

Download IgnitionDeck Skin Pack 2 Nulled


IgnitionDeck is a fully customizable WordPress crowdfunding plugin that allows you to accept unlimited pledges and pre-orders straight from your own website.

Like standard WordPress child themes, IgnitionDeck skins allow you to modify the IgnitionDeck framework in order to achieve a unique look and better match your overall web presence.

These skins modify what is known as the Deck, the command center for your fundraising campaign. The Deck highlights all of the statistics related to your campaign, such as goal, amount raised, number of pledgers, end date, and more.

Included in this skin pack are 5 different IgnitionDeck skins, including css and images. They install in a snap, and you can change them at any time. Customize your campaign, and stand out from the crowd!

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = IgnitionDeck Skin Pack 2
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy IgnitionDeck Skin Pack 2 from the The Developer ( virtuousgiant ) website. Thank you.
Download = IgnitionDeck Skin Pack 2-[Updated].zip

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