Thank you very much for visiting our item. M.Ali – PSD Template For Fitness And Gym Websites. This is very beautiful and unique. You will feel a uniqueness in this item. We designed this item very carefully. It’s colorful and very smart for new gym and fitness websites. You can create a stunning website by using M.Ali – PSD Template For Fitness And Gym Websites. We included very detailed layers and group to help you. You can easily find out the layers. It’s 100% editable and customizable. All layer groups are named very nicely. You will understand them and edit them by your own hand. If you need any help any time. please feel free to contact us. Please check the documentation file for more details.
Template Features:
- Included 15 PSD Files
- 13 Pages Inner Pages Designed
- Based on Bootstrap 4 Grid System
- Organized and layed PSD
- Smooth, clean, modern design
- Free Google Fonts
- Easily Customizable PSD file
- Photoshop Minimum Required
- Well Organized, Named and Documented
File Included in PSD:
- 01_Homepage.psd
- 02_Homepage
- 03_About Us
- 04_Class
- 05_Class Details
- 06_Class Schedule
- 07_Our Trainers
- 08_Pricing plan
- 09_Gallery
- 10_Shop
- 11_Shop Details
- 12_Blog Standard
- 13_Blog Details
- 14_Error Page
- 15_Contact Us
Sources and Credits
Free fonts & Icons:
- Rubik (Text)
- Fontawesome (Icons)
- Flaticon (Icons)
- Freepik (Icons)
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy M.Ali – Fitness and Gym PSD Template from the The Developer ( webmakerbd ) website. Thank you.
Download = M.Ali – Fitness and Gym PSD Template-[Updated].zip