

Download Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress Nulled


Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress offers an opportunity for the visitors to leave comments on your website with this modern, un-intrusive comment box. The plugin also provide a Like Box and Fan Page Wall features to extend your website with this All-in-One Facebook Plugin.

You don’t need to integrate the Like and Share button to the posts or pages, because it is already contain and it can be appear on every pages and posts. The visitors will find the Like button, Share button and the Comments Box on the Facebook Slider.

You can enable, disable and set time of the shake effect.

Included Facebook Likebox, Comment Box and Wall Posts

The plugin contains three different slider to help you to integrate all Facebook marketing opportunities to your website.
You can display the Like Box on the homepage only or display all of three sliders on every pages.
Simple shortcodes gives you the full control to achieve your goals.

Get the benefits of the Facebook conversations!

You can lock the screen and set up a timer or you can allow for the users to close the slider. Users can close with a simple click on the faded background, or with the close icon. It is possible to create more effective campaigns for WordPress when you disable the option to close the Facebook Slider. In this case, it will be closed when the user leave a comment or the time is up. Another great way to increase the traffic and shares on Facebook if you enable the auto open feature. This setting will help to make more visible the Comment Box for the visitors, because it will automatically open at the bottom of the page. If you use this plugin on the right way, your WordPress site will get a viral Facebook traffic in a short time.

More comments, more visibility on Facebook, much more traffic and Facebook Fans.

The plugin also displays a Like and Share button. When you get a comment, that is equal with one comment and one like, so this is the best option to get more visitors.
If the users don’t want to write a comment, they can like or share your WordPress website. Using the social networks is the most popular way to get more visitors and fans. Facebook has the biggest traffic and you can use this network to lead much more people to your WordPress website. You can find many of low level WordPress plugins on the web, but not like this. It is containing all public Facebook feature in one plugin, Facebook Like, Facebook Share, Facebook Comment included attention grabber slide and shake animations.

All in one Facebook plugin for WordPress!

Facebook providing two different color style, you can access it in dark and light style. This option can be also select on the WordPress settings page of the plugin.

Full responsive, mobile-friendly!

You can select the comment box’s language with a super simple method, only you have to choose the language from a drop-down list on the WordPress admin and the comment box will be translated! Don’t need to use any translation plugin or translate it for yourself, all of the texts on the Slider coming from Facebook and you can translate it quickly with the drop down select box on admin. You can also customize the message on the top of the slider box.
The whole slider is full responsive, the users can enjoy on tablets or with any mobile device.
The Facebook Comment Slider automatically fit to the viewer device.
Good idea to use it instead of the WordPress default comments system, because it’s prevent spamming. Facebook has a really strict rules about spams, so you can be sure, if you use this WordPress plugin, you won’t get spams anymore. In the full detailed documentation, you will find a link for the Facebook Moderation Tools for moderate and set up the entire Comments Box. Possible to set all comments to public or you can allow or disallow each comment one by one.

You can also use it as Customer Service, at the same time you will advertise your own website with every Facebook Comments.
Try out this WordPress Plugin for free on the demo website and you will see it is pretty effective and attention grabber.

Intelligent Slider, Supports more than 70 languages

Auto-open the slider box when the user reaches the bottom of the page.
(they can leave comments easier after they red the content)
It can remember for the user and you can set to display once for the same user.
If you choose lock screen, the slider will only close when the user leaves a comment or the time is up. It is possible to leave a comment without Facebook account, therefore anyone can write a comment about your website.
In addition, this slider gives an opportunity to use with another account instead of Facebook.
It can be used with Yahoo, Hotmail or AOL account as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the LikeBox only on my home page?

Yes, the plugin has an option on admin to display the Facebook Comment Slider as Like Box on the Home Page.

Is it possible to include the Comment Box to the posts only?

You can choose the option to display the Comment Box / Like Box / Fan Page Wall on the pages/posts where you using the shortcode. Therefore, you have to only add [enable_facebook-comment-slider] to enable the Comment Box, [likebox_facebook-comment-slider] to display the Like Box or [postbox_facebook-comment-slider] for allowing the Fan Page Wall.

How can I disable on a specified page/post?

Just put [disable_facebook-comment-slider] to the content or to the widget.

Can I set to open the Like Box / Comment Box / Fan Page Wall with link?

Absolutely, simply add fcs_open_likebox to open and fcs_close_likebox classname to the link you would like to use:

<a href="#" class="fcs_open_likebox">Open Like Box</a>
<a href="#" class="fcs_close_likebox">Close Like Box</a>

You can also use it for the Comment Box:

<a href="#" class="fcs_open_commentbox">Open Comment Box</a>
<a href="#" class="fcs_close_commentbox">Close Comment Box</a>

Also possible to open and close the Fan Page Wall with link:

<a href="#" class="fcs_open_postbox">Open Fan Page Wall</a>
<a href="#" class="fcs_close_postbox">Close Fan Page Wall</a>

I would like to use all of them on the same page

By default, the plugin add the Comment Box to your website, you can enable the Like Box by inserting the [likebox_facebook-comment-slider] shortcode to the content. You can use [postbox_facebook-comment-slider] shortcode to display the Fan Page Wall. With this way, you can see all three Facebook Slider on the page.

I don’t want to display it on mobile? Is it possible?

The plugin is responsive, but yes, you have the option on the admin area to switch off on mobile.

Key Features

  • fully responsive
  • ability to lock the screen until the user leaves a comment
  • fixed slider position
  • automatic slide-in when the visitor reach the bottom of the page
  • you can enable or disable the user can close the slider option
  • ability to set up timer to fadeout the slider
  • you can specify your own notice
  • viral spread, much more traffic
  • fully localizable comment box, choose from more than 70 languages
  • selectable direction of the slider
  • you can set up to open the slider automatically just once per user
  • set the number of comments to display
  • link to the moderation tools for Facebook with your AppID
  • fancy jquery animation with fadeout and slide effect
  • automatic URL recognition (users can comment on the specific page of the website and on the homepage as well)
  • detailed documentation
  • transparent background when the screen is locked
  • unlock screen with click on the background (if you allow to close the slider for the users)
  • users can leave comments with 4 service providers (Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail)
  • full customizable, separated CSS file
  • you can hide or show the Facebook icon
  • adjustable transparency
  • three different icon size
  • auto open the slider if you want, when the users reach the bottom of the page
  • mobile-friendly slider
  • heartbeat effect (you can disable or enable)
  • open or close any slider with link in post/page
  • hide LikeBox for already liked users (using cookies)
  • minimal and default skin (both of has dark & light scheme)
  • developers section in documentation with many of methods
  • 4 shortcodes to display or hide LikeBox/CommentBox/Post Wall
  • content always fit to the slider container, during window resizing as well
  • hided sliders on unneccessary pages (in WordPress), like 404, login and registration pages
  • ability to display Comment Box only on Posts / Pages / both
  • works on mobiles, but it has the option to disable on lower resolutions

Awards and Press Releases

15 Social Media Plugins For WordPress That Bloggers Don’t Know About
Open the Social Traffic Floodgates with WordPress Plugins

How to get Updates?

After you purchased go to the Downloads and set the checkbox to on. You can also rate the plugin there.


It is very simple, just share the following link on your Blog, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere : (replace yourusername to your Codecanyon username)

When you refer new users you’ll receive 30% of their first purchase or cash deposit! For detailed informations about the referral comission, click here.


Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.8.1

  • added option to include the plugin on posts only
  • updated documentation

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.8

  • added keep settings option to make updates easier
  • added optional email notification to facebook comments

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.7.3

  • added PSD files of Facebook Icons
  • fixed heartbeat effect compatibility issue
  • slightly increased width of the opened slider on mobile
  • fixed custom image issue

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.7.1

  • fixed duplicated Facebook Initialization issue, when you using other Facebook Plugin
  • major performance update

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.7

  • major performance optimalization
  • added init, destroy, hide, show, resize, remove methods
  • added openlikebox, opencommentbox, openpostbox methods
  • added closelikebox, closecommentbox, closepostbox, close (last opened) methods
  • added methods to open or close any slider box with simply defining a specified class to any HTML element (like fcs_open_commentbox)
  • added heartbeat effect
  • sliders content now always fit to the parent container (better view)
  • added option to hide LikeBox if the user already liked
  • added preloader to all sliders
  • added feauture to handle skins
  • added new skin: minimal
  • replaced close button to close image
  • updated documentation
  • added developers section to documentation
  • removed shortcodes from feed

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.6.5

  • fixed displaying shortcodes on mobile issue
  • disable sliders on login, 404 and registration pages
  • added option to display the comment box on all pages, only posts, only pages or both of pages and posts
  • fixed bug, when using custom icon
  • added disable on mobile option
  • fixed blank comment box when visitor coming from shared urls on Facebook

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.6.4

  • fixed minor padding issue

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.6.3

  • fixed Facebook Wall Posts minor visibility issue

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.6.2

  • fixed likebox open-close slider bug in Firefox
  • fixed close after left a comment bug in Firefox
  • optimized Facebook initialization

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.6.1

  • improved animation when open the slider

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.6

  • added vertical position option to the icons
  • added Like Box
  • added Facebook Fan Page Wall
  • added two additional shortcodes to display Like Box and Facebook Fan Page Posts
  • added option to turn Comment Slider to Like Box or Fan Page Wall on the homepage
  • replaced Facebook icons
  • added 5 new tabs on admin to manage settings for Like Box, Comment Box and Fan Page Wall
  • minified and obfuscated javascript code (included original)
  • fixed minor visibility bug when the slider placed on the left side
  • documentation updated

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.5.5

  • fixed chrome visibility issue
  • fixed blank slider in few cases, when using it with other Facebook plugins

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.5.2

  • minor improvements on shake animation effect

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.5.1

  • improved animation effects

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.5

  • added option to disable the Facebook Comment Slider on the entire website and enable on a specified page with the [enable_facebook-comment-slider] shortcode (include to anywhere in the content or in the template)
  • added option to disable or set time to the shake effect
  • minor speed improvements on the front side of the slider

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.4.1

  • minor improvements, css positioning

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.4

  • added dark style
  • added a timed shake effect to the icon until the comment slider not open
  • added animation to display the Facebook icon
  • you can use your custom url to replace the Facebook logo for your own image
  • fixed: doesn’t open the slider at the bottom of the page again, after a user already opened before
  • minor improvements on mobile view

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.3

  • added lightweight scrollbar to view older comments
  • added [disable_facebook-comment-slider] shortcode to disable the slider on any page or post
  • replaced jQuery 1.9.1 to 1.8.3 to avoid conflicts with older templates or plugins
  • modified live preview url

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.2

  • minor bugfix and improvements on frontend

Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress 1.1

  • fixed minor visibility bug
  • doesn’t display the timer, when the slider is closeable

Check out my other items:

  • Modal Survey – Polls & Quiz for WordPress
  • Frontend Text Customizer for WordPress
  • WordPress Job Board Plugin
  • WordPress Contact Form Slider
  • Optin Form for WordPress

Refund Policy

Full refund can be given, if the plugin doesn’t work on your website as it described, the issue caused by the product and can’t be fixed in 48 hours. In most cases, if the plugin doesn’t work on your website, that caused by any of the following reasons:

  • outdated WordPress Theme, that has an error in the background
  • outdated other plugin(s), that has an error in the background
  • other plugin or theme, that includes invalid jQuery version instead of using the WordPress built-in jQuery
  • hosting limitations or configuration issues
  • incorrect plugin configuration

Before you send a refund request, please make sure you already contacted with the support here and provided your website’s URL. If the plugin doesn’t work as it described and the problem is with the plugin, that can’t be fixed in 48 hours, then you can get a full refund.

If you refusing the free support and the issue can’t be investigated, then you can’t get a refund.


I owe a big thank you for the following websites:

  • WordPress
  • Jquery
  • jScrollPane
  • Facebook
  • WordPress & jQuery Plugins

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress from the The Developer ( pantherius ) website. Thank you.
Download = Facebook Comment Slider for WordPress-[Updated].zip

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