Karenderia App Version 2 is the latest and modern mobile application for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System. This mobile app is the front end web version of kmrs which customer can order tru mobile device.
This mobile app is for android & iOS
Note to buyer: You will need to purchase the Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System in order to use this mobile application, as all the restaurant data relies on KMRS..
You cannot use this mobile app as stand alone application this is purely addon for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System
Karenderia App Version 2 connects to KRMS via json api calls
just simply install the modules for the api and settings and your all done.
its comes with very easy steps by steps procedure on how to install the api & settings modules.
Backend Settings
Username: admin
Password : admin
Download android APK File click here
Watch Karenderia App Version 2 in action click here
Test paypal using below account
User/Email : buyerko@yahoo.com
Password : testtest
User/Email : buyer2@codemywebapps.com
Password : Buyertestaccount
- Easy to search for restaurant
- Filter restaurant by cuisine or by services
- Auto detects location address
- Multiple addons for food item
- Multiple size and price for food item
- Ingredients selections for food item
- Cooking reference
- Real time order status
- Easy to re-order previous ordered food item
Payment Gateway
- Cash on delivery
- Paypal
- Pay using credit cards on debit cards
Book a table
- Easy booking table
- Receive updates on your booking status
Restaurant Review
- Add your own reviews to a restaurant
Android Push Notification
- Customer can receive push notification about the status of their order
= 1.5.3 (24 October 20) =
fixed - contact us fields fixed - cart display issue on addon fixed - refresh list for search by location fixed - graphical tracking fixed - graphical tracking map issue on mapbox new - add delivery estimation on resto carousel
Click here
= 1.5.2 (15 October 20) =
fixed - decimal cart formating fixed - start up loading sometimes its stuck on splash screen fixed - minimum oder showing in home page even if is not enabled fixed - lazy load by tags fixed - search by item showing draft status fixed - 3 columns view showing undefined if cuisine is not tick in admin panel fixed - sms order details missing fixed - filter for services which shown merchant that has no develivery services fixed - push notification handle for ios update - change getting of settings to get all options at one time for faster loading of app update - alter all push content to text instead of varchar update - add lazy load all restaurant in homepage update - page keep refreshing when going back update - add price for food item in search results update - add loading on paypal during payment update - add options for rate the app only to shown if customer is login new - add firebase OTP new - use google api only during checkout new - google analytics new - graphical tracking new - add search in all list in mobileapp modules new - make home categories and home banner multi language new - home banner and home categories to add action to load either tags , custom page or custom link
- Graphical Tracking demo
- Firebase OTP demo
Click here
= 1.5.1 (10 September 20) =
fixed - send sms for change password fixed - sms condition fixed - sorting issue for open restaurant fixed - tab order fixed - promo showing in active merchant fixed - missing contact number during pickup fixed - points redeem can manipulate item fixed - update profile checking phone number fixed - contact number fixed - get badge number for push fixed - issue with sort by tag fixed - remove sort by distance when using search by location fixed - cart if re order merchant change transaction services fixed - points can re apply if delete some item fixed - check contact number in profile not checking if exist fixed - mapbox in backend fixed - bug if there is cart and service was changes it will be undefined fixed - search by tags fixed - cuisine list when viewing merchant and going back it display different results fixed - all search by location and tags fixed - consider close button in checking for merchant opening fixed - When someone re order on a restaurant where the previous order was in delivery, if we set the partner order option to pickup only, the customer can continue to order in delivery. fixed - merchant can request a cancel order even merchant change the status already fixed - On the restaurantlist page, searching for restaurant does not work, using State / City. fixed - re order not changing price or updating price fixed - payment reference not showing in receipt fixed - remove item if not available in the cart fixed - private menu update - add review order after driver app finish the delivery update - change qty button to normal functions in inventory.js update - change the add qty functions for ios fixed update - address book map add auto address update - hide price functions new - add options to close the app during non operational hours new - add options to auto identify location on map new - add qty button in food item for easy adding item on cart new - add share food item to any social platform new - add list of cards for pay on delivery new - options to change icon all to words view all new - optiosn to change all restaurant to a list instead of carousel new - use merchant background image in about us page and contact us new - update razor pay to use manual checkout instead using razorpay cordova plugin , reason is plugin does not work in iOS new - add rate the app using cordova-plugin-apprate
- How to use home categories
- New features in version 1.5.1
= 1.5.0 (25 May 20) =
fixed - location to add condition with by street fixed - list column offer tag not showing fixed - google default country on for mapbox fixed - points earn fixed - deactivated registered device fixed - lat and long not saving in addressbook fixed - not refreshing when changing address from results page fixed - tax not formating correctly fixed - min delivery table = checkDeliveryAddresNew fixed - search food, restaurant add limit fixed - cancel order not appearing fixed - item with 1 size, the size does not appear in the cart fixed - bugs on multiple qty for addon fixed - stripe not redirecting to receipt when status is paid fixed - mercadopago not redirecting to receipt when status is paid fixed - paypal not redirecting to receipt when status is paid fixed - stripe, paypal not working in ios 13 fixed - can re order even if merchant is pending or unpublished fixed - update all restaurant results based on location fixed - changing to tracking theme 2 solved the problem fixed - fixed delivery fee for search by location fixed - google login ios 13 update - update tips update - add auto scroll for home banner update - add to cart use post data update - get cart count to post data update - no phone number in pickup transaction update - auto add default tips update - add payumoney update - backend layout new - update push plugin to cordova-plugin-firebasex new - update http legacy to http v1 for push notification new - add opt for no contact delivery new - forgot password via sms new - stock issue StocksWrapper::verifyStocks new - move order to tab new - banner auto scrolling new - booking cancellation new - confirm cancel cart when ordering from another merchant new - banner can be click based on tags new - contact less delivery options (features for covid19) new - auto check all fields requirements and file
= 1.4 (09 January 20) =
fixed - identify location not changing fixed - floating menu in iphonex fixed - applying voucher fixed - mapbox not getting distance fixed - re order item does not have price fixed - show delivery estimation when using search by location fixed - can enter 0.5 quantity fixed - issue with limit text fixed - Set Google Default Country On fixed - triggered cron jobs when there is no values fixed - missing discount in item list update - clear cart using client id new - add translation for language list new - add options to show addon description new - auto fill address when using geocode new - terms and condition added in signup new - options for full banner in home page new - Start up banner auto scroll new - future order confirmation new - contact us page new - full RTL new - cordova status bar
= 1.3 (18 November 19) =
fixed - non taxable
fixed - label for dinein table number
fixed - track driver show same address
fixed - addon can select multiple
fixed - checking of customer phone
fixed - cron jobs for getting facebook profile pic
fixed - fixed offers tag
fixed - asap in cart
fixed - auto fill address
fixed - order change going back to homepage
fixed - sms details empty
fixed - bug in cron for getting push image and icon
update - add sponsored tags
update - jquery to latest version
update - remove change page when change is not required
update - re-order check new price
update - add NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription for ios in config.xml
update - jquery version to 3.4.1
update - all background images to 100%
new - add options to turn off mobile prefix
new - new theme for tracking driver
new - add tracking interval settings
new - options to register only by email or mobile
new - add new icons for ios 167x167
new - sort the listing with sponsored on top
new - add dish icon and menu 1
new - add contact number in about section
new - age restriction
new - add voucher code in search results
new - filter all results based on location
new - add merchant carousel in map view
new - add search by location using city/area state/city and postcode
= 1.2 (23 September 19) =
fixed - layout in iPhoneX
fixed - cannot add review when using different language
fixed - search results only 1 return merchant
fixed - map track icons
fixed - cuisine list
fixed - undefined transaction type
fixed - item lazy load turns all item to category name
fixed - table pages from varchar to text
fixed - menu 1 does not show all menu
fixed - add retry connection in get settings page
fixed - add none in tip list
new - favorites restaurant in homepage
new - Category Scheduler
new - start up banner
new - select language in start up
new - options to show featured and special offers based on search location
new - auto refresh in track order history
new - dish icon in food item list
new - filter by dishes
new - track driver add route
= 1.0 (19 August 19) =
Initial release version
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Karenderia App Version 2 from the The Developer ( bastikikang ) website. Thank you.
Download = Karenderia App Version 2-[Updated].zip