

Download jEmbed WordPress – Link preview and embedding Nulled


jEmbed is a WordPress plugin for embedding all kind of media, content and websites. It also can create link previews via popovers, which are fully supporting desktop and mobile devices.

It’s extremely easy to use the plugin. Just insert a @preview or an @embed flag in the text of the link. That’s all!

The plugin supports lazy load and lazy code injection to provide the best performance and to reduce mobile data usage. Your cards will load only if they are truly visible on the screen.

The tool is using the API, which is one of the most powerful API for embedding contents. The plugin is highly configurable, it supports dark and light themes and all of the native options of

You can embed a content or create a link preview almost from everything, besides the usual embedding a website the API supports 650+ dedicated providers.

The plugin contains all of the necessary files (JS, CSS and PHP), just install the ZIP file. jEmbed uses, which will be include automatically. By buying this package you will not buy an subscription, but you don’t need any. The plugin will use’s free features, but if you have a subscription you can configure the plugin to use it. I am using WordPress 5.2 with the Hestia theme On the demo page.

If you are looking for the jEmbed jQuery plugin, you can find it here on CodeCanyon!

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy jEmbed WordPress – Link preview and embedding from the The Developer ( cuf87 ) website. Thank you.
Download = jEmbed WordPress – Link preview and embedding-[Updated].zip

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