

Download Facebook Connect and Viral tool for WordPress Nulled


This Facebook Connect plugin for WordPress enables you to add the Facebook Connect functionalities into your website. This feature would allow your visitors to create a new WordPress account if they are not connected, or attach their Facebook account to an active WordPress user if they are already connected.

No more need for your users to remember their username / password. They can just connect securely in a click of a mouse with their Facebook account!

This plugin also provides a way to get your users Facebook email (that has usually been verified). You can export your users data and emails in a CSV format. You can also define an Autopost Email Message that gets sent automatically to all the users who connects for the first time with their Facebook account.


– Ability to connect in one click with a Facebook account.
– Your visitors can create a WordPress account using their Facebook credentials.
– Ability to attach a Facebook account to your WordPress admin user.
– Get your users Facebook email and store it into your database.
– 2 Widgets (Facebook Connect and Last Connected Users).
– Customize how many users are displayed in the widgets.
– Shortcodes to add the Facebook Connect on your Posts or Pages
– Ability to display the Facebook connect button in your theme (using a PHP code provided in the documentation).
– Ability to export your users data in a CSV format (New)
– Email Autopost feature (New)


12 March 2017 – v2.7.2
– Updated to the latest Facebook API that should fix some issues with an “email missing” error message
– Fixed an issue in the admin setting page
– Updated to use the constructor style supported in the latest PHP version 7
22 August 2015 – v2.7
– Updated to the latest Facebook API v2.4
– Added an email autopost feature with shortcodes support
– Ability to send to your users their new WordPress account username and password by email
– Fixed a visual bug that could show half of the page before a redirection (during the connect or logout)
– Updated the backend interface
– Deprecated the ability to post updates on user’s Facebook wall that is not allowed anymore by Facebook
3 June 2014 – v2.6
– Updated to the latest Facebook API v2.0
12 Nov 2013
– This plugin users data can now be exported and imported directly into our standalone Facebook Viral app for more advanced features in posting on users wall.
– Ability to consolidate the users into one unique database (using the standalone Facebook viral app)
– Fixed the cancel button redirection when a user decides not to authorize the app when connecting with his Facebook account
22 June 2012
– Update on the Facebook connect functions
18 December 2012
– Updated the plugin with the latest Facebook API changes.
– Support added for multiple instances of the widgets (based on the WP Widgets API)
– Latest WordPress install supported (v3.5)
– A whole new code base, and plugin settings interface
– Ability to export a users information as a CSV format (name, emails, Facebook user id…)
– Better management of the “post on users wall” feature
12 June 2012
– Updated the plugin with the latest Facebook API changes.
13 Oct 2011
– Fixed a bug preventing the connected users icons from appearing in the plugin settings.
20 Sep 2011
– Added support for OAuth 2.0
19 Aug 2011
– Added support for Latin characters when posting status on users wall.
23 July 2011
– Added the ability to create the username based on the user’s Facebook first and last name.
– Added the ability for the blog admin to activate the auto post of a custom message on user’s wall when they connect the first time.
6 June 2011
– Ability to connect/disconnect a Facebook account from the user profile page.
– Added a better Facebook connect image and improved the Facebook connect features.
24 April 2011
– Ability to display the Facebook connect in posts or pages with a shortcode.
– Option to enable the use of Facebook user’s profile pictures as avatars in WordPress (whenever possible)
– Added an option to customize the widgets titles.
10 Mars 2011
– Ability to display the Facebook connect button anywhere in a page (header, footer…) by calling a specific function.
26 February 2011
– Ability to create a new WordPress user using Facebook.
– Ability to attach a Facebook account to an active WordPress user.
– Created 2 widgets (Facebook login, last connected) instead of one for more flexibility.

Installing the plugin the first time

Please make sure you try the plugin with a default WordPress theme (ex: Twenty ten) to make sure it works properly. Some themes are not coded properly and doesn’t always respect the official best practices for themes development, and can cause some plugins to not work properly. Knowing that will help diagnostic any problems you could have making this plugin work as expected.

The Twitter version of this plugin

You can find the Twitter plugin on this page: Twitter WPress for WordPress

Facebook Plugins & Comments integration

Get the Facebook Plugins, Comments & Dialogs for WordPress

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Facebook Connect and Viral tool for WordPress
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Facebook Connect and Viral tool for WordPress from the The Developer ( yougapi ) website. Thank you.
Download = Facebook Connect and Viral tool for WordPress-[Updated].zip

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