Fleurdesel impresses at the very first glance with its modern and elegant design. From a visual perspective, you’re immediately blown away by the brilliant full-screen slider that dominates the homepage in all of 6 homepage variation, providing an impressively immersive effect. The content background is white with accents in black and gold, which create simplicity yet welcoming and posh atmosphere.
Upon downloading the theme, you will benefit from 9 room layouts, 5 event designs, 4 blog styles and a lot of other pages needed for your hotel such as about, contact, gallery, restaurant, wellness&spa, wedding. Fleurdesel ships with the professional Awebooking 3.0, which includes many premium and awesome features to help you create fully functional booking form. Thus, your potential customers can become guests of your establishment at the touch of a button. This is a perfect choice for users who want to create successful hotel websites.
Main features of Fleurdesel
- WPBakery Page Builder plugin ($34 saved)
Being integrated the famous WPBakery Page Builder plugin, the theme allows you to build almost anything using the shortcodes and elements available in the fastest and easiest way
- Revolution Slider ($19 saved)
With Hillter, you will be saving $18 for Revolution Slider Plugin but can still benefit from tons of animation effects, image preloader, video embedding, autoplay,etc to create your unique responsive slideshows while still keep or built your SEO optimization.
- Responsive Design
Being fully responsive ready for retina display, your customers would love how your website displays on tablet and mobile device
- Create & Manage Booking
All bookings will be stored and changeable. Especially, admin can change the booking status from Pending to Completed and vice versa.
- Manage Room and Price via Calendar
Create unlimited rooms with different extra setting options including room price and room status management.
- Config maximum adult + child amount
Easily change the number of guests (adults or children), not only for room types but also for each individual room
- Integration with WooCommerce
Give your guests the option to prepay with credit card; Awebooking is integrated with WooCommerce, which gives your guest the convenience of secure card transfers.
- Powerful Theme Options
Multiple options allow users to customize the theme in an easy and simple way without coding anything
- Event and Package management
Create an unlimited number of event and packages and set them up on pages and sections
- Offline payment
Still hesitate about online payment method? No worries, Awebooking also supports offline payment, which is useful for people who would prefer to mail a check.
- One click demo installation
One click on installation in virtually no time will save your time instead of spending boredom on the whole process
- Unlimited google font
The theme integrates Google Web Fonts, offering you a large variety of typefaces to choose from when customizing the theme.
Being integrated the famous WPBakery Page Builder plugin, the theme allows you to build almost anything using the shortcodes and elements available in the fastest and easiest way
With Hillter, you will be saving $18 for Revolution Slider Plugin but can still benefit from tons of animation effects, image preloader, video embedding, autoplay,etc to create your unique responsive slideshows while still keep or built your SEO optimization.
Being fully responsive ready for retina display, your customers would love how your website displays on tablet and mobile device
All bookings will be stored and changeable. Especially, admin can change the booking status from Pending to Completed and vice versa.
Create unlimited rooms with different extra setting options including room price and room status management.
Easily change the number of guests (adults or children), not only for room types but also for each individual room
Give your guests the option to prepay with credit card; Awebooking is integrated with WooCommerce, which gives your guest the convenience of secure card transfers.
Multiple options allow users to customize the theme in an easy and simple way without coding anything
Create an unlimited number of event and packages and set them up on pages and sections
Still hesitate about online payment method? No worries, Awebooking also supports offline payment, which is useful for people who would prefer to mail a check.
One click on installation in virtually no time will save your time instead of spending boredom on the whole process
The theme integrates Google Web Fonts, offering you a large variety of typefaces to choose from when customizing the theme.
1.1 (25 Apr, 2018)
Fixed - Modern check availability form - Check form style - Shortcode `Events` - Update Fleur De Sel Required v1.1.0 - Update Visual Composer v5.4.7
1.0.9 (27 Nov, 2017)
Fixed - Update Fleur De Sel Required v1.0.9 - Update Visual Composer v5.4.5
1.0.8 (21 Nov, 2017)
Fixed - Compatibility with AweBooking v3.0.0-beta12 - Bugs in theme settings - Update Fleur De Sel Required v1.0.8 - Update Visual Composer v5.4.4 - Update RevSlider v5.4.6
1.0.7 (7 Oct, 2017)
Fix theme settings bug
1.0.6 (6 Oct, 2017)
Fixed - Compatibility with AweBooking v3.0.0-beta8 - Update Fleur De Sel Required 1.0.4
1.0.5 (18 Sep, 2017)
- Compatibility with AweBooking v3.0.0-beta6 - Require WP Simple Icon fonts plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-simple-iconfonts/
1.0.4 (5 Sep, 2017)
- Compatibility with AweBooking v3.0.0-beta4 - Update Visual Composer 5.2.1 - Update Fleur De Sel Required 1.0.1 - Fix importer bugs
1.0.3 (9 Aug, 2017)
- Update Visual Composer 5.2 - Fix import bugs
1.0.2 (22 Jul, 2017)
- Update to AweBooking 3.0-beta - Fix CSS bugs
Change logs
1.0.1 (16 Jul, 2017)
Fix responsive issues
[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = Fleurdesel – Hotel Booking WordPress Theme
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”https://themeforest.net/item/fleurdesel-hotel-booking-wordpress-theme/20057759″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Fleurdesel – Hotel Booking WordPress Theme from the The Developer ( awethemes ) website. Thank you.
Download = Fleurdesel – Hotel Booking WordPress Theme-[Updated].zip