

[Download] Digitalocean Spaces Add-on For Imgbob


Download Digitalocean Spaces Add-on For Imgbob free –
Latest version [Nulled] , powered by Vironeer

Note: Digitalocean Spaces isn’t an independent storage system. Digitalocean Spaces is available only for Imgbob. If you do not purchase Imgbob yet then click here for purchasing.

DigitalOcean Spaces provide S3-compatible object storage which lets you store and serve large amounts of data. You can create them in a few seconds and use them immediately with no configuration. Data transfer is automatically secured with HTTPS, and the available storage capacity scales seamlessly.


You will get a full guide to install the script, but you can always ask for our help by ordering our service


You will get a full guide to update the script, but you can always ask for our help by ordering our service


We always providing a demo version in our scripts, you can click on Live Preview above to check it or you can visit

Note! : Some functions are disabled in demo version (Delete, Add, Update)

Admin Panel :

Email : | Password : Admin1234


Version 1.0

[NEW] Addon Uploded

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Digitalocean Spaces Add-on For Imgbob from the The Developer ( Vironeer ) website. Thank you.
Download = Digitalocean Spaces Add-on For Imgbob-[Updated].zip

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