Farmi – Organic Farm Agriculture Template
Farmi is a Responsive quick and easy customizable Modern Multipurpose “Organic Farm Agriculture Template” that comes with 15+ valid HTML5 pages and 2 Unique home page variations. Farmi offers numerous awesome features like , Organic Food, Agriculture, Farming, Livestock, Organic Agriculture, Farmer, Plant Biotechnology, Precision Farming, Tillage, Poultry, Gardening, Landscaping Services, Farming, Agricultural Industries or your just a Blog. Well commented code, well-documented file structure and 24/7 professional and ultra-fast Support.
Please contact at to get the images used in the demo.
Digilab – Core Features
- 2 Unique Homepage Version
- 15+ valid HTML files
- All Required Files Available
- Well Organized Files
- Built With Bootstrap 4x
- Fully Responsive
- Working Ajax Dynamic Contact Form
- Unique, Clean and Modern Design
- W3c validator
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Parallax Background
- Custom Animation Effect
- SEO Friendly Code
- Smooth Scroll
- Stickey Menu
- Google Fonts Support
- Built With HTML5 and CSS3
- Free Font Icons
- Easy Setup
- CSS3 Animation
- Includes Digilab Font Awesome Library
- Excellent Customer Support – We care about your site as much as you do and will help in any way we can!
- And much more…
Credits and Sources
We used Twitter Bootstrap v3.7.7 as CSS framework for this template.
- – Google WebFonts
- – Font Awesome
Template Scripts
- modernizr-2.8.3.min.js detecting browser’s features.
- jquery.min.js is a popular JavaScript library.
- bootstrap.min.js is a stantard Twitter Bootstrap library.
- respond.min.js is required for working Twitter Bootstrap v3 in older browsers.
- html5shiv.min.js adds HTML5 compatibility for older browsers.
- jquery.easing.1.3.js is a jQuery plugin for different types of animation
- owl.carousel.min.js is a jQuery carousel plugin for “partners” section
- jquery.appear.js is used to determine whether the HTML element is inside the browser’s viewport
NOTE: The images used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only for the preview purpose.
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Farmi – Organic Farm Agriculture Template from the The Developer ( validthemes ) website. Thank you.
Download = Farmi – Organic Farm Agriculture Template-[Updated].zip