

Download Homely – Real Estate WordPress Theme Nulled


Homely brings flawless user experience, flexibility, and beauty to real estate. Homely is a creative, mobile-friendly real estate template suitable for a wide range of sites. Anything from large, robust property listing sites, to local real estate agencies, Homely is a perfect fit. Use our pre-made templates to quickly get up and running, or easily mix and match modules to create unique pages.


Creating a home page with page builder
Creating a Property

Change Log

Version 2.0 (06/28/2018)

[ADDED] Term description in subheader
[FIXED] property pagination not working on front page
[FIXED] Call to action responsiveness
[FIXED] Banner search input color is white
[ADDED] Add classes to submit property fields
[FIXED] property submit amenity styling issues
[FIXED] Front-end property submit unable to delete gallery images

Version 1.9 (04/03/2018)

[FIXED] Tabbed search mobile issues
[ADDED] Add option to change custom taxonmy urls
[ADDED] Price slider: different ranges based on property status
[FIXED] Can't click header search bar on mobile
[FIXED] Yoast SEO - causing page title error

Version 1.8 (03/01/2018)

[FIXED] Price range start bug
[FIXED] Boxed filter, input text white on mobile
[ADDED] Option for front-end property submission needs approval or not
[ADDED] Property image hard crop option
[FIXED] List agents shortcode pagination bug
[ADDED] Added listing header to property taxonomy pages
[ADDED] Theme option for default property layout
[FIXED] Agent property count on agent detail and listing pages
[ADDED] Property ID field options on front-end
[UPDATED] Bundled Elementor plugin version to 1.9.6
[ADDED] Option to change permalink of properties
[ADDED] Option to change permalink of agents
[FIXED] header items hiding when clicking header search

Version 1.7 (02/01/2018)

[FIXED] pagination error conflict with page slug same as "properties" custom post type
[FIXED] pagination error conflict with page slug same as "agents" custom post type
[FIXED] tabbed search form mobile display issues
[FIXED] tabbed search drop down displaying underneath service icons
[ADDED] translation functions for no properties found text
[FIXED] Issue with deleting Floor plans
[FIXED] Topbar themes options not saving correctly
[FIXED] Properties custom post type labels in admin
[FIXED] User menu dropdown mobile issue 
[FIXED] Footer translation issue causing widget area to dissappear
[ADDED]  Option for default area postfix
[FIXED] mobile email, phone, search icons not working on iphone
[ADDED] Spanish(es_ES) translation files
[FIXED] PrettyPhoto https issue

Version 1.6 (01/02/2018)

- [FIXED] RTL price range slider display issue
- [FIXED] RTL radio/checkbox spacing issue
- [FIXED] Property submit form missing translation strings
- [UPDATED] .POT translation file now includes Rype Real Estate plugin translations
- [FIXED] Added proper escaping to currency option fields
- [FIXED] Mortgage calculator doesn't change with currency options
- [FIXED] Mortgage calculator translation strings
- [FIXED] hover style issue on property tag buttons
- [ADDED] Allow members to add new property locations from front-end
- [ADDED] Allow members to add floor plans from front-end
- [FIXED] Banner filter: only apply price range to search if it is visible
- [ADDED] google maps custom pin image upload
- [ADDED] Testimonials custom widget
- [ADDED] Image upload for property locations terms
- [ADDED] Add property taxonomy widget

Version 1.5 (11/28/2017)

- [UPDATED] custom fields: option to change field type
- [UPDATED] custom fields: option to add to search filter
- [UPDATED] custom fields: option to toggle on/off in property submit
- [FIXED] syntax error in loop_property_single.php
- [FIXED] custom taxonomy slug error
- [FIXED] input text color style issues in boxed filter
- [ADDED] Open graph meta tags for facebook sharing
- [FIXED] Issue with deleting floor plans
- [ADDED] Option to change header menu call to action button url and text
- [UPDATED] theme options jquery UI styles

Version 1.4 (11/10/2017)

- [FIXED] agent info not displaying on properties when agent name has accent
- [ADDED] contact form and agent contact form messaging options
- [ADDED] custom fields on properties
- [FIXED] List properties widget styling issues, row/tile layouts not working
- [FIXED] default map position not working on front-end property submit map
- [FIXED] display issues with RTL in property filter, mortgage calculator, property gallery slider and listing pages
- [UPDATED] left sidebar displays below content on mobile
- [ADDED] property area number formatting
- [ADDED] support for fractional number of property bathrooms
- [UPDATED] On theme activation, default property listing page is set in theme options

Version 1.3 (11/02/2017)

- [FIXED] page banner filter style issue when displayed below banner
- [ADDED] property detail boxed gallery template, with agent contact form
- [ADDED] agent contact form to property detail pages
- [UPDATED] translation .POT file
- [FIXED] multiple price range sliders on a page breaks property filter
- [ADDED] update notifications for Rype Real Estate plugin
- [FIXED] simple search fields starting on first dropdown value
- [UPDATED] price slider margin and step values to 1
- [UPDATED] price slider label appearance
- [UPDATED] header email and phone clickable

Version 1.2 (10/11/2017)

- [FIXED] topbar menu toggle issue
- [FIXED] Elementor templates not installing on theme activation
- [FIXED] shortcodes text formatting issues
- [ADDED] RTL for demo
- [ADDED] Translation support for child theme
- [UPDATED] property gallery - multiple upload and drag & drop reordering
- [UPDATED] Theme options sortable fields appearance
- [FIXED] Styling issues with drop-down selects
- [FIXED] Missing translation functions
- [ADDED] Ability to show property filter on page banners
- [ADDED] Ability to change header icon color from theme options

Version 1.1 (9/27/2017)

- [ADDED] bundled Elementor Page Builder plugin with theme
- [ADDED]  pre-built Elementor templates
- [ADDED] mortgage calculator widget
- [ADDED] theme option: display header search form toggle
- [ADDED] RTL support
- [FIXED] escaping html attributes in social links widget
- [UPDATED] theme options appearance
- [UPDATED] member dropdown menu appearance

Version 1.0

Initial Release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Homely – Real Estate WordPress Theme
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Homely – Real Estate WordPress Theme from the The Developer ( RypeCreative ) website. Thank you.
Download = Homely – Real Estate WordPress Theme-[Updated].zip

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