P2P Networking Business Software is an unique platform for peer to peer networking business, main aim of this product is develop an strong database of valid and unique members. system is fully dynamic and 100% responsive included a lots of features for manage membership, referal, income, withdraw and deposit. now its easy to start own Networing Business platform….
User Features:
☵ Responsive User Interface.
☵ FREE & PAID Membership.
☵ Package UPDATE Facility.
☵ ID to ID Balance Transfer.
☵ Total Deposit History.
☵ Total Earning History.
☵ Total Referal History.
☵ Activity Logs.
☵ Easy to Use System.
☵ Easy To contact.
☵ Easy Signup & Signin.
☵ Support Perfect Money.
☵ Support PayPal.
☵ Support Master Card (Stripe).
☵ Support Bitcoin.
☵ SEO Friendly URL.
☵ Secure User Dashboard.
☵ Referal link System.
☵ Automated Add Fund System.
☵ Fund Add Report.
☵ Referer Manager.
☵ Refer History.
☵ Refer User History.
☵ Manage Withdraw.
☵ Unique Templates.
☵ Email Notification.
☵ SMS Notification.
☵ And More…
Admin Features:
☵ Informative Dashboard.
☵ Total USER Management.
☵ Block / Unblock Facility.
☵ Payment Method Management.
☵ Dynamic Admin Panel.
☵ 100% Secure Login.
☵ Joining Package Management.
☵ Referer List.
☵ Premium Member Management.
☵ Network Commision Management.
☵ WithDraw Method Management.
☵ Activity Logs Management.
☵ Total Withdraw History.
☵ General Setup.
☵ Testimonial Management.
☵ Menu Management.
☵ Slider Management.
☵ Web-Page & Content Management.
☵ Deposit History.
☵ Charge & Commision Management.
☵ Footer Management.
☵ Email Notification Management.
☵ SMS Notification Management.
☵ NewsLetter Management.
☵ Full Website SETUP.
☵ Manage SITE Color.
☵ Multiple Admin Facility.
☵ And More……..
Demo Access
Frontend: http://rifat636.thesoftking.com/p2p/
Admin Access: http://rifat636.thesoftking.com/p2p/admin
Admin Login: Username: admin || Password: admin
Support Facility:
Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support: software@thesoftking.com
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Demo = eNet – P2P Networking Business Platform
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”https://codecanyon.net/item/enet-p2p-networking-business-platform/21193196″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
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