

Download Fashion Shop Responsive WordPress Theme Nulled


Fashion Shop is a clean responsive ecommerce WordPress theme suitable for boutique, clothes store, fashion store, makeup products or similar websites that needs a feature rich yet beautiful presence online. It is powered by WooCommerce and with a responsive design which
makes it a perfect fit for all devices.

Main Features:

  • Fully Responsive
  • WooCommerce Ready
  • 3D Layer Slider
  • Awesome Sliders
  • Multilingual Support using WPML
  • Multiple Blog Styles
  • Multiple Gallery Layouts
  • Google Fonts
  • Shortcode System
  • Page Builder
  • Slider Manager
  • Social Share for Posts
  • Well commented code.
  • Layered PSD Included.
  • HTML 5 & CSS 3
  • 5 Color Schemes
  • Thumbnail Options (Static Image, Slider, Video)


= V 3.1.0 – 13-May-2017 =

        1. DropDown menu fixed.
        2. Widget's bugs fixed.
        3. All woocommerce issues fixed.
        4. Text Doamin corrected.
        5. Removed commented code.
        6. Removed CDN links.

        1. Updated woocommerce to 3.0.5.
        2. TGM-Plugin-Activation class updated.
  = v3.0 = 07.06.2016 =
1. Logo Upload Issue Fix.
2. Image Upload Issue Fix.
3. Linking Option Bug of Nivo Slider Fix.
4. Linking Option Bug of Flex Slider fix.
5. Nivo and Flex Slider Theme Options Issue Fix.
6. Several Styling Issue Fixes.
7. Text Widget Font Family Bug Fix.
  = v2.9.0 = 26.08.2015 =
 1. WooCommerce 2.4 + compatibility 
 2. WordPress 4.3 compatibility
  = v2.8.0 = 30.06.2015 =
 1. prettyPhoto XSS fix
  = v2.7.0 = 19.08.2014 =
 1. Mega Menu Fix
 = v2.6.0 = 14.05.2014 =  

 1. Woo-Commerce 2.1.8 Compatibly fix
 2. Shortcode Fixes
 3. Responsive menu fix
 4. Blog Widget fix
 5. Small Front-end CSS fix
 6. Dropdown Cart Bug Compatibly fix
 7. Child Theme Support
 8. WordPress 3.9 Compatibility
= v2.5.0 = 20.02.2014 =  
WooCommerce 2.1.2 Compatibility
Cart Dropdown bug fix

= v2.4.0 = 04.02.2014 =  
Theme Options Saving Bug Fixed

= v2.3.0 = 16.01.2014 =  
WordPress 3.8.2 Compatibility Update
Back-end CSS fixes
Responsive Menu Fix
Product Price Issue Fix
Contact Widget Fix
Layer Slider Update

= v2.2.0 = 07.01.2014 =  
Layer Slider updated to latest version.

= v2.1.0 = 20.11.2013 =  
Responsive design improvements.

= v2.0 = 15.10.2013 =  
New Features 
 1. Add option at backend to display product categories or ordaring dropdown at shop page. 
 2. Made compatible for WordPress version 3.7 3. Compatible with WooCommerce version 2.0.18 
Bug Fixes 
 1. Up-sell item css fix. 
 2. Cross-Sells item css fix.

= v1.3.9 = 29.10.2013 =  
*New Feature: Added option at back-end to control number of items on shop page.
Bug Fixed: Theme option panel UI bug fixed.

= v1.3.8 = 23.09.2013 =  
Fixed cart price update bug in header.

= v1.3.7 = 28.08.2013 =  
Updated Layer slider to its latest release.

= v1.3.6 = 05.08.2013 =  
Layer slider compatibility with WordPress version 3.6 fixed in this update.

= v1.3.5 = 31.07.2013 =  
Mega Menu bug fixed. Now users can select slider or banner image as header.

= v1.3.0 = 24.06.2013 =  
Added One Click Installer.

= v1.2.3 = 10.06.2013 =  
Variable Products bug for WooCommerce fixed.

= v1.2.2 = 06.06.2013 =  
Fixed white space issue, Added character limit option to product names.

= v1.2.1 = 06.03.2013 =  
Cart compatibility fix, PHP errors fix.

= v1.2.0 = 05.23.2013 =  
Added catalogue feature, theme can work without store function

= v1.1.0 = 05.20.2013 =  
Image resize bug fix.

= v1.0 = 05.17.2013 = * Initial Release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Fashion Shop Responsive WordPress Theme
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Fashion Shop Responsive WordPress Theme from the The Developer ( CrunchPress ) website. Thank you.
Download = Fashion Shop Responsive WordPress Theme-[Updated].zip

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