Facebook Messenger Pro for WordPress allows you to embed the Facebook chat box to your wordpress website, enabling your visitors to chat with you via Facebook Messenger.
–Highly customizable: Easy to install and use, with many options to suit your style. You get unlimited options to make modifications that are suitable to your website.
–With or without cover: Facebook Messenger Pro for WordPress allows you to choose whether or not your Facebook page cover appears on your site.
–With or without facepile: Displaying the faces of your fans could draw more visitors to follow you. You have the possibility to display the Facebook profile photos of people who are connected with your Facebook page or app if you wish.
-Custom popup dimensions: Depending on where you place the messenger button, the message box has the ability to adapt to the space allocated to it.
–Custom popup positions: Facebook Messenger Pro for WordPress enables you to position your messenger box anywhere you like on your site.
–Customizable Text: Do you have a special message , that will push your visitors to start the conversation? The plugin allows you to customize the text of the conversation starter button, the choice is all yours.
–Unlimited Colors: Colors also speak for your brand. You wish to create a harmony in your colors? With a wide variety of color available, easily apply the color you love to the button. Let it fit in with your brand.
–Includes Timeline /Events Tab: Choose to showcase your Facebook posts and event updates on your website.
–Mobile Conversation Box: Your visitors can display the conversation box anywhere they like on the screen.
–Woocommerce Compatibility: The Facebook Messenger Pro can be easily used on any Woocommerce website.
[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = Facebook Messenger Pro for WordPress
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”https://codecanyon.net/item/facebook-messenger-pro-for-wordpress/16758597″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Facebook Messenger Pro for WordPress from the The Developer ( orionorigin ) website. Thank you.
Download = Facebook Messenger Pro for WordPress-[Updated].zip