HDPHP How To Do Script is a Viral Articles Sharing Script. This script is so easy to install and customize to make
it your own. Users can sign up with google account or any Email. This script allows users to Write and like
this script allows users to add steps with images for the article,tips,warning,resources,youtube video and much much
HDPHP How To Do: It has been built from scratch with features and performance in mind. With this awesome script you are able to build your viral article site in under 5 minutes. Using the built-in tools, you can fill your site with Articles easily.
- Seo Friendly.
- Users can Create a an article and edit them with greate helper article tool like wikihow.
- Article Like.
- Super Easy Install & Full Customization.
- Articles Next – Prev Buttons.
- Allows Logging In & Signup.
- Allows Logging In via google account.
- Change ui theme with 4 themes (Default – Flat – Gradient – Dark).
- User Accounts.
- Power Full Admin Controls.
- 100% Responsive.
- Friendly Interface.
- Regular Updates.
- Support Ads (Adsense,adchoice and any html code you need or images).
- Add Categories with icons.
- Filter articles with categories or tags or search keywords or user names
- Pagination system
- sitemap.xml generation
- edit users articles from the admin account.
- Add your custom css code.
- Customize Your Site logo.
- Customize Your Favorite icon.
- Customize Website seo keywords,description and Page title.
- Customize Website name.
- Share articles with facebook,g+,twitter and more.
- Facebook or site comments or both and you like.
- Codeigniter v2.2
- uikit-2.27.2
- Register Users
- Facebook Share
- Share Twitter
- Advertising ready
- Video Ready
- Users can Save their favorite Articles to their account via like button
- Manage users: Allows you to manage registered users.
Manage Articles: Allows you to manage Articles Written
users (edit,active and delete). - Manage Comments.
- Edit css file
- Manage Categories.
- And much, much more
Customer Reviews
Article example after
using the script tools
Demo Account Information
username: demo@demo.com
password: 123456
Videos guide:
Video-2: HDPHP How to do Script Sigup And login Guide
How to do Script Write or Edit Article Guide
How to do Script Upgrade Guide
10.2.2016 - ver 1.3 - Filter articles with categories or tags or search keywords or user names. - Pagination system. - sitemap.xml generation. - New style and templates (Default Theme and simple theme). - Fixed some bugs. ver 1.2.5 - Added Sign In via Facebook. - Added Edit facebook Api setting from admin. - Improved style for sign in with google button. - Fixed some bugs. ver 1.2.4 - change the popular button functionality it's now reordering articles by the most likes. - Improved the script speed performance. - fixed some bugs. ver 1.2.3 - Add html editors to the (write an article page). - Improved the script speed performance. - fixed some bugs. ver 1.2.2 - Added the search by tag (Click tags). - Improved The write an article page (no steps restrictions ). - Improved article details (Redesign Article Details Page) . - Improved the script speed performance. - fixed some bugs. ver 1.2.1 - Added new dark theme (you can change it from admin). - Improved the script speed performance. - fixed some bugs. ver 1.0.9 - Added new ads position after the article introduction. - fixed some bugs. ver 1.0.8 - Added Percentage Pre loading to see the script page load progress. - Added fade in animation with repeat on scroll up/down in home grid. - Improved the header style to be effected if the admin change the theme. - Improved the article thumb size via cropped it after upload to enhance page load speed. - Improved the article thumb quality and change the recommended dimensions. - Improved the uikit from version uikit-2.12.0 to uikit-2.16.2. - Improved the admin functionality menu style. - Improved the script speed performance. - Improved user redirection after sign in to the last visited page. - Fixed the custom css style make it updated with the newest css style of the newest version ver 1.0.7 - Added overlay to fast view the article introduction on mouse over (see home). - Added fade in animation on load home grid or while scroll down to get more articles. - Improved the script speed performance. - Improved the seo url at the categories. - Improved the short introduction at the home page to grab first 100 chars. - Fixed some bugs. ver 1.0.6 - Improved the script speed performance. - Fixed some bugs. ver 1.0.5 - Added Login via Google Account. - Fixed some bugs. ver 1.0.4 - Improved the control panel performance. - Improved the translation (new strings added). - Improved the admin menu cog icon (made it small). - Fixed force the system to not delete the admin account from setting/users. - Fixed an cache issue. ver 1.0.3 - Added option to cache website content. - Added option to determine cache period for your website content. - Improved article slug more clean. - Improved home page performance. - Fixed the articles likes by some user , now it just preview only the active articles. - Fixed decode the article url from the non english charachter to. ver 1.0.2 - Added Edit the in front of all the articles titles (How to) word from admin/setting. - Fixed share button issues. - Fixed make all files encoding in utf-8 to support non English characters. - Fixed steps issue. - Fixed tips issue. - Fixed warnings issue. - Fixed resources issue. ver 1.0.1 - Added Automated updates/upgrades to all future version with the Click of a Button. - Added option in setting to auto approve articles or need admin permissions. - Added write the version number at the top of admin menu. - Improved the translation (new strings added). - Fixed change admin menu font size to small. - Fixed some html errors in the sitting screen.
- Operating System : Linux
- Web Server : Apache
PHP version 5.4 or newer is recommended.
It should work on 5.2.4 as well, but we strongly advise you NOT to run such old versions of PHP, because of
potential security and performance issues, as well as missing features. - PHP mod_rewrite Enabled
- MySQL 4.1 or later, MySQL 5.x for best performance.
Technologies Used:
- Codeigniter v2.2
- uikit-2.16.2
- Google login Api
See also :
[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = HDPHP How To Do (Wikihow Script) – Sharing Site
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”https://codecanyon.net/item/hdphp-how-to-do-wikihow-script-sharing-site/9926188″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy HDPHP How To Do (Wikihow Script) – Sharing Site from the The Developer ( php-baker ) website. Thank you.
Download = HDPHP How To Do (Wikihow Script) – Sharing Site-[Updated].zip