MilkBasket | Bigbasket CLONE – Milk Subscription Android App with complete PHP Backend.
Super Admin Panel
password-> admin
City-Admin Panel
password– admin
Feature’s of GoHybrid:
- GoHybrid App is fully Subscription & Buy-once
- Login/Registration page.
- User Selected Area & City.
- Products Filters: Facilitate quick search to find products from selected cities.
- Instantly display the matching results “as you type” in an autocomplete.
- Alert(Great feature): Gohybrid subscription App alert user’s by, SMS, email, & In-App notifications.
- Subscription: User can subscribe to the products as per own comfortability & subscriptions give users access to content, services, or premium features in your app on an ongoing basis.
- Single-click to add subscribe all the products from the collection. It saves shopper’s valuable time and effort.
- Users can cancel, resume and pause the order.
- Subscription of the day: Shoppers can check selected subscribed products.
- Users can Recharge their wallet
- Confirm order by
- Run Banners and Promotions: Highlight seasonal offers and promotion through banners on the homepage.
- Complain: After successful completion of delivery if customer not satisfied then the customer can raise complain from its past orders.
- Secure and multiple payment options: This App allows our customers to recharge the wallet via PayPal and Razor pay.
- Order List & Details
- User can Modify their subscribed products.
Admin Feature:
- Setting: Facilitate to give setting of our profile, App logo, currency, SMS API key, FCM server key, payment mode & set the delivery time.
- On the dashboard, admin can check the total users, complete orders and ongoing subscriptions.
- Admin can create a city and also create CITY ADMIN for a particular city.
- All city admin can add, update & delete own products, categories, banners, and also a delivery boy.
- The order status updates by city admin.
- Facilitate to give first recharge offer’s.
- Admin can create subscription plans within multiple choice like: Daily, Every3rd Day, Alternate Days & Every 7th day.
- Admin can manage the user complains. if the user’s not satisfied.
- Set standard FAQs for users on the app from backend
Multi-City Feature:
- Admin will create different cities as per their area of operation
- Each city Sub-admin will manage their cities accordingly
- Sub-Admin of any city will manage Products, Stocks, Banners, Offers, Notifications, Order management, Delivery Boys & much more.
Dispatch Panel Feature:
- Every city Sub-Admin will have access to Dispatch panel from where it will be easy to dispatch orders & assign delivery boys.
- City Admin can also send notifications to delivery boys to alert them
Delivery boy App Feature:
- Delivery boy will receive assigned orders
- Delivery boy can ON/OFF the duty hours
- Get Notifications for Assigned orders OR from City Admin
- Can mark orders complete or cancelled or Half done.
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Milk Delivery Android App – Milkbasket Bigbasket Clone – Subscription App from the The Developer ( tecmanic ) website. Thank you.
Download = Milk Delivery Android App – Milkbasket Bigbasket Clone – Subscription App-[Updated].zip