
+ New Grid View Style (New)
+ New list View Style (New)
+ New User Panel (New)
+ New Single Listing Page (New)
+ Verification System (New)
+ Online/Offline Status (New)
+ csv Import/Export (New)
+ svg category Icons (New)
+ popup for multi level nested Categories (New)
+ popup for multi level nested Locations (New)
+ New Style for author widget (New)
+ New Style for Category Widget (New)
+ New Style for Location Widget(New)
+ New Subscription Form (New)
+ Performance optimization (Improvement)

11 – Oct – 17 – V5.1 Updated

+ Badges included
+ author verfication system Added
+ lightbox added on single listing
+ Admin links added in header for logged-in user
+ Price added on image gallery at single listing page
+ New font icons added
+ new category style added
+ option added for notification email id
+ author types added (dealer, individual, Agency, Supplier)
+ performance optimization

* some font-icons style-sheet issue fixed
* dashboard responsive layout fixed
* author widget fixed
* list style on loadmore fixed
* scroll issue fixed
* single page issues fixed
* search bar advanced panel issue fixed
* custom tables special characters issue fixed
* single page image width issue fixed
* default thumbnail was not loading, fixed
* translation issues fixed
* translation files updated
* visual composer plugin updated
* revolution slider updated
* dhvc plugin updated
* ultimate addon for vc updated
* notifications issue fixed in pro
* fatal error if listing plugin got disabled fixed.
* fatal error if dhvc plugin disabled fixed
* plugins installation issue fixed
* demo site installation issue due to ssl fixed
* post styles improvement
And a lot more fixes

5 Aug 17 – V4.3.1 Updated

* Review system issues Fixed
* image gallery issue fixed on edit post
* login, Register system issues fixed
* Notification issue fixed
* 50+ minor fixes 

13 July 17 – V4.3 Updated

We request you to please read carefully before upgrading to the newer version that Classiads 4x is completely re-written framework based on Visual composer (Page Builder), please create a complete backup before upgrading Classiads from 3x to 4x, please follow documentation for new setup..

+ New directory version
+ Visual composer integration
+ Woocomerce 3X integration
+ PayPal payments method improved
+ New payment gateway
+ Bank transfer gateway
+ Membership system
+ back-end ads posting
+ new custom fields system
+ Review and rating system
+ recurring PayPal payments
+ Ad detail page slider with thumbnail
+ free/regular ads turn on/off option
+ Print and PDF option
+ user email verification on registration
+ user menu added in header
+ invoices system
+ email notification
+ Pay per post system
+ comments system on ad detail page
+ billing history 
+ add to favorite option

13 January 17 – V3.6.2 Updated
+ New Page added for template all locations --- Update
+ Featured ads orderby random or latest order --- Updated
+ Layer Slider 6.1.0 --- updated
+ Chosen Latest Version 1.6.0 --- updated
+ Category Custom Field change with ajax base on new ad page --- updated
+ Featured Slider loop true with owl slider ---- Fixed
+ feature image on post --- fixed
+ widgets showing below page on new ad page --- fixed
+ CSS issues --- fixed
Please see the URL
11 december 16 – V3.6.1 Updated
+ agrg.pot file --- updated
+ featured post thumbnail feature added in jQuery filer  --- updated
+ Post images uploading changed with Ajax uploading  --- updated
+ New Page template-login-with-password.php added --- updated
+ Featured Grid Loop Limit Connected with redux ----- updated
+ Profile Logo Function Update
+ WordPress 4.7 compatibility issues fixed  --- Fixed
+ Currecny Symbol Issues Fixed
 Please see the URL
24 November 16 – V3.6 Updated
+ User profile image function ----- Updated 
+ Boostrap 3 Added ----- updated 
+ Search Result with loadmore ajax button ----- updated 
+ Admin can edit all post from frontend ----- updated 
+ Blog news section on homepage update  ----- updated 
+ Section Title Style  ----- updated 
+ Fontawesome 4.7 ----- updated 
+ Redux Famework Latest Version Updated 3.6.2  ----- updated 
+ Category Box Load More with ajax   ----- updated 
+ Owl slider replaced with horizontal slider  ----- updated 
+ Separate banner from adsense in theme options. ----- updated     
+ Add Pagination on profile page and author.php Pagination ----- updated 
+ JQuery File Uploader Image add in Post Submit Page ----- updated 
+ Notification About Post to post author email ----- updated 
+ New Currecny Setting   ---- Update
+ Redux option new 2 field added for custom css and javascript ---- updated 
+ pot file and ar.po file --- updated 
+ template-contact.php ------------------ Fixed
+ Dynamic Captch below contact form ------------------ Fixed
+ Image uploading limit ------------------   Fixed
+ Post add new page select box change with chosen-------- Fixed
+ Blog category page ------ Fixed
+ Username with (Sepcial Characeters) cannot register ------ Fixed
+ Add new add without location error ------ Fixed
+ Child theme ------ Fixed
+ Google+ double icon on header ------ Fixed
+ Alphabetically category and location ------ Fixed
+ Error messages on login page position issue ------ Fixed
+ Social popup on single page   ---- Fixed
+ Leave message to author not human error   ---- Fixed
+ Extra dot on single image slider  ---- Fixed
+ Plan Submit Button Two times gives double plan with single payment  ---- Fixed
+ Admin assigned plan not working with feature ad counter on profile page  ---- Fixed
+ Responsivness issue ------- fixed

 Please see the URL
28 August 16 – V3.5.4 Updated
+ New social Fields added in User edit profile at frontend
+ Pricing plan's types added
+ 2 types of pricing plans. 1) Paid, 2) Free
+ Both Pricing plans have their different Meta-boxes
+ 4 points for free pricing plan meta-boxes added
+ Redirect to New ad page for free pricing plan
+ Disable Map from all over theme, Option added to general options in Classiads options
+ Location taxonomy template Grids readjusted
+ Radius Option removed from search bar while map disable option is true
+ Delete Ad popup issue fixed
+ New Blog sidebar Added
+ Recent Posts list Widget Updated
+ Recent posts normal widget updated
+ Child Theme Added

 Please see the URL
24 August 16 – V3.5.3 Updated
+ RTL.CSS Updated
+ Arabic pre-made demo Added
+ Responsive Fixes
+ Option Added for post Title Letters Limit.
+ Classiads.pot and ar.po new files added in Language Folder
+ CSS Fixes

 Please see the URL
31 July 16 – V3.5.2 Updated
+ Social Links added to Author profile
+ Author Info Added to author public profile
+ Pricing Plan Features Controlling from Plan meta
+ Default Image for ads (While user will upload his ad without image this image will automatically added to the ad)
+ Default image option at the backend controlled by admin
+ Slider Option on blog (It is optional)
+ Instagram social icon added to social icons
+ More words added to the language file
+ Footer form placholder Css updated
+ Footer options shifted from general settings to footer settings
+ Google styling Option added to Google map settings
+ One click demo data importer added

Details: User will select one layout from our 4 layouts and hit the demo data import button
It will update following things
1) All posts, Pages and media
2) Theme options of selected demo layout
3) It will automatically update all page's URL in classiads options > Pages
4) Home page Will be set automatically in Settings -> Readings
5) All Widgets will be set automatically of selected layout
6) Both header and footer menu will be set automatically

As result Website will be exactly the same as demo which he selected just on one click.
 Please see the URL
17 July 16 – V3.5.1 Updated
+ Mobile menu updated
+ Responsiveness improved
 Please see the URL
3 July 16 – V3.5.1 Updated
+ Google Map API updated
+ PHP functions updated for latest PHP version
+ All category templates description integreted with backend.
+ Redux updated to latest
+ TGMPA class updated to latest
+ More paypal supported currencies added
+ JS functions updated
 Please see the URL
3 June 16 – V3.5.1 Updated
 + Added more custom fields options Like: Checkbox, dropdown and text field
 Please see the URL
4 May 16 – V3.5.0 Updated
 + WordPress 4.5 fixed
 + New layout Added
 + New Responsive menu fixed
+ Category related Fetured ad slider issue fixed
 Please see the URL
15 April 16 – V3.4.2 Updated
 + Documentation updated with new layout
 + rtl.css updated
 + responsive.css Updated
 Please see the URL
28 February 16 – V3.4.1 Updated
 + Added blog custom post type
+ Added blog page template
+ Admin can make any ad featured from backend
+ Admin can make any featured ad to regular ad
+ Fixed header version 3 responsive issue
+ Ads to show on homepage limit increased  
+ Added image gallery feature while user posting ad from frontend
+ User can make any image as featured ad while posting from frontend
+ Map pins styles according to ad styles
+ Fixed map pin issue on single.php
+ Added Feature ads posting on/off option 
+ Fixed css issue on header 5
+ Fixed Boxed view responsive issue
+ Added options for sections titles at the backend
+ Text editor at frontend posting form enabled permanently (IF want to disable contact to support)
+ Added option to add tag line on pricing plan.
+ Added URL option for partner logos
 Please see the URL
15 January 16 – V3.4 Updated
 + Added new header styles
+ Added new search styles
+ Added new Custom banner builder
+ Added new Featured carousel styles
+ Added new Ad's grid and listings styles
+ Added new Category grid styles
+ Added new Footer features styles
+ Added sticky menu option
+ Added new menu styles
 Please see the URL
18 October 15 – V3.2.1 Updated
 + Added FancyBox for ad images
 + Added video insert with simple URL 
 + Added homepage ads limit settings at backend
 + Fixed contact page layout for fixed version
 Please see the URL
2 September 15 – V3.2 Updated
 + Fixed Menu position auto adjustment with logo size
 + Fixed sub-category map pin issue 
 + Fixed New ad error messages
 + Fixed error message duplication on login page
 Please see the URL
13 August 15 – V3.1 Updated
 + Fixed responsive issues
 + Fixed css issues 
 + Improved search accuracy
 + Added bundle of icons in download file
 + Reduced page load time
 + Updated .po file
 Please see the URL
4 August 15 – V3.0 Updated
 + We have added a complete new version of classiads.
 Please see the URL
10 July 15 – V2.3 Updated
 + Added more check on register page
+ Added capcha on register page
+ .po file updated
Files Edited
+ en_US.po
+ template-register.php
8 July 15 – V2.3 Updated
 + Email verification on user registration, (Password send through email)
Files Edited
+ functions.php
+ template-register.php
+ template-login.php
25 April 15 – V2.2 Updated
+ TGM Plugin Activation class (Recommended version 2.4.1)
+ Redux Framework (Latest recommended version 3.5.4)
+ LayerSlider (Latest version 5.3.2)
+ Paypal Currency Issue (Solved)
31 January 15 – V2.1 updated
+ Category map on/off option added (Added)
+ Ads slider on/off option (Added)
+ FontAwesome version update (Update)
20 January 15 – V2.0 updated
+ Admin can disable free ad posting and make theme fully paid (Added)
+ List view template fullwidth (Added)
+ List view Template with sidebar (Added)
+ List view / Grid view switcher added on homepage (Added)
+ Hide/Show category block, location block and callout message box option (Added)
+  Which ad view admin wants to show on home page (List/Grid), (Added)
+ Packages purchase history page with details and current status (Added)
+ Admin can assign any Pricing plan to any user manually. (Added)
+ Admin can cancel any pricing plan for any user manually. (Added)
+ Some css fixes (Update)
22 December 14 – V1.2.4 updated
+ .po file updated and translation related issues solved (Updated)
+ Mobile responsive issue solved  (Updated)
+ Homepage options added like Category count and Ads count  (Added)
+ Css issues solved  (Updated)
20 November 14 – V1.2.3 updated
+ Added more checks on user registration (Updated)
+ Template-register.php file  (Updated)
18 October 14 – V1.2.3
+ Home page (Updated)
+ Overall css issues (Fixed)
+ Function added, admin can post unlimited premium ads (New)
+ Post page author thumbnail issue (Fixed)
9 October 14 – V1.2.2
+ Regular ads expiry system included, Admin will control the whole system. (NEW) 
+ Menu css. (Fixed)
+ Text transformation. (Fixed)
2 October 14 – V1.2.1
+ Search system enhanced. (Update) 
+ Ads calculation system enhanced. (Update)
+ Profile page css. (Fixed)
27 September 14 – V1.2.0
+ Post moderation/review on/off option added at backend. (Added) 
+ On edit post again moderation/review on/off option added at backend. (Added)
+ New feature MY ADS added on profile page. also display edit/delete buttons, views, status and date. (Added)
+ Author overview block redesigned, (Fixed)
+ User profile image upload feature added. (Added)
+ Price and location data lose issue fixed (Fixed)
+ PayPal redirect issue fixed (Fixed)
+ WP admin bar hide for normal users. (Added)
22 September 14 – V1.1.0
+ Ads Locations block added on homepage  (Added)
+ Admin can add his own locations from backend (Added)
+ Locations URL  (Added)
+ Ad-sense compatible with campaign id (Added)
+ Tag Cloud widget limit (Added)
+ Callout message  (Added)

18 September 14 – V1.0.2
+ Ads Moderation/Review system With one time preview to ad poster  (Added)
+ Ad delete from front-end option (Added)
+ Custom ad's url option  (Added)
12 September 14 – V1.0.1
+ Top bar changed  (update)
+ Social sharing added  (new)
+ Menu hover and active state added  (new)
+ Premium ads related to category or randomly option added on category page  (new)
+ Author message box ad's detail page On/Off added  (new)
+ Ad-block class fixed  (fixed)
+ Ad detail page css fixed  (fixed)
+ Home page css fixed  (fixed)
+ Pricing plan without login fixed   (fixed)
9 September 14 – V1.0
Initial Release 

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Classiads – Classified Ads WordPress Theme
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Classiads – Classified Ads WordPress Theme from the The Developer ( designinvento ) website. Thank you.
Download = Classiads – Classified Ads WordPress Theme-[Updated].zip

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