CCT – Crypto Currency Tracker Real-time Prices | Admin Panel | Ads | News | ICO’s Info
Track the prices of 1600+ Crypto Currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple etc.
Crypto Currency Tracker is an ultimate platform to keep track of crypto market and prices. It has a clean, user-friendly, contemporary design, awesome features, continuous updates, 24/7 customer support and free installation and updates support at server..
Providing 3 different website layouts along 12 different color schemes those are easily manageable from admin panel.
Demo site URL – Layout 1
Demo site URL – Layout 2
Admin Panel Demo
Login Details (for both site and admin):
User email:
Password: cct_user
Note: Because of security reasons above admin user can only view data and available features in an admin panel but can’t delete/edit/add. But when you will buy this code you would get admin user credentials and all operations would work.
CCT provides an excellent, semantic and validated design and features. From coin price listing, it covers every single detail which is required to a professional crypto trader like real-time price updates, historical crypto market trends, latest news, ICO’s information, crypto market dashboard and charts.
As well as it provides rich social snippets for sharing at Facebook and Twitter, Canonical URLs settings, Hreflang settings for regional URLs based on different languages and most importantly solid SEO oriented content that helps quickly to make site visible in Google search results.
It is well documented and on top of all, it is backed by excellent developers and 24/7 customer support.
Website Top Features
- 1600+ cryptocurrencies
- Live coin watch
- Blockfolio, where website user can easily create own portfolio and track their profit and loss easily
- Auto post news and crypto prices alerts on Twitter
- Crypto Featured ICO’s list
- Crypto Active ICO’s list
- Crypto Upcoming ICO’s list
- Crypto Finished ICO’s list
- Bitcoin block explorer to explore the BTC latest block and previous blocks
- News updates
- Cryptocurrencies categorisation by top currencies, top gainers, top losers and all time high/low currencies
- Detail overview page for each cryptocurrency
- Crypto markets pairs on cryptocurrency detail page
- Dashboard integration
- Dashboard slider that could be easily managed from admin panel
- Available list of top trading pairs
- Includes twitter feed from top crypto gurus
- Includes all big exchanges information
- Crypto latest news integration
- Crypto price conversion based on top fiat currencies
- Day/night mode
- Crypto coins donations option
- Added 3 different languages translations and more are coming soon
- User coins watchlist
- User registration/login
- Top recommended mining equipments list and mining equipment affiliates
- Google Adsense enabled
- Interactive user friendly charts
- Fast, user friendly and responsive layouts
- Changelly instantly buy/sell widget
- APIs ready to build own iOS and android mobile applications
- Cryptocurrency calculator/converter
- Blog posts
- Live coin watch updates at dashboard and watchlisted coins
- 100+ new fiat currencies to convert cryptocurrencies rate to the user local currencies rates
- Search a coin
- Search a news
- Website widgets
- SEO friendly
- GDPR Compliance
- & Much More
Admin Panel Features
- Select home page from any available website pages, (like you can select website dashboard as a home page, live coin watch page or some other page)
- Directly manage site + admin settings
- Manage ICO’s
- Manage Featured ICO’s and their affiliates
- Manage fiat currencies
- Manage news
- Manage coins details
- Manage exchanges information and their affiliates
- Manage users and users roles
- Manage website static pages and media
- Manage posts
- Manage mining equipment and their affiliates
- Manage available languages
- Add different affiliates and manage affiliates banners
- Manage google adsense ads
- Manage google analytics
- Manage donate crypto coins feature
- Add dashboard slider
- Easy to manage social links
- Easy to manage Google Ads
Free installation and updates support at server.
Please recommend us the feature(s) which should be added next.
Server requirements
- PHP 7.0 or greater
- Cron Jobs
Andriod Mobile App
CCT andriod mobile app is also available:
Andriod App
Change Log
Version 5.0 (06/25/2018)
- Admin Panel -- Easy to manage donate crypto coins feature -- Easy to manage dashboard slider -- Easy to manage Crypto ICOs -- Easy to manage social links -- Easy to manage Google Ads - Added new top nav layout, and now three different layouts are available those can easily change from an admin panel - Added 12 different new color schemes for templates those can be managed from both admin panel and website - Add cryptocurrency Blockfolio, where website user can easily create own portfolio and track their profit and loss easily - Added new graph for each single crypto coin - Added crypto markets pairs on cryptocurrency detail page - Implemented dashboard slider that could be easily managed from admin panel - Added news search feature at news page, where the user can easily search for news - Donate coin feature/option added at footer so website user can donate coins - Added Bitcoin block explorer to explore the BTC latest block and previous blocks - Added feature to auto-post news and crypto price alerts on Twitter - Added SEO related meta cards to enhance the overall website and single pages SEO - Created REST APIs to build own Android or iOS application - Implemented more crypto news feeds - GDPR compliance - Code optimization and bug fixes
Version 4.0 (05/07/2018)
- Admin Panel -- Added separate controls to manage a site, ads, 3rd party APIs/Keys, videos and social pages -- Now it is possible to manage (add/delete/edit) blog posts - Added new layout, and now two different layouts are available those can easily change from admin panel - Added 12 different new template/theme skins - Added two different footer designs for a new layout, you can easily change from admin panel - Provided cryptocurrency calculator/converter - Created three different website widgets. 1. Ticker contains 10 top coins, 2. Single coin ticker includes single coin information and 3. Crypto dominance donut chart to show top 4 coins dominance - News and single news page design - Blog posts - Provided changelly instantly buy/sell widget - Added google recaptcha on user registration/login/forgot password to enhance the user account security - Implemented user forgot password, registration account verification features - Implemented user forgot a password, registration account verification, and account registration emails - Implemented social logins, now user can register/login by Facebook and Twitter social logins - Added new fields related to (about and user skills) to make user profile more prominent - Added Disqus comment box at single news and blog posts pages - Added live updates at a dashboard and watchlisted coins - Added historical data at coin details page - Added cryptocurrencies social feeds at coin details page - Implemented XML sitemap generator that generates daily sitemap with daily new updates to give a boost to SEO - Created news archive page to show history news those are organized based on the date - Added 100+ new fiat currencies to convert cryptocurrencies rate to the user local currencies rates. These fiat currencies you can also manage from admin panel - Created APIs to build own Android or iOS application - Implemented more crypto news feeds - Code optimization and bug fixes
Highly admired from our buyers
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Demo = Crypto Currency Tracker – Realtime Prices, Charts, News, ICO’s and more
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