The CONE Portfolio is a professional CSS2 & CSS3 jQuery General Portfolio compatible with Bootstrap. This portfolio comes with Gallerias having 6 different types of gallerias like Lightbox Gallery , Magnific Gallery, Masonry Light-box Gallery Fixed-width,Masonry Lightbox Gallery Full-width, Masonry Magnific Gallery Fixed-width and Masonry Magnific Gallery Full-width including various different animation pattern.
Responsive Media Gallery CONE General purpose gallery is a flexible and high customization to build your custom Bootstrap Responsive themes and websites. It is very easy to build. You can set up the CONE Media Gallery item in your website or theme. You can choose various different animation.
CONE Media Gallery is a portfolio component based in CSS and Javascript code. You can use Media gallery as a portfolio. It is a Bootstrap Responsive gallery, suitable for any type of website and Landing page.
- – 100% Responsive Layout
- – 2 Different Types: Magnific and Lightbox
- – Google Web Font “Open Sans”
- – 12 Column Bootstrap Grid System
- – Masonry Gallery with full-width and fixed-width
- – Many Animation Effect
- – Documentation included
- – Clean Design and Code
- – Easy to Customize
- – Easy to use
Live Demo URL: Click here
Sources and Credits
I’ve used the following: Thanks so much to
Font: Google Web Fonts + Open Sans
LightBox: Lightbox
Magnific Popup: Magnific Popup
Image Source: +
Framework: Bootstrap
If you have any questions related to this email template, Feel free to email us at or via our Design Collection page contact form to get further information.
Best wishes
Design Collection
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy CONE – Media Gallery Portfolio from the The Developer ( Designcollection ) website. Thank you.
Download = CONE – Media Gallery Portfolio-[Updated].zip