GreenRec Waste Management App with Admob for Android
GreenRec Waste Management System with Admob is a management system used by waste management agencies for the purpose of effective recycling of both household and general wastes.
It has lots of wonderful features such as waste recycling request, admob integrated, real-time notifications on request status change, notifications/in-app alerts, non-admob advertisement also available, amongst other cool features!
Demo apk is available here DEMO APK 1
or via this link, GOOGLE DRIVE:
Test Admin Login: email =>, password=> 123456
Default User Login: create one for yourself via the signup screen
- Optimized for exceptional performance
- Full admin front end control
- Full default user front end control
- Request for waste pickup – this feature allows the app default users to make requests to the waste management agency who then review and process the request(s).
- Easy request for waste pickup signal/statuses i.e processing, received and completed
- Terms of Service included – this offers you the ability to warn/notify/control how your app is used by end users.
- Requests approval, deletion and status change – these features allows an admin in the platform to delete/approve requests and to change the requests status to processing, received or completed.
- Easy copy requests to clipboard by admins in the platform.
- Admob integrated – comes with in-built admob feature. You just need to change the test keys to your real admob keys
- Real-time notifications (WhatsApp like notification feature) on request status change.
- In-App notifications – this feature lets you write special notifications (such as a welcome message) to your app users. This notification feature has two types: image notifications and text notifications.
- Request history – this feature shows the user his/her requests history. The user has the ability to delete/update his/her own request.
- Users can only send one request at a time. If a users request has not been marked as received/completed, the user can’t add a new request instead they need to modify the previous request sent. This feature is helpful to prevent users from sending multiple/unneccessary requests that could cause harm to your database.
- FeedBack portal – this feature lets users send you feedbacks (such as a bug, request for advertisement, a suggestion, request for waste bags etc.) to your specified email address.
- Want to reward users for giving you their wastes? If yes then this app has got you covered! This project comes with GrePs (GreenRec Points) feature that lets you reward users whose requests has been marked as completed with points. The amount of greps earned by a user in a month can then be used to determine that users monthly prize from the waste management agency.
- Admin ability to clear all GrePs
- Admin ability to clear all requests
- LeaderBoard – this feature showcases the GrePs earnings of every user on the platform in decreasing order (i.e from highest to lowest). This feature makes the platform more fun as it creates awareness and competition between users of the platform as to determine which users would win the monthly prize(s). This feature is cool isn’t it?
- Profile customization for all user types.
- About Us portal – this feature lets you add an ‘About Us’ content about the/your waste management organisation
- Auto Image Slider – used for showcasing of the waste management agency’s images. This feature can also be used for running adverts or showcasing of premium contents!
- Built-in responsive WebView with page responsiveness and optimization.
- Firebase firestore integrated – for storing user’s notifications which shows up anytime the user launches the app (the WhatsApp like notification feature!).
- Easy to setup and use – just change a single line in the android project, upload the database, upload a single file containing the required REST API functions and you are good to go!
- Easy extension to web – this project was built to be easily extended to a web version of the waste management system. Simply get a HTML template of your choice and make the necessary REST API calls!
- Easy to understand and use by a beginner in Java(Android) programming and a beginner in PHP language as well as MySQL.
- Android app built with Java, Rest Api built with PHP, and uses MySQL database.
- Complete app. Admin view and default user view
- Well commented and easy to follow/edit
- Full time technical support
- …and lots more!
Demo apk is available here DEMO APK 1
or via this link, GOOGLE DRIVE:
Test Admin Login: email =>, password=> 123456
Default User Login: create one for yourself via the signup screen
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy GreenRec Waste Management App with Admob – Complete App from the The Developer ( GreenLeafStudios ) website. Thank you.
Download = GreenRec Waste Management App with Admob – Complete App-[Updated].zip