

Download Eventine – Conference & Event Management OnePage WordPress Theme Nulled



Eventine is an ideal WordPress theme for users who wish to create conference websites. It is especially designed for conferences, concerts, events, meetups, exhibitions, congresses and other events.

Eventine theme makes it easy to promote your event, speakers and even sell conference tickets . It is a highly customizable WordPress theme containing awesome features. Eventine theme has everything to take your event organization to the next level!

Support, Documentation and free updates are included as well. It’s designed to provide useful information about your event and it comes with great 6 different type of Banners/Headings, BLOG and Blog Details.

Few Awesome Features of Eventine

Eventine comes with lots of amazing features and functionalities that will make your event or conference a huge success. Please discover the Eventine features below that are waiting to glorify any event, conference, exhibition, meeting and so on.

  • 6 Home Variations  Eventine offers 6 home page variations that will definitely meet your event and conference requirements. The home variations are Default layout, Home Register, Home Countdown, Home Countdown 2, Home Rev Slider, Home Video Slider and Onepage. The theme is fit for any meeting, exhibition, congresses, event, conference or event management website.
  • Onepage  Along with the regular homepage layouts, a onepage variation is also provided in the Eventine theme. Using this onepage variation, you can launch a conference or event site quickly by adding the core contents.
  • Modern & Responsive  Eventine is a 100% responsive and totally mobile friendly WordPress theme which is really ideal for any type of event, conference or gathering. Content blocks are positioned differently by the event theme depending on the device using what the conference site is being browsed. It sports a fresh, clean and modern UI/UX.
  • SEO Friendly  Search Engine Optimization or SEO is very crucial for any website. Your event or meeting website also needs to be SEO optimized. Eventine is SEO friendly, so your conference or exhibition site will rank higher in search results.
  • Event Countdown Timer  Every event or conference has a definitive time to be held. This is also applicable for your own event, conference or meetups. It’s very crucial to let the interested parties know when your event or conference will kick off. A countdown timer can do it perfectly. The Eventine theme has a countdown timer on the top of the homepage which informs the visitors how much time is remaining to start the event. It’s a great feature that will ensure that every stakeholder will stay well informed about the conference you are going to arrange.
  • Event Schedule  With Eventine, you can present the entire conference or event schedule to communicate particular session times, locations, speakers along with other details. Your attendants will find it incredibly useful to join the event, conference or so on in due time. Instruction how to set up the settings for Scheduler Block.
  • Speakers List  Eventine comes with every functionality you would expect from your event or conference site. You can easily enlist an event speaker, create speaker profiles and so on. You can also display conference speakers in a curated list by utilizing our custom Speaker shortcode.
  • Photo Gallery  Eventine has a custom gallery post type which lets you add photo galleries to your event or conference website. It’s a very useful feature because everyone likes to share their precious moments with others. So you must love to utilize this to share your meeting, conference or exhibition photos with your visitors.
  • Sell Event Tickets  Eventine supports WooCommerce so you can sell tickets for your conference online. WooCommerce lets you utilize wider payment method choices with its expanding payment gateway support.
  • Rich Theme Options  With a big collection of powerful theme options, Eventine emerges as an unmatched conference/event WordPress theme. Add a logo to the site, choose a color scheme, adjust the font style, add call to action areas and more really fast!
  • Visual Composer  Eventine empowers you to build your event or conference website in the shortest possible time with the user friendly drag-and-drop Visual Composer WordPress page builder. The good news is, the premium Visual Composer plugin is offered for free with our Eventine theme. It instantly saves you $34!
  • Custom VC Shortcodes  We’ve created several dedicated Visual Composer shortcodes for the Eventine theme to showcase a countdown timer, display the event speakers, show conference blog headlines etc.
  • Child Theme Included  The Eventine theme package includes a child theme, that means you can use the child theme to make any customization to the theme and retain them even after updating the theme in future. You can deploy your attention on your events or conferences, and your site will remain awesome all the time with Eventine.
  • Contact Form 7  The Eventine theme package includes Contact Form 6 plugin which can be used to add a contact form to your site for any type of events or conferences.
  • Google Fonts  With Eventine, you can represent your events with better typography and contents. Eventine lets you use Google Fonts on your conference site so you get 600+ fonts to choose from.
  • Google Maps  Eventine supports embedding Google Maps to your meeting or exhibition site using a dedicated VC shortcode. It helps the visitors find the conference place easily and reach the event location timely.

03.08.2017 Version 1.0.2 Update

- Small Improvements
- Plugin Updates

Professional and fast support

We’re happy to help our customers with theme related support, just submit a ticket to the support forum and our highly trained personnel will answer each question as quickly as possible.

Your opinions and feedback is highly appreciated and help us built perfect products. Thank you.

Note, preview images are not included !

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Eventine – Conference & Event Management OnePage WordPress Theme
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Eventine – Conference & Event Management OnePage WordPress Theme from the The Developer ( wpbrothers ) website. Thank you.
Download = Eventine – Conference & Event Management OnePage WordPress Theme-[Updated].zip

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