

Download Meloul – Music Responsive Joomla Template Nulled


You are a music lover. You want to store and share all your favorite songs and videos to everyone. Meloul is a perfect choice. The idea of a music studio inspired us to design a very first music template.

With Meloul, you can upload music products like audio (example: mp3, wav, ogg) and video (example: mp4, ogv, flv, m4v).

Meloul intergrates well with Bootstrap, and support best with HTML5 & CSS3.

You can also create album which displaying playlist powered by jPlayer. Meloul runs on Plazart Framework and compatible with Joomla 3.0.

Meloul is a responsive joomla template which can adapt automatically to the screen size of all devices lets you easily use on smart phones or tablets.

Come and join us today to try a perfect music template. Meloul – let the music heal your soul!


Meloul is a Responsive Joomla Template. It supports Bootstrap, your template will adapt automatically to the screen size of the device and display all the content in an intuitive and simple way.

TZ Portfolio

TZ Portfolio works on database of com_content, sothat you do not have to worry about importing or exporting data from your system (which already works with com_content).

TZ Portfolio inherits all current functions of com_content, in addition, we develop two new data interfaces: Portfolio and Timeline view.

TZ Portfolio is strongly supported by Group Extra field system, you can create multi-portfolio system in your website. In addition, it supply 3 functions , these are video display, gallery or representative photo displayed for each article.

More Features

  • jPlayer integrate
  • Playlist support
  • Support mp3, ogg, m4v, ogv file type
  • Fullscreen Video
  • Ajax Infinite Scroll
  • Inbuilt CSS and Javascript Compression
  • Joomla 3.0.x compatible
  • jQuery Masonry Script

Source & Credit





Video & Music



Version 2.1

    Update to Joomla latest version 3.4.3.
    Update Plazart Framework latest version 4.5.
    Update TZ Portfolio latest version 3.3.2.
    Update Weblink 3.4.1

Version 2.0

Changelog Meloul Music Joomla template version 2.0.

Version 1.5

    Update Component TZ Portfolio latest version 3.1.6
    Update Joomla latest version 3.1.5
    Add options show playlist in slide music module.
    Fixed Link not work on single page.
    Fixed show title and author in detail page.

Version 1.3

    Update joomla latest version 3.1.5
    Update Component TZ Portfolio latest version 3.1.4
    Fixed module Playlist music on right sidebar.

Version 1.2

    Fixed Social button on Blog page.
    Check music to display button Play on album page.
    Check music to display Jplayer on detail page.
    You can add music on blog detail page.

Version 1.1

    [bug] fix some issue with ie8
    [bug] fix some small issue with css

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Meloul – Music Responsive Joomla Template from the The Developer ( templaza ) website. Thank you.
Download = Meloul – Music Responsive Joomla Template-[Updated].zip

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