

Download Ether Backup WordPress Plugin Nulled


Ether Backup WordPress plugin is a powerful tool that lets you manage every aspect of your site data.

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Problems / Need help?

DON’T USE CodeCanyon Comments for support requests as that’s not what they’re designed for. This will make our lifes easier. Thank you in advance!

Follow Support Guidelines to get in touch with us for faster turnaround.

Latest Update

2014-10-08, version 1.3.4

Updated: Documentation, minor tweaks
Updated: JS & CSS core


  • Full customization of backups
  • Auto scheduling
  • Easy Upload / Download of backups
  • Auto URL update for 100% of the site content
  • Migrate your site to different server/domain with just a few clicks
  • Simple user interface

Note: This plugin does not make any use of shell_exec, mysql_dump and select into file functions and hence is considerered friendly and versatile when it comes to server environments in which it will work flawlessly. In case of any problems with specific hostings let us know immediately!

Server requirements


  • PHP 5.2.3+
  • MySQL 4.1.2+
  • WordPress 3.1+


  • GD library – used for automatic image scaling and croping
  • Curl library or allow_url_fopen option set to “On” – used for downloading external feeds, e.g. last tweets
  • ZipArchive class – used for backup archive generation


  1. Extract Ether Backup plugin into wordpress/wp-content/plugins folder on your server.
  2. In admin panel go to Plugins, locate Ether Backup Plugin and activate it.
  3. Upon activation backup page can be accessed via Ether > Backup tab WP admin panel.


In case of any troubles use and abuse sources below as much as you need.

  • Email: – Note: When reporting WordPress Plugin/Theme incompatibility please include the following details in your message along with problem description for smoother turnaround:
    • Item purchase code you got after buying an item (It’s viewable on your Envato marketplace account under downloads section)
    • Theme files – Especially if it’s a commercial theme – so that we can run local tests if necessary (What are theme files? Theme files define your site look and functionality. You can send us the same theme files that you downloaded or zip* them yourself)
    • Are you using any other plugins? If so, zip* them together and attach to your message as well so that we can run local tests if necessary (Plugins are viewable under Plugins section in WordPress admin dasboard. Only active ones are necessary.)
    • WordPress admin dashboard access – so that we can have a direct look at the issue if necessary as sometimes we may not be able to replicate the issue in our environment. It also makes the process easier and faster.
    • FTP access details – so that we can have a direct look at the issue if necessary as sometimes we may not be able to replicate the issue in our environment. It also makes the process easier and faster.

*Use file archiver such as WinRar or other compression software. In case you don’t know how google it, it’s very very simple

Note: We usually respond within 1-7 days from reporting the issue.


In case of any troubles you talk to us directly so let’s get to know each other better. We’re WordPress enthusiasts. We live in Poland. We develop for web independently full-time. This should do for starters. Want to know more – message us. Cheers!

Update Log

2014-10-08, version 1.3.4

Updated: Documentation, minor tweaks
Updated: JS & CSS core

2014-08-16, version 1.3.3

Updated: Admin & Javascript core update
Updated: Admin pages: Ether, Update, License, Backup
Updated: Admin UI: UI Tweaks
Updated: Core update
Fixed: Core: Conditional fields issue with multiple and-conditions per group

2014-07-05, version 1.3.2

Updated: Admin Pages Layout and Styles
Updated: Ether core compatibility update

2013-12-03, version 1.3.1

Fixed: Conditional fields in Backup options

2013-09-13, version 1.3

Fixed: Ajax requests
Fixed: General core tweaks

2012-02-04, version 1.21

Updated: core changes
Updated: minor ui updates

2012-09-19, version 1.2

Added: Autodetect of all WordPress and custom plugin tables and their inclusion in a backup
Added: Possibility of including active theme and plugin files in a backup
Fixed: Migration of tables from Mult-Single sites environments
Removed: Additional tables field

2012-06-16, version 1.1.2

Fixed: Issues with WordPress 3.4
Fixed: Problems during import of options table

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Ether Backup WordPress Plugin
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Ether Backup WordPress Plugin from the The Developer ( onether ) website. Thank you.
Download = Ether Backup WordPress Plugin-[Updated].zip

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