

Download Code Generator Nulled



Code Generator App is a simple and convenient tool that help you create QR And Bar Code image displayed And Save on the screen.

Code Generator App like Text, URL, Email, Phone type Support.

Use Code Generator App generator and save the Image and name And to share code with anyone later.


> Easy to use
-> High resolution image
-> Fast generating Text, Email, Phone and URL to QR Code And Barcode
-> Save And Share Barcode and QR code

Support Policy:-

1. We always here to support you. Provide as much detail as you can and we will surely resolve your problems.

2. We provide support through Skype, Email, and Mobile. 

Skype id :- yogesh.tarsariya
Email id :-

Mobile (WhatsApp) :- +91 9925526032

3. We may not respond to comments or providing support during Holidays and weekend.
Working Days : Monday to Friday.

Business Hours : 10:00 AM to 08:00 PM

Time zone : GMT +5:30

For Buyer (Read before you buy)

1. You Must Need knowledge (swift or objective-c)

2. In order to modify the app you need to have knowledge in mobile technologies such as Xcode.

3. You also need to be able to install Xcode and its dependencies on your machine. We recommend you to use the Xcode official installation guide

3. You must have minimum Xcode version 9.4.1.

4. As I given in above features you get in source code. if you want add more features than it’s chargeable.

5. You must have knowledge of app store guidelines for upload an app.


1. Envato does not oblige us to provide support for application source code, but we do our best to make you comfortable to work with our products.

2. Customization is not included in the extended and regular license

3. This application does not support a lifetime.

4. We are not responsible for any changes in the source code that you do.

5. We are not responsible for all the decisions of Apple or Google, on the approval of your application to be placed in the digital stores. We are in no way affiliated with Apple and Google, and cannot influence the decision of the moderators of these companies.

6. We not responsible for all your actions on your hosting and have questions about your actions on the part of the hosting company.

7. We not responsible for all your actions on your hosting and have questions about your actions on the part of the hosting company.

8. All changes, additions to the application you are doing only at your own risk.
9. We are not responsible for third-party frameworks, third-party platform, which can be used in the application. For support, please contact the authors of third-party services / frameworks.

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Code Generator from the The Developer ( DharamInfotech ) website. Thank you.
Download = Code Generator-[Updated].zip

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