

Download Day Tracker – Unique Activities Tracker | iOS 14 Nulled



I don’t have time. We hear this sentence almost every day, from our coworkers, family, and friends. This app is a game-changer, will allow users to track their activities during the day, improving productivity and giving them a great report for the week and month.


The app as shown in the video demo. Feel free to ask questions before buying.
Assistance will be provided for any code-related questions.

Unique design and app idea. Can be re-designed for other purposes like habit tracking or other time tracking ideas.
The app has in-app purchases integrated. It uses the PurchaseKit framework without a subscriptions option, so it supports regular Consumable or Non-Consumable in-app purchases.

You can easily add more activities in the code, it’s as simple as adding one line of code and providing an emoji for the activity.



You will need a Mac computer with Xcode 12 installed. This app requires iOS 14+.
The entire app is built using SwiftUI.



– The app will let users select only 1 activity if they didn’t purchase the pro version. Each activity supports only up to 24 hours of tracking. So ideally, the user may have 7-8 hours of work, a few hours of fun, food, fitness, etc.

– The start button will start the time tracking for a selected activity. The user can close the app completely if necessary because the app is using the current time for tracking, so whenever the user opens the app again, the app will show the correct progress. Tapping the Stop button will record that progress for that specific day and activity.

– If the user selects a different activity while the app is tracking the progress, it will automatically stop the tracking for the activity. This means that you can only record/track the time for one activity at a time.


The app uses a private framework that controls the time tracking. You must configure the app with your own CodeCanyon license code, this means that the app requires an internet connection in order to verify your purchase code. We are doing this to avoid fraud and allow only legit buyers to use this app template. If you want a version without the framework, internet connection requirement, and license code validation, feel free to contact us or see the website below.

Please ask questions if necessary before purchasing. If you need any help or a price for custom work, don’t hesitate to contact us.

As always, we wish you good luck with this product and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you could be the first one to know when a new app template is released.


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Download = Day Tracker – Unique Activities Tracker | iOS 14-[Updated].zip

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