Freelance Agile Team Project Management – PHP Script
AgileTeam is an Easy to use Web Project Management Software with lot’s of feature that will help run your freelance of small team business starting form the organisation and financial perspective. No matter how big is your team or if you work alone it’s purpose is to quickly and efficiently become your remote freelance office.
The Key feature and what makes this web software unique is the Kanban Board that you can use to organise your team and get a clear insight of your team performance. You can organise your small team with a single board or your whole department’s flow with the chanined kanbans feature. There are plenty other features that this software has included and will help you improve the way you are running your business.
With the Client user level your customers can easily have access to their invoices and quotes, except that thay can have a clear overview of their projects / tasks on the board, they can even submit an order form through a custom created forms that you have previously created with the form builder which is part of AgileTeam.
Or even you can use the Project Wiki Feature and never miss to document important project related Stuff. There is even more…
Demo Live Preview Accounts:
You can use the details below to login to the demo live preview of AgileTeam.
Here is the demo link: Online Demo Here
To login as Admin:
Usernames: Password: demo123
To login as Project Manager:
Usernames: Password: demo123
To login as Staff:
Usernames: Password: demo123
To login as Client:
Usernames: Password: demo123
You can help us and other users
We have a public repository on GitHub where you can share your translation files of the appliction with us and other users.
As a thank you we will give you credits in the application as soon as the language files are included, Check it out here
Item Key Features:
- Switche between Single or Multiple Account Modes
- With the White Label feature you can customized the colors, system label or upload your company logo
- Add Unlimited Users with different levels: Admin, Manager, Standard User, Client
- Never easier Project and Office Time Tracking
- Easy Scrum Agile Kanban Board for better performance
- Chained Kanban for Department Processes (NEW)
- Kanban Map for an easier process overview (NEW)
- Simple Client Profile Management
- Create Public Questionnaires / Forms and Review them
- Project Wiki (NEW)
- Project and Team Management at glance
- Track Notes / Tasks / Bugs / Issues with just a few clicks
- Projects and Task WorkStream for better communication
- Share Files / Sharepoint for your Projects
- Add Project Requirements in a unique way
- Leave Comment on Tasks
- Your Clients can Subimt Order Forms (Form Builder Included)
- Get Email or System Notifications on task or project updates
- Create Custom PDF Invoices, Credit Notes in different Currencies
- Track your personal or company Expenses
- Create Recurring Invoices / Subscriptions
- Create Price Estimates for your clients / Quotes
- Multilanguage (Full Localization Support)
- Get your Finance Breakdown Reports
Changes Log:
Version 3.3.0 – Major (23.01.2017)
- Added: Invoice Numbers prefix can be a Date Format - Improvement: Installation / Upgrade process now is handled by the Laravel Artisan - Fixed: Some Major CSS Fixes
Version 3.2.1 – Minor (27.01.2016)
- Fixed: New Project Description Editor Issue - Fixed: Edit Task Editor Issue - Fixed: Some Minor CSS Fixed
Version 3.2.0 – Minor (27.01.2016)
- Changed: Replaced the old editor with the new once that has an MIT Licence - Added: Added the wiki project pages to the translations - Added: Added missing strings to the old translation files - Fixed: The Select was displaying HTML as a title - Fixed: When the task was added it was jumping back to the incorect board - Fixed: Once the task is added to the single board it was added to the second column - Fixed: Some Minor CSS Fixed
Version 3.1.0 – Minor (17.10.2015)
- New: Project Wiki Feature - Changed: Migrated Fully to Laravel 5.0 maintenance only - Improvement: Improved the new Board System - Fix: Some CSS issues fixed - Fix: Board issues
Version 3.0.0 – Major (10.10.2015)
- New: Chained Boards for Department Processes - New: Board Map Ovewrview - Improvement: The tasks are going through the department processes now - Changes: The task flow is concetrated on the boards flow now - Fix: Some CSS issues fixed - Fix: JavaScript Issues
Version 2.1.0 – Minor (28.09.2015)
- New: Easy Application Backup Module - New: System Label can be replaced with a Company Logo (white-labeling) - New: Color of the Top Menu Bar and Text can be customized - Changed: Moved the submitted forms / questionnaires to notifications - Improvement: Validation Messages can be Localized - Fix: "remove" buttons issue - Fix: Some small CSS Issues
Version 2.0.1 – Patch (15.09.2015)
- Fix: Create Board Issue - Fix: Couple of CSS issues - Fix: Select inputs in Widgets are Searchable now
Version 2.0.0 – Major (14.09.2015)
- New: Client User Level - New: Clients can Submit Order Forms - New: Clients can download quotes and invoices through their account - New: Clients can have an overview of boards that have included at least one task related to their project - Improvement: Completely Removed the MySQL Timezone Tables Dependency - Improvement: Controller Routing - Improvement: Added HTTP Error Handling views - Improvement: Database Upgrade Process - Fix: Couple of Input Field Fixes - Fix: Couple of CSS Fixes - Fix: Multilanguage place hoders
Version 1.1.1 – Patch (11.09.2015)
- Added: AgileTeam Laravel 5.1 LTS (support for PHP5.5.9+) - Added: AgileTeam Laravel 5.0 (support for PHP5.4+) - Fixed: Installation Inputs that were causing validation issues - CSS: Fixed a couple of CSS issues
Version 1.1.0 – Minor (07.09.2015)
- Update: Upgraded to Laravel 5.1.16 (Long Term Support) - Added: Multilanguage Feature - Added: Default Board Switch - Added: Colours to Board Tasks
Version 1.0.1 – Patch (06.08.2015)
- Fix: Minor CSS Fixes
Version 1.0.0 – Release (05.08.2015)
- Initial commit
[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = Freelance AgileTeam Office with Kanban
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Freelance AgileTeam Office with Kanban from the The Developer ( kuveljicmedia ) website. Thank you.
Download = Freelance AgileTeam Office with Kanban-[Updated].zip