Full Android 6 Marsmallow compatibility
Admin Panel is now available!:Take a look
Download Demo Apk: Link
Email test: test@test.com password test: 12345678. Full demo!!
You will need a reachable email address in order to test the password recovery system.
New Features
- Control Panel for Admin user: now you can block, delete, unban and change users
- Added Android 6 compatibility
- New & Friendly & Responsive Recover My Password web
- Configurable minimum password length
- Can enable / disable the block user if login limit reached feature
- Configurable incorrect login attempts limit
- Configurable password strength: more secure will need more cpu time, less secure the login and signup will be faster
- Improved HTML5 user guide load time
- RememberMe functions: No need write email or password anymore
- Auto Login: The app will login automaticly everytime the app start
- Android 6 compatibility: fully compatible with Android 5.1.1, views have been adapted to Material design
- Sign Up new users
- Login users
- Password Recovery system, email based
- Block user for 2 hours if password is incorrect
- Database AutoInstaller, ‘CREATE TABLE…’ no needed
- CSRF Protection
- XSS Protection
- MySQL Injection Protection
- HTTP & HTTPS Support
- Term`s condition Dialog
- Configurable minimum password lenght
- About of… Screen
- App user manual template HTML5 based
Login & Signup Android Kit is a android source code project that let the developer to automatize the sign up and log in the user into their app. Now you can focus creating your own Android application without distracting about the complexity of a Log In and Sign Up system.
Login & signup Android Kit uses HTTP or HTTPS protocols. PHP backend is provided to manage the users. All passwords are salted and hashed. User account can be blocked for two hours if wrong password limit is reached. If a user loses his password a email can be sent to his registered email.
Login & Signup Android Kit includes “home”, “About of”, “Login”, “Signup” and “login sucessful” screen layouts highly custumizable.
PHP back-end is highly customizable to let the developer chage the logic in the way he likes. Back-end is protected against:
– CSRF attacks
– XSS attacks
– MySQL injection attacks
Login & Signup requires PHP >= 5.3.29 compatible.
Admin Control Panel requires PHP >= 5.5.
Watch App Demo on YouTube
Watch Demo Video on YouTube
Change Log
Version 1: Initial
Version 1.1: Bug fixes for Android KitKat, added gradle.buil for Android Studio Compatibility.
Version 1.2: Added PHP >= 5.3.29
Version 1.3:
- RememberMe functions: no need write email or password anymore
- Auto Login: The app will login automaticly everytime the app start
- Android 5.0.1 improvements: fully compatible with Android 5.0.1, views have been adapted to Material design
Version 1.4:
- Android 5.1.1 compatibility added
Version 1.5:
- Android 6 compatibility added
- New & Friendly & Responsive Recover My Password web
- Configurable minimum password length
- Can enable / disable the block user if login limit reached feature
- Configurable incorrect login attempts limit
- Configurable password strength: more secure will need more cpu time, less secure the login and signup will be faster
- Improved HTML5 user guide load time
Version 2.0: Latest Release:
- New Control Panel for Admin users
- Updated Android App
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Demo = Login and Signup Kit For Android
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”https://codecanyon.net/item/login-and-signup-kit-for-android/8757522″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Login and Signup Kit For Android from the The Developer ( Antonio_irp ) website. Thank you.
Download = Login and Signup Kit For Android-[Updated].zip