

Download foodpress – Restaurant Menu & Reservation Plugin Nulled


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What is Foodpress

Foodpress is an easy to use restaurant menu management plugin for WordPress. Build unlimited food menu items for your restaurant, categorize them by dish type or meal type OR build your own custom categories. Show off those delicious food images and various data like nutrition information, spicy level, recipe etc for each food menu item for your restaurant menu. You can also build multiple menus for different locations of your restaurants and manage them from the same place.

Change log

== Changelog ==
= 1.5.3 (2017-11-30) =
FIXED: URL's to Support (Help Desk) within the Plugin

= 1.5.2 (2017-11-21) =
FIXED: Saving Reservations settings
FIXED: Saving custom language text
FIXED: Phone number now shows in Reservation lists popup

= 1.5.1 (2017-11-8) =
FIXED: Github Errors in Debug Log

= 1.5 (2017-10-27) =
FIXED: fontawesome errors
FIXED: Widget issue

= 1.4.2 (2016-6-28) = 
FIXED: Meal type with multiple IDs not working
FIXED: Boxes and other styles to support single meal type IDs

= 1.4.1 (2016-6-3) =
FIXED: Language tab not working correct
FIXED: Version number update missing

= 1.4 (2016-6-1)
ADDED: Option to hide menu and dish type icons from settings
ADDED: Option to not delete settings when plugin uninstalled
ADDED: pluggable hook 'foodpress_nutrition_items' to add more nutrition information fields
ADDED: pluggable hook 'foodpress_icons_symbols_count' to add more icon symbols
ADDED: pluggable hook 'foodpress_custom_meta_data_count' to extend custom meta fields
ADDED: ability to set default image URL for menu items with no image
FIXED: Success message for reservation form to use date_i18n()
FIXED: reservation date i18n for confirmation email
FIXED: Sub categorized by dish type not showing meal type headers
FIXED: Dish type and meal type descriptions via shortcode
FIXED: Collapsed and collapsable dish type categorized menu
UPDATED: Loading jq ui off google CDN & wp library
UPDATED: License activation for foodpress
UPDATED: Made entire menu box clickable - requires OO update too
UPDATED: License and addon page
UPDATED: Font awesome icons to version 4.6.3
UPDATED: Placeholder input field text color
UPDATED: Multiple styles to better organize Main & Secondary Categories
ALERT: We will be Discontinuing the entire Reservation System in next update

= 1.3.6 (2016-4-18) =
FIXED: In safari reservation time passing incorrectly
FIXED: reservation start time change not updating end time
FIXED: Reservation form phone number not passing
FIXED: onpage reservation appearance changes not showing up
FIXED: Added Flex styles to Menu Items for Boxed Menus for same heights

= 1.3.5 (2016-2-22) =
FIXED: Shortcode Generator now working for Divi/Avada Themes
FIXED: Plugin name passed incorrect in github updater for new update information window
FIXED: Boxed Menu layout now collapsing properly when navigating back to menu

= (2016-2-12)
FIXED: Reservation input field color not saving in backend
FIXED: Reservation success message check mark not displaying icon

= 1.3.4 (2016-2-12) =
FIXED: Errors occurring when viewing details of updates

= 1.3.3 (2016-2-12) =
FIXED: Dish type not working with old shortcode
FIXED: Errors occurring after auto-updating

= 1.3.2 (2016-2-10) =
ADDED: Styles for Menu Descriptions for Headings, Lists, etc. within WYSIWYG editor
ADDED: github based auto updates for the plugin
ADDED: International phone number validation and required field option
ADDED: Jquery trigger menu_lightbox_open when lightbox complete loading
FIXED: Dish type shortcode not working
FIXED: Meal type header coming empty for locations when empty meal types
FIXED: Dish type var incorrect causing specific type menu not work
FIXED: unnecessary shortcode options showing incorrectly
FIXED: Party size placeholder text missing in translations
FIXED: Start reservations from tomorrow not working
FIXED: Mobile lightbox menu not closing
FIXED Addons and licenses page not showing all addon information
FIXED: OrderOnline select options to open lightbox when ux none for menu
FIXED: Missing arrows.png image wrong url in styles
UPDATED: Shortcode generator to prevent default <a> click actions
UPDATED: Duplication of menu items functions
UPDATED: Made the lightbox close button bigger for smaller screen

= 1.3.1 (2016-1-20) =
FIXED: timepicker initiating on unsupported pages
FIXED: lightbox menu make page stop scrolling
FIXED: Menu type ss_5 not working properly

= 1.3 (2016-1-7) =
ADDED: Language Options for Date and Phone Number Placeholders
ADDED: Focused tab variable for tabbed menu
ADDED: Support for specific meal and dish type menu
ADDED: scroll to meal types menu type
ADDED: Ability to reorder and select/deselect menu card rows of data
ADDED: Option to show menu last updated date
ADDED: New spice level display style
ADDED: Phone number as optional required field
ADDED: Unreservable dates for reservation form
ADDED: Ability to redirect reservation form after submission
ADDED: Ability to set restaurant locations in reservation form
FIXED: meal type description not showing on tabbed version
FIXED: compatibility with eventon
FIXED: Reservation form AM/PM for 12:00
FIXED: Safari Browser Time Field Issue
FIXED: Responsive Styles for Price and Menu Item Title on Mobile Devices
FIXED: Meal type not showing on lightbox menu item
FIXED: Empty tabs not hiding from the menu
FIXED: Sub categorizing with dish type breaking menu
FIXED: appearance reseting after update
FIXED: Meal type description not showing under tabbed menu
FIXED: collapsable dish type not functioning
FIXED: Translation issues on menu items
FIXED: ux value for menu none not working
FIXED: Dish type showing ID column incorrectly
FIXED: Reservation submit button appearance not working
FIXED: Party size interger value validation
UPDATED: Restructure the shortcode generator easier shortcode variables
UPDATED: Menu generation code have been completly redone to improve speed
UPDAETD: Reservation form to slide to top of page after submission
UPDATED: Reservation form - party size default value to 1
UPDATED: Compatibility with wordpress 4.4

= 1.2.4 (2015-8-25) =
ADDED: mealtype descriptions added to tabbed menu version
ADDED: time and date fields as dropdown fields
ADDED: ability to make fields required in reservation form
FIXED: thumbnails for all versions of menu to use image instead of background
FIXED: mealtype description only work on first tabbed item
FIXED: date format to be changed dynamically
FIXED: WPML issues
FIXED: meal type description only working on first tab
FIXED: apostrophe in meal type name not showing correct in tabbed menu
FIXED: reservation form: date format to match WP date format
FIXED: Reservation form:  field placeholder appearance
FIXED: Compatibility with WP 4.3 version
FIXED: License activation not working
UPDATED: dynamic styles to be updated upon new version update

= 1.2.3 (2015-4-8) =
ADDED: Reservation form to be able to link to a page
FIXED: Tooltip display issue
FIXED: Featured items breaking tabbed menu
FIXED: Appearance settings for reservation form
FIXED: Style issues
UPDATED: AJDE backend settings function

= 1.2.2 (2015-3-23) =
ADDED: phone number to emails
FIXED: phone number as required field in the form
FIXED: Deleting reservations from all reservations page
FIXED: email address not saving on manual reservations
FIXED: Reservation form not saving data correctly
FIXED: Placeholder color for input fields in reservation form
FIXED: Confirm reservations from draft bug
FIXED: Widget not working correct
UPDATED: Support tab links

= 1.2.1 (2015-3-16) =
FIXED: Dish type categorization not working

= 1.2 (2015-3-15)
ADDED: in page reservation form
ADDED: time slot increment options for reservation form
ADDED: Multiline field for reservation form
ADDED: Support for 5 additional reservation form fields with plugin hooks
ADDED: Language tranalation for meal and dish types
ADDED: Complete language support for reservation emails
ADDED: Reservation email preview section to settings
ADDED: Dish type description for menus
ADDED: Ability to set reservation date format same as WP date format
ADDED: Reservation form validation before submission
ADDED: Dashboard reservation widget
ADDED: More reservation form appearance customization options
ADDED: Ability to block today reservations
FIXED: Backend admin translations
FIXED: Dish type and meal type menus with no term values not to work
FIXED: popup menu header styles when no menu image
FIXED: reservation form end time not restricting to limits
FIXED: Color picker to have a more visible select button
FIXED: Language variations not working for reservation form & front-end
FIXED: slashes on apostrophe on menu card and inside
FIXED: Reservations archive page to redirect to home page and not show all reservations
FIXED: Menu archive page not working for some
FIXED: Reservation confirmation email to have custom field details
UPDATED: Menu icon symbols section

= 1.1.10 (2014-11-29)
ADDED: Ability to add custom fields to reservation form
ADDED: Ability to set start and end time for reservation form
ADDED: Disable content filter for menu item text
ADDED: Ability to remove icon from meal type
ADDED: Capacity limit to reservation form party size
ADDED: Dish type collapsed on load
ADDED: Reset appearance colors to default option
ADDED: Dish type icons
FIXED: Menu description not formating in menu items
FIXED: Wordcount not working
FIXED: Reservations shortcode showing on top of the page
FIXED: Wordcount not working correct when short menu description present
FIXED: Icons fields in menu items post to hide when icons are not set in settings
UPDATED: Reservation form functionality
UPDATED: Reservation form language text

= 1.1.9 (2014-9-2)
FIXED: Higher res image for boxed category style menu
FIXED: Shortcode generator button for 3rd party plugin compatibility
FIXED: Error on box category menu pages
FIXED: Setting field names with aphostrophe not saving correct
FIXED: WYSIWYG shortcode button title text
UPDATED: Compatibility with Visual Composer third party plugin
UPDATED: Reservation form phone number validation updated for uk numbers

= 1.1.8(2014-8-20)
ADDED: 24 hour time support for time slots in reservation form
ADDED: Time restrictions for reservation form time slots
ADDED: Custom font family addition to menus via settings
ADDED: Dynamically generated styles box to styles tab
UPDATED: Languages tab with better UI and easier functionality
FIXED: Minor Menu card bugs
FIXED: Box category menu with multiple word category names breaking menu
FIXED: Write dynamic styles to header in settings not working
FIXED: Addon page mispresenting installed addon info
FIXED: 50% width featured items column not showing correct

= 1.1.7 (2014-7-31)
ADDED: WPML compatibility
FIXED: box menu responsive design
FIXED: featured images not working on menu items
FIXED: Subcategories inside boxed category menu
UPDATED: i18n translation text update with updated .po files

= 1.1.6(2014-7-26)
ADDED: Seperate menu locations category types and be able to show menus for locations
ADDED: The ability to write dynamic styles into header of the page
ADDED: Ability to collapse dish type category headers
ADDED: New categorized menu style utilizing icons
ADDED: Upto 3 custom language text support
ADDED: Reservation form and backend settings
ADDED: New font icon based Menu items icon for the left menu
FIXED: License activation not working
FIXED: SPicy level front end text translation
FIXED: Individual menu item styles not correctly showing up
UPDATED: Shortcode generator to assist new categorized menu options
UPDATED: Menu item edit page UI styles
UPDATED: Shortcode generator to be set height with scrollbars inside lightbox

= 1.1.5 (2014-5-6)
ADDED: menu item box hover color to appearances section
ADDED: the ability to assign icons next to meal type headers
ADDED: Variety of new icons to choose for menu items
ADDED: IDs to menu item category tags page
ADDED: Menu item ID on menu item edit page
ADDED: Quick edit for menu items now support additional fields
ADDED: Subheader field for menu items
ADDED: additional text field for menu items
ADDED: tabbed menu for categorized menu as a style of menu
UPDATED: mobile menu styles
FIXED: WordPress 3.9 compatibility
FIXED: shortcode generator minor bugs
FIXED: 3rd menu type category issue
FIXED: foodpress menu item URLs to support SSL

= 1.1.4 (2014-2-24)
ADDED: You can now add meal type description and via shortcode generator, select to show this under meal type name
ADDED: shortcode option to disable menu item clicks and read more button
ADDED: the ability to collapse menus on page load
ADDED: the ability to either have wysiwyg editor or single text line for custom meta fields
ADDED: one more custom meta field for menu items
ADDED: ability to category by dish type for meal type menu with a meal type ID
CHANGED: faster dynamic CSS load method - need re-saving appearnace
FIXED: foodpress settings page scripts and styles to eneuque to header
FIXED: popup price box color to match other price box colors
FIXED: CSS styles for mobile view for menu with images
FIXED: Bulk edit deleting all custom meta values for menu item

= 1.1.3 [2014-1-16]
UPDATED: compatibility with future addons
ADDED: Price column to all menu items admin page
ADDED: Easy icon picker for menu card icons
ADDED: Custom meta field icons to be able picked via icon picker
FIXED: Style issues
FIXED: Popup background loaded to show before running AJAX load
FIXED: Scrollbar click when popup open to not close popup

= 1.1.2 [2014-1-14]
UPDATED: Compatibility with future addons
FIXED: WP 3.5.1 compatibility
FIXED: Popup price box color can be changed from appearance now

= 1.1.1 [2014-1-6]
UPDATED: Color selection UI in foodpress settings appearance
ADDED: Automatic updated to foodpress plugin from your website wp-admin with activated licenses
ADDED: Menu Item widget. You can add individual items or execute foodpress shortcodes in the sidebar widget
FIXED: Vegetarian icon styles
FIXED: nutrition information dissappearing after saved
FIXED: custom menu item field title name

= 1.1 [2014-1-2]
FIXED: CSS for spicy level icon
FIXED: color changes not reflecting on front end

= 1.0 [2013-12-31] =
* Initial release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = foodpress – Restaurant Menu & Reservation Plugin
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy foodpress – Restaurant Menu & Reservation Plugin from the The Developer ( ashanjay ) website. Thank you.
Download = foodpress – Restaurant Menu & Reservation Plugin-[Updated].zip

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