Media Manager is a simple CodeIgniter based PHP script that can be used to store and manage files of different formats. Admin panel is provided to configure various settings related to uploading media like file size, allowed file formats, etc. Login and registration functionality provided to allow number of users to manage their own media.
Current version of Media Manager script is 2.3.1. You can find the documentation of script here. Please report bugs or issues on my email address: or connect with me on skype with my username: prashant.pareek11
Lastly, if you like the script, please don’t forget to provide good rating and reviews.
- Folder tree structure with media counter.
- Upload different format files.
- Create folders.
- Remove single or multiple files or folders.
- Rename file or folder.
- Thumb and details of files/folders.
- Auto-thumbnail creation of large files.
- 64 file icons for uploaded file types.
- Masonry layout for thumbnail view.
- Image popup preview with navigation.
- Responsive Layout, Off-Canvas layout on small screens.
- Admin panel to list user details, manage various script configuration.
- Login and registration functionality.
- Installer script to setup script.
- Easy customization and integration.
- Well documented and commented code.
- W3C validated HTML & CSS.
Packages and plugins used:
- CodeIgniter v3.1.6
- Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta.2
- Sass to compile css.
- Magnific popup plugin.
- Masonary grid layout library.
- Google ReCaptha
Login details:
username: admin1234, password: admin1234
Admin Panel:
username: admin1234, password: admin1234
v2.3.1 - December 29, 2017 - Fixed recaptcha not working issue v2.3.0 - December 27, 2017 - Updated CodeIgniter to version 3.1.6 - Updated Bootstrap to version v4.0.0-beta.2 - Fixed minor bugs v2.2.4 - October 19, 2016 - Added feature to play audio and video files in popup. - Updated CodeIgniter to version 3.0.6 - Did some fixes. v2.2.3 - July 12, 2016 - Re-written most of code specially related to media operations. - Switched to bootstrap 4 from bootstrap 3. - Used sass to compile css. - Changed templating of layout files. - Changed functionality to rename file/folder. - Made changes in database by adding more columns in media table. - Updated version of most of libraries like magnific popup, masonary grid library etc. - Added notification message on every event like rename or deleting files/folders. - Handcrafted admin-panel instead of third-party admin theme used in previous version. - Used Font-awesome icons instead of Glyphicons. - Updated installer script. - Fixed bug of showing multiple same files in case file is overwritten. - Fixed bug for automatically creating thumb folder for storing thumbnails. - Removed Up folder icons for moving in parent directory. - Improved layouts styling. v2.1.2 - October 1, 2015 - Update for natural sorting order of folder names. v2.1.1 - September 25, 2015 - Updated the code to fetch folders or media list in alphabetical order. v2.1.0 - September 21, 2015 - Added feature to rename file or folder. v2.0.0 - July 3, 2015 - Added database support. - Added Login and registration system. - Added admin panel. v 1.1.3 - January 18, 2015 - Updated file upload js code. v 1.1.2 - January 14, 2015 - Added drag and drop file uploader. - Added file upload support for IOS(5/6). v 1.1.1 - December 9, 2014 - Added thumbnail functionality for larger images. - Changed image popup plugin. - Some design fixes. v 1.1.0 - December 5, 2014 - Added masonry layout for thumbnail view of media. - Updated design for thumb view and others. - Changed the functionality to select media in thumb view. v 1.0.1 - November 27, 2014 - Updated create folder method. - Updated code to upload media. - Corrected the layout file. - Updated code to choose file and folder names. - Added validation on choosing base folder for media. - Fixed method for deleting media files and folder. - Added boot-strap error messages and improved the code. v 1.0.0 - November 25, 2014 - Initial Release
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Demo = Media Manager for CodeIgniter
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Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Media Manager for CodeIgniter from the The Developer ( Prashant_Pareek ) website. Thank you.
Download = Media Manager for CodeIgniter-[Updated].zip