Messenger Broadcaster is a tools for broadcasting non-promotional structured message to Facebook page’s messenger leads. This is using BOT API for sending message. This is an Add-on of BOT Inboxer. Send message to all messenger leads within few seconds. It’s super-fast and cheap comparatively other service available across the web. This works with both Bot Inboxer add-on for FB Inboxer and Bot Inboxer Standalone
It’s a multi-user add-on means you can allow your users to use this add-on. If you charge your end user for using this add-on then you have to buy Extended License.
There are two option to broadcast messages:
1.Quick Bulk Broadcast
2.Broadcast to BOT Subscriber
Quick Bulk Broadcast: With this feature you will be able to broadcast message to all messenger subscribers (old & new) with in just few seconds. Sending a message to many recipients can be inefficient to accomplish with the Send API, as each recipient requires a separate API request. For Messenger bots that need to send to a very high number of recipients, this means sending messages in batches to avoid hitting the Messenger Platform’s rate limit, which can take a very long time. Quick Bulk Sending solved the problem by sending to all subscriber with one hit.
Broadcast to BOT Subscriber:
Besides sending Quick Broadcasting you may need to send message to some subscriber as one by one. You can send message to all subscriber that after implement our BOT with this option. Delivery & read report can be tracked by this feature. This is also fast as you don’t need to setup delay to send message.
How can we send promotional message?
By Facebook policy you are not allowed to send promotional message outside 24hours of last interaction with your subscriber. So how we send promotional messages? The trick is, send non-promotional message adding buttons/postbacks with promotional replies.
Here is the policy overview of Facebook Messenger feature: Policy Review
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Login as Admin
Password: 123456
Feel free to create your own demo account if you are willing to test this app with your facebook account. Other users will not be able to login to your account. You can unlink your facebook account after testing.
Want to know more about Messenger Broadcaster? Please read our Documentation
Bot Inboxer Add-ons Available in Market
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Demo = Messenger Broadcaster – A Bot Inboxer Add-on : Send Bulk Message to Facebook Messenger Subscribers
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Download = Messenger Broadcaster – A Bot Inboxer Add-on : Send Bulk Message to Facebook Messenger Subscribers-[Updated].zip