Zoom Live Class addon only for Course LMS Learning Management System . Using this addon instructor create live online classes using Zoom.us service. Further students can join these classes from the Course LMS lesson panel.
Features –
- Add live classes from the Instructor panel.
- Students can join the live class from a lesson panel.
- The student will get a notification for a live class.
- Admin can check live meeting join report
- You can use free or paid both zoom accounts
Requirements –
- CourseLMS Learning Management System pre-installed on your server.
- Students can join the live class from a lesson panel.
- This addon only support CourseLMS V2.3 and up.
CourseLMS Version 2.3 with Zoom Live Class demo is now available at https://www.demo.courselms.com/login
Admin login:
email: admin@mail.com
password: 12345678
Instructor login:
email: instructor@mail.com
password: 12345678
Student login:
email: student@mail.com
password: 12345678
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Course LMS Zoom Live Class Addon from the The Developer ( softtech-it ) website. Thank you.
Download = Course LMS Zoom Live Class Addon-[Updated].zip