Latest release v 2.9.7 ( compatible with latest version of wordpress 4.8+ and WooCommerce 3.0+ ) check out changelog at the bottom of this page.
This theme is fully compatible, tested and shipped with famous revolution slider which makes creating any kind of slideshow a breeze.
Take a tour by cliking banner below or see it in action on Division demo here:
- Revolution Fullscreen
- Fashion Lookbook
- Revolution Photography
*Revolution Slider is a bundled plugin.
Customize Theme | Support Forum | Knowledge Base (FAQ) | Where to find “Item Purchase Code”
Division is premium wordpress theme siutable for frelancer, creative agency, art directors, illustrators, photographers or bloggers. Built in drag&drop page builder makes creating and managinig new pages, posts and portfolios a breeze. WP 3.4+ theme cusotmizer makes creating and tweaking skins so easy. Admin panel allows to change almost any color and background of page and supports uploaders for Retina HiDpi displays making Your site super sharp on devices like iPad or iPhone. All built in graphics such as social icons, arrows, post formats etc… supports Retina displays as well. Admin panel is feature rich, allows creating unlimited sidebars and offers 600+ Google Fonts for various page elements such as headings, titles, menu and so on. This theme supports Ajax which means that portfolio and blog can be browse without refreshing whole page. New portfolio/blog/gallery entries can be lazy loaded when user scrolls down Your blog/portfolio/gallery page or clicks load more button.
Built in drag&drop page builder, various gallery layouts, Youtube, Vimeo or selfhosted video support makes it easy to create any page layout with just a few clikcs.
This theme has built in translations module to easy translate most crucial texts on page, moreover it contains .pot files for further translations.
This theme is SEO optimized – it uses headings for titles ( H1, H2, H3 ) which helps increase Your ranking. Most important content ( page ) is always served first in page source ( even for pages with one or two sidebars ) always before secondary content such as sidebars or footer so search engines can index most valuable content first.
This theme is WPML – WordPress Multilingual Plugin compatible so You can have Your site easily translated to any number of languages in a few minutes without touching single line of code.
All features:
- Drag & Drop Page Builder with 18 modules ready to use
- WordPress 3.5 / 3.6 / 3.7 / 3.8 + Compatible
- WooCommerce 2.0, 2.1 + Compatible
- Revolution Slider inlcuded (value of $15)
- Revolution Fullscreen
- Fashion Lookbook
- Revolution Photography
- WPML – WordPress Multilingual Plugin compatible
- WooCommerce 2.0+ Support
- 100% Child Theme + Compatible
- 100% Internationalized and Translation Ready – ( .mo/.po files included )
- Built in translations module
- Unlimited sidebars
- Powerfull Admin Panel – change anything on the page with ease.
- Unlimited colors – WP 3.4+ Theme Customizer ready, backgrounds – Retina HiDpi ready
- Fullscreen slideshows and google maps for any page
- Unlimited portfolios, galleries and quick galleries
- Password protected pages, portfolios, galleries and quick galleries
- 600+ Google Fonts for captins, hedings, titles
- Built in Shortcode Generator
- SEO Optimized ( content always before sidebars, h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 used for titles )
- Drag & Drop Social Module
- Drag & Drop pricing Tables
- Responsive lightbox plugin (value of $15)
- Super smooth isotope plugin (value of $25)
- Touch enabled hardware accelerated slideshows and galleries
- Control portfolio,gallery, quick gallery gutters pixel by pixel with slider
- 6 Headers Included
- Fixed (scrolls with page) top with menu floating left
- Fixed (scrolls with page) top with menu floating right
- Classic (statys at the top) top with menu floating left
- Classic (statys at the top) top with menu floating right
- Fixed left column with dropdown menu
- Fixed left column with stacked menu
- Various Page Layouts
- Fullwidth Page
- Fixed Centered Page – define maximum width in pixels easily with slider
- Fixed Page Floating Left – define maximum width in pixels easily with slider
- Fixed Page Floating Right – define maximum width in pixels easily with slider
- 12 Custom Widgets
- Pinterest Photo Stream
- Dribbble Photo Stream
- Flickr Photo Stream
- Portfolio Widget
- Recent Posts
- Popular Posts
- Testimonials Widget
- Twitter Widget
- Contact Form Widget
- Google Maps Widget
- Amazing Portfolio Featured Content Types:
- Image
- Flexslider Gallery – mix videos and images with ease
- Stacked Images Gallery – mix videos and images with ease
- Fullscreen Gallery
- Thumb Gallery with grid, masonry, metro and mixed masonry layout support – mix videos and images with ease
- Youtube Video
- Vimeo Video
- Selfhosted ( *.mp4, *.ogv ) Video
- Audio ( *.mp3 )
- Soundcloud
- Super Flexible portfolio and galleries:
- 3 Base sizes – small, medium and large
- 4 Different layouts – equal grid, masonry, metro or mixed masonry
- Control each thumb size in metro layout – small, landscape, portrait, big
- Control each thumb size in masonry layout – small or large
- Control hover effects – none, zoom, grayscale, reverse grayscale
- Control hover overlays – none, icon, title, tags, categories, title and tags, title and categories
- Control portfolio description – none, title, excerpt, title and excerpt
- Control order of thumbs – order ascending or descending by:
- Date
- Name(post-slug)
- Title
- Author
- Post Id
- Last modified date
- Numer of comments
- Custom order – (page order attribute)
- Loade more button, infinite scroll, pagination or no navigation possible – easily adjust number of items per page, number of items loaded via ajax etc…
- Custom Post Formats Support For Blog:
- Standard
- Image
- Flexslider Gallery
- Youtube Video
- Vimeo Video
- Selfhosted ( *.mp4, *.ogv ) Video
- Audio ( *.mp3 )
- Soundcloud
- Status (Twitter Embedds)
- Chat
- Aside
- Link
- Quote
- 5 Custom Post Types ( Pricing Tables, Portfolio, Gallery, Quick Gallery, Testimonials )
- Ajax Contact Page / Widget
- Well Documented
- Dedicated Support Forum
- Clean Code
Support Forum | Knowledge Base (FAQ) | Where to find “Item Purchase Code”
Admin Panel | Qucik Gallery Setup | Admin Panel | Fullscreen Slideshow Setup | Password Protected Gallery Setup
v 2.9.7 14/07/2017 FIXED: Lightbox not working when filter or load more clicked ADDED: New responsive lightbox with adaptive images ------------------------------------------------ v 2.9.6 09/06/2017 UPDATED: Compatibility with latest version of WordPress 4.8+ UPDATED: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce 3.0.0+ UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin updated to latest version 5.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.9.5 03/10/2016 UPDATED: Compatibility with latest version of WordPress 4.6.1+ UPDATED: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce 2.6.4+ UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin updated to latest version 5.2.6 FIXED: Youtube, Vimeo fullscreen button not working in blog,single post view FIXED: Google Maps API error ADDED: Google Maps API option in theme settings Changed files from previous version: admin/admin.php functions.php js/functions.js style.css woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.9.4 05/07/2016 UPDATED: Compatibility with latest version of WordPress 4.5.3+ UPDATED: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce 4.6.2+ UPDATED: Revolution Slider plugin updated to latest version 5.2.6 Changed files from previous version: includes/shortcodes.php jackbox/modules/jackbox_social.php style.css woocommerce/content-product.php woocommerce/content-product_cat.php woocommerce/myaccount/my-address.php woocommerce/order/order-details.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.9.3 16/03/2016 FIXED: Collapsible top header bug in Mozzilla and IE FIXED: Undefined variable $result in line 3792 division/functions.php Changed files from previous version: functions.php js/functions.js style.css ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.9.2 08/03/2016 ADDED: Compatibility with latest WooCommerce 2.5.2 + UPDATED: Revolution slider plugin updated to latest version 5.2.1 FIXED: Missing hatom entry-title for archives and attachment Changed files from previous version: functions.php includes/shortcodes.php style.css woocommerce/content-product.php woocommerce/content-product_cat.php woocommerce/myaccount/my-orders.php woocommerce/order/order-details.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.9.1 14/12/2015 ADDED: Compatibility with latest version of WordPress 4.4 UPDATED: Revolution slider plugin updated to latest version 5.1.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.9 24/08/2015 ADDED: Compatibility with latest version of WordPress 4.3 ADDED: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce 2.4+ UPDATED: Revolution slider plugin updated to latest version 5.0 Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: style.css woocommerce/content-product.php woocommerce/content-product_cat.php woocommerce/myaccount/my-address.php woocommerce/myaccount/my-orders.php woocommerce/order/order-details.php + woocommerce/order/order-details-customer.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.8 24/04/2015 ADDED: Compatibility with latest version of WordPress 4.2 UPDATED: TGM Plugin Activation updated to latest version FIXED: Bulk TGM Plugin Install error message and broken link Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: style.css adminclass-tgm-plugin-activation.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.7.8 22/04/2015 ADDED: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce 2.3.8 UPDATED: TGM Plugin Activation updated to latest version UPDATED: Envato Toolkit updated to latest version FIXED: <title> can only call wp_title() function - rest is handled by wp_title filter FIXED: add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg() functions escaped properly FIXED: Outdated templates cart.php and cart-totals.php updted FIXED: Woocmmerce search field style missing Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: admin/admin.php admin/bk_field_factory.class.php css/bk_custom_woocommerce.css functions.php header.php style.css ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.7.7 20/02/2015 FIXED: Some settings in admin cannot be saved. FIXED: Google fonts doesn't work when site is SSL/HTTPS. Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: admin/admin.php functions.php style.css ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.7.6 17/02/2015 ADDED: Instagram social icon for header and shortcode generator. FIXED: Flexslider js error when slider have less than 2 slides. FIXED: Preview changes button for portfolio posts not working in admin. Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: admin/admin.php admin/bk_shortcode_manager.class.php admin/css/bk_admin.css functions.php images/retina/social-icons@2.png images/social-icons.png js/functions.js style.css ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.7.5 16/02/2015 FIXED: WooCommerce 2.3.3 compatibility. Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: admin/admin.php admin/bk_page_builder.class.php css/bk_custom_woocommerce.css functions.php includes/functions-woocommerce.php includes/portfolio-type.php js/functions.js js/jquery.isotope.js style.css woocommerce/cart/shipping-calculator.php woocommerce/order/order-details.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.7.4 02/01/2015 ADDED: Latest version of revolution slider ( ver 4.6.5 ) FIXED: WordPress 4.1 Social Icons popup in theme settings not visible. Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: admin/js/admin-functions.js functions.php includes/shortcodes.php includes/widget-filter.php js/functions.js style.css ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.7.3 02/10/2014 ADDED: WooCommerce 2.2.x compatibility ADDED: Latest version of Revolution slider plugin FIXED: Google rich snippet hatom erros "pubdate, author, entry-title missing" Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: functions.php style.css woocommerce/myaccount/my-address.php woocommerce/myaccount/my-orders.php woocommerce/order/order-details.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.7.2 09/09/2014 ADDED: Latest version of revolution slider ADDED: WP 4.0 compatibility FIXED: Envato Toolkit undefined function error during update Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: admin/admin.php admin/css/bk_admin.css admin/js/admin-functions.js functions.php style.css ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.7.1 25/04/2014 ADDED: Latest version of revolution slider plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.7 23/04/2014 ADDED: WP 3.9 Compatibility FIXED: Missing shortcodes button/dropdown in WP 3.9 rich editor Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: admin/admin.php admin/bk_page_builder.class.php admin/css/bk_admin.css - admin/tinymce/content-composer.js + attachment.php functions.php includes/functions-woocommerce.php includes/portfolio-type.php style.css woocommerce/myaccount/my-address.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.6 18/02/2014 FIXED: WooCommerce 2.1 outdated templates override notice FIXED: Pagebuilder text tab doesn't save/overrides content Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: + woocommerce/cart/cart-totals.php admin/js/admin-functions.js js/functions.js style.css woocommerce/content-product.php woocommerce/myaccount/my-orders.php woocommerce/order/order-details.php woocommerce/shop/wrapper-end.php woocommerce/shop/wrapper-start.php woocommerce/single-product.php woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.5 10/02/2014 ADDED: WooCommerce 2.1 compatibility ADDED: Automatic Theme Upgrades FIXED: removed console.log from js/functions.js Changed files ( +added files ) from previous version: + plugins/ + admin/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-protected-api.php + admin/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php admin/admin.php css/bk_custom_woocommerce.css functions.php includes/functions-woocommerce.php jackbox/css/jackbox.min.css js/functions.js style.css woocommerce/content-product.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.4 03/02/2014 ADDED: WPML compatibility ADDED: Revolution Slider ADDED: Blog module added option to control thumb effect and overlay ADDED: Testimonial categories to page ADDED: Options for single product - layout, sidebar, remove title ADDED: Slideshow speed, animation options for posts and portfolios ADDED: Portfolio/gallery drag and drop reorder interface ADDED: Collapsed onload option for accordion ADDED: Recommended plugins manager ADDED: Warnign about images in media library on theme activation ADDED: Stacked and responsive menu expanded on child pages options ADDED: Option for resonsive mobile menu different logo ADDED: Option to set mobile responsive menu header expanded/collapsed onload ADDED: Option to toggle portfolio thumb categories/tags links ADDED: Option to link all portflio/gallery thumbs into one popup gallerymode ADDED: Portfolio/gallery linked popup mode based on current gallery ADDED: Option to toggle quick transalte module for portfolio/posts ADDED: Option to specify portfolio homepage link per category(portfolio filter) basis - Multiple separate portolios fixed ADDED: Custom classes for portfolio/post meta tags for easier styling via external css ADDED: Option for per post/page/portfolio custom CSS and javascript FIXED: Alt & Title tags missing for portfolio/gallery thumbs FIXED: WooCommerce cart page responsive on small screens FIXED: Stacked menu overlaps footer when expanded FIXED: Responsive mobile popup image displays arrows even if one image FIXED: Responsive fullscreen background images FIXED: Footer headline overlapse menu on small screen FIXED: Pagebuilder content module text tab doesn't save FIXED: Slider external links not working FIXED: Google hatom entry errors FIXED: Multiple separate portfolios linked inside single portfolionavigation FIXED: Fade & shuffle filter mode portfolios filtered out are in opposite order FIXED: IE streched images inside columns FIXED: Popup auto generated youtube/vimeo thumbs wrong aspect ratio FIXED: Seo by Yoast, All in one Seo pack - not saving content IMPROVED: Woocomerce product slider thumbs turned into slider IMPROVED: Pagebuilder & admin area IMPROVED: Regular page images aligns and captions style IMPROVED: Theme activation process & default settings IMPROVED: Child/parent pages menu highlights and styling IMPROVED: Portfolio/Gallery manage page Changed files ( + add files ) from previous version: + admin/bk_custom_taxonomy_meta_field_manager.class.php + admin/bk_custom_taxonomy_meta_fields.php + admin/bk_recommended_plugins.php + admin/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php admin/admin.php admin/bk_field_factory.class.php admin/bk_gallery_manager.class.php admin/bk_page_builder.class.php admin/css/bk_admin.css admin/css/chosen.css admin/images/chosen-sprite.png admin/js/admin-functions.js admin/js/chosen.jquery.min.js admin/js/theme-customizer.js admin/tinymce/plugin.js css/bk_custom_woocommerce.css css/lte-ie8.css functions.php includes/functions-woocommerce.php includes/gallery-type.php includes/portfolio-type.php includes/post-page-custom-fields.php includes/post-type.php includes/quick-gallery-type.php includes/shortcodes.php includes/testimonial-type.php includes/widget-filter.php includes/widget-testimonials.php index.php jackbox/css/jackbox-ie8.css jackbox/css/jackbox.min.css jackbox/js/jackbox-packed.min.js js/functions.js page.php style.css taxonomy.php woocommerce/single-product.php woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php woocommerce/single-product/title.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.3 19/12/2013 ADDED: Mobile Menu ADDED: Back to top button ADDED: WP 3.8 compatibility FIXED: Blog frontpage theme settings option FIXED: Unique prefix for portfolio meta tags to avoid plugin conflicts READ THIS -> FIXED: Single product responsive columns fix FIXED: IE portfolio thumbs broken links fix FIXED: qTranslate portfolio links support Changed files from previous version: admin/admin.php admin/css/bk_admin.css css/bk_custom_woocommerce.css css/lte-ie8.css css/supersized.css functions.php header.php images/back-to-top.png images/responsive-navigation-toggle.png images/retina/back-to-top@2.png images/retina/responsive-navigation-toggle@2.png images/transparent.png includes/shortcodes.php js/functions.js sidebar.php style.css ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.2 10/12/2013 ADDED: Footer Options FIXED: Simple images layouts for FF/IE browser FIXED: Shortcode manager works in admin options Changed files from previous version: admin/admin.php admin/bk_shortcode_manager.class.php footer.php functions.php includes/post-page-custom-fields.php sidebar.php style.css ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.11 22/11/2013 REMOVED: Class for standalone images to be opened in popup ADDED: Admin option to add popup for single images and default wordpress galleries automaticaly FIXED: Blurry images on retina devices inside popup/lightbox FIXED: Missing facebook social icon inside popup/lightbox Changed files from previous version: admin/admin.php admin/js/admin-functions.js functions.php jackbox/img/graphics/social/facebook.png jackbox/img/graphics/social/facebook_mac.png jackbox/img/graphics/social/google.png jackbox/img/graphics/social/twitter.png jackbox/img/graphics/social/twitter_mac.png jackbox/img/graphics/social/twitter_webkit.png jackbox/js/jackbox-packed.min.js jackbox/modules/jackbox_social.php js/functions.js style.css ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.1 31/10/2013 ADDED: WP 3.7 Compatibility ADDED: Blog module has option to chow categories ADDED: WooCommerce thumb different image overlay option ADDED: Latest version of jackbox/lightbox popup ADDED: Class for standalone images to be opened in popup FIXED: Classic blog image sizes / blurry fix FIXED: Blurry images on retina devices inside popup/lightbox FIXED: Infinite scroll load more images popup error ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 2.0 10/08/2013 FIXED: WP 3.6 admin issues FIXED: IE8,9,10 missing portfolio, gallery images at page load ADDED: WooCommerce 2.0+ Support ADDED: WP 3.6 Compatibility ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.02 12/07/2013 FIXED: pricing table page builder module text and description FIXED: search results displays and styles portfolio posts correctly FIXED: pinterest widget thumbs cutoff bug ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.01 05/07/2013 - initial release FIXED: oauth exception conflict with some plugins FIXED: custom css printed at te bottom FIXED: missing space below coment and love button when no social icons FIXED: collapsed naviagtion on pageload while in top fixed and classic position FIXED: external link behavior for portfolio and gallery thumbs ADDED: fixed text area at the bottom of left floated header ADDED: contact form 7 styling rules ADDED: shortcodes in text widget ADDED: external link for quick gallery ADDED: option to change portfolio URL slug from admin area ADDED: email social icon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v 1.0 20/12/2013 - initial release
Image Credits:
Many thanks to following people for letting us use their stunning work as theme content preview:
Other images were purchased on and are NOT part of the download package.
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[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = Division – Fullscreen Portfolio Photography Theme
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Division – Fullscreen Portfolio Photography Theme from the The Developer ( BillyKid ) website. Thank you.
Download = Division – Fullscreen Portfolio Photography Theme-[Updated].zip