

Download Gryphon SEO Tools WordPress Plugin Nulled


The Gryphon is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and an eagle’s talons as it’s front feet. It is a symbol of divine power and a guardian of the divine. In our case, it will symbolize the power of your website’s SEO. It will guard it and also it will greatly increase it’s value!

What is this plugin about?

Gryphon SEO Tools Plugin is a powerful tool to improve your web site’s search engine ranking. High search engine ranking will drive more visitors to your website, without you further moving a muscle. If your content is SEO friendly, afterwards, visitors can converted to your subscribers (making them recurring visitors) or to your online shoppers. The plugin only requires some quick configurations and it will work on mobile devices and desktop machines no matter which browser is used including older browsers like IE7/IE8.

Check out the plugin’s update log!

New features highlights in version 1.4:

  • Added readability score testing for posts (Post Letter Count, Post Word Count, Sentence Count, Avarage Words Per Sentence, Readability Score, Grade Level Needed to Understand the Text)
  • Quick in-post Broken Link Checker
  • Option to automatically add ‘alt’ and ‘title’ tags to all images!
  • In post URL scanner – check for non-ASCII characters, check for underscores, check for too long URLs
  • Some minor fixes and improvements

New features in version 1.2:

  • Included brand new SEO Redirect Module!

Now you have the possibility to assign ‘Redirection Rules’ for your pages in a brand new ‘Page Redirection Manager’. Redirect old, inexistent pages to brand new pages, with more SEO value. You can also use this feature to migrate your blog to a new one, with ease.

Other new features include:

  • Extended 404 Nearest Match Redirect (if a users misspells the URL, he gets automatically redirected to the nearest matched URL)
  • Enable ‘404 Page Not Found’ Redirect (you can assign a custom ‘Page Not Found 404’ page)
  • ‘HTTP/HTTPS’ Redirect – avoids SEO duplicate content – forces site to be used only with preferred protocol
  • ‘www/non-www’ Redirect (forces site to be used only with preferred version (www/non-www) – avoids SEO duplicate content problems
  • Enable ‘Attachment Page Redirect’ – redirects attachment pages to their parent page – fixing a SEO issue in WordPress
  • ‘Bad Bot’ Blocker (blocking a wide range (300+) of known aggressive crawlers and spiders – as a result, your website will have increased performance!)

Other cool features

The plugin is also “plug and play” – you can activate it, and without a single configuration, you can profit from the major part of the plugin main features.
Packed with a serious amount of features like Google bot website crawl simulation, a wide range of SEO friendly meta tags, breadcrumbs, Google Analytics and much more. All the available features makes Gryphon SEO Tools Plugin the best and most flexible SEO plugin available on sale.

Gryphon SEO Tools Plugin main features:

+ SEO Text Analysis module included in v1.4 (read above for more info)
+ In post Link Analysis (broken link, non-ASCII characters detector, too long link detector, underscore in link detector) module included in v1.4 (read above for more info)
+ Options to automatically add ‘alt’ and ‘title’ tags to images that do not have these tags included in v1.4 (read above for more info)
+ SEO Redirect features included in v1.2 (read above for more info)
+ Bad Bot Blocker included in v1.2 (read above for more info)
+ 404 Page Not Found Redirect included in v1.2 (read above for more info)
+ HTTP/HTTPS and www/non-www Redirects included in v1.2 (read above for more info)
+ Page title and page description settings – with SEO optimisations
+ Facebook meta tags inclusion (Open Graph)
+ Facebook Pixel tracking code inclusion (v1.9 update)
+ Twitter meta tags inclusion
+ Google meta tags inclusion
+ Other common meta tags inclusion
+ Link your website to all your social networking pages, like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, Tumbler, SoundCloud or LinkedIn
+ Add webmaster validation keys for popular webmaster tools (Google, Bing, Yandex) with only one click and validate your site for Pinterest with ease
+ Create and edit your sitemap – the tool that tells the crawling search engine bots where to find all pages of your site
+ Analyse your incoming visitors traffic with Google Analytics integrition
+ Improve your page loading speed by following recommandations by Google Page Speed Insights Analysis
+ Check the validity of your page HTML code syntax with the W3 HTML Validity checker
+ Improve visitor experience and also crawling bots experience by adding breadcrumbs to your website
+ File editor for your local server – you can edit with ease your robots.txt or .htaccess files (feature recommended only for advanced users!)
+ Website Crawler to check how Google bots will crawl your website. This will detect: page not found (404) errors, serverside (500 and 503) errors, temporary redirects (302 status code), or other unwanted HTTP status codes.
+ Link your website to a Facebook App ID a Facebook Admin ID.
+ Add Dublin Core meta tags (some SEO value) with just one click
+ Tell search engine bots which pages to crawl and which to not, by adding simple rules
+ Remove query strings from your URL, in this way, making your web site more SEO friendly
+ Other minor SEO settings and hacks that will improve your SEO
+ Optimized for speed – as less as possible page speed impact.
+ Expert SEO guide included with the plugin
+ Functionality is language independent – the plugin automatically detects relevant information from your website. Additional information can be entered in any language you want – so, the plugin is functional in any language
+ Lifetime plugin updates and support from the developer

Need support?

Please check our knowledge base, it may have the answer to your question or a solution for your issue. If not, just email me at and I will respond as soon as I can.


Version 1.0 Release Date 2016-10-28

First version released!

Version 1.1 Release Date 2016-11-08

Updated included SEO Guide
Updated auto-update module to latest version
Removed some debug messages
Other minor fixes

Version 1.2 Release Date 2016-12-05

Included brand new SEO Redirect Module!
Updated included documentation
Removed some obsolete code
Other minor fixes and enhancements

Version 1.3 Release Date 2016-12-14

Fixed a critical issue in the build-in file editor

Version 1.4 Release Date 2017-01-10

Added readability score testing for posts (Post Letter Count, Post Word Count, Sentence Count, Average Words Per Sentence, Readability Score, Grade Level Needed to Understand the Text)
Added detailed documentation on how to improve your text readability score
Quick in-post Broken Link Checker
Option to automatically add 'alt' and 'title' tags to all images!
In post URL scanner - check for: non-ASCII characters, underscores and too long URLs
Some minor fixes and improvements

Version 1.5 Release Date 2017-02-02

Some major fixes in meta tag generation process

Version 1.6 Release Date 2017-02-03

Minor fix in file editor

Version 1.7 Release Date 2017-02-04

Added multisite support

Version 1.8 Release Date 2017-02-22

Fixed plugin auto-updating process
Some minor fixes and enhancements

Version 1.9 Release Date 2017-02-24

Added the ability to add Facebook Pixel tracking code

Version 2.0 Release Date 2017-04-03

Rewritten plugin backend and core components
Major performance & speed improvement

Version 2.1 Release Date 2017-08-07

Improved og:image tag generation
Minor fixes

Version 2.2 Release Date 2017-08-18

Added WooCommerce og meta tags support
Minor fixes

Version 2.2.1 Release Date 2017-08-28

Fixed og:image tags

Version 2.2.2 Release Date 2017-09-28

Fixed some sitemap issues

Version 2.2.3 Release Date 2018-02-15


Version 2.2.4 Release Date 2018-02-27

Improved crawler module

Version 2.2.5 Release Date 2018-04-16

New keyword editing feature

Version 2.2.6 Release Date 2018-08-15

Added the ability to add custom code to head section of pages

Version 2.2.7 Release Date 2018-10-31

Updated Angular module to the latest version

Version 2.2.8 Release Date 2019-01-16

Added Gutenberg sidebar widget support

Are you already a customer?

If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

WordPress 5.1 Tested!

Do you like our work and want more of it? Check out this plugin bundle!

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Demo = Gryphon SEO Tools WordPress Plugin
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Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Gryphon SEO Tools WordPress Plugin from the The Developer ( CodeRevolution ) website. Thank you.
Download = Gryphon SEO Tools WordPress Plugin-[Updated].zip

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