

Download Most Wanted WordPress Plugins Pack Nulled






Just to remind you: Almost all the plugins you need to create a complete and professional WordPress website are founded in THE MOST WANTED WORDPRESS PLUGINS PACK: Premium Sliders, Video Players, Logos Showcase, Full Screen Image Or Video Backgrounds, Audio Players, Radio Players, Carousels, Countdowns.


If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.




Update: May 21, 2018
- Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - YouTube:
        - auto-play option added for IOS devices when self-hosted videos are used
        - when initial volume is set to 0 the html5 video tag is also set to muted
- Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History:    - code improvements for reading the metadata file of the HTTPS radio streams
- HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin: - code improvements
- CountDown With Image or Video Background: - code improvements
- Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements for reading the metadata file of the HTTPS radio streams

Update: May 02, 2018
- Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player:
    - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time
    - code improvements for pop-up feature
- HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin: - when initial volume is set to 0 the html5 video tag is also set to muted
- Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - new parameter added 'Use The Original Upper&LowerCase for Song & Author As It Is In the Radio Metadata file' - the current playing song title and author letters will be displayed as they come from the metadata file or the song title will have text-transform:uppercase and author will have text-transform:capitalize
- Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin: - new parameter called 'Cookie Expiration Time' used to set the cookie (used for continuous playback on all pages) expiration time in days
- Video Player & Video Background: - when initial volume is set to 0 the html5 video tag is also set to muted
- SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - code improvements for pop-up feature

Update: April 19, 2018
- WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel: - code improvements
- Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - new parameter added 'Use The Original Upper&LowerCase for Song & Author As It Is In the Radio Metadata file' - the current playing song title and author letters will be displayed as they come from the metadata file or the song title will have text-transform:uppercase and author will have text-transform:capitalize
- HTML5 Audio Player:
    - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time
    - IOS & Android show play button when auto-play is activated

Update: April 10, 2018
- Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin:
    - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time
    - IOS & Android show play button when auto-play is activated
- Zuper  Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - IOS 11 current playing song refresh problem fix
- Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - IOS 11 current playing song refresh problem fix

Update: March 28, 2018
- Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO WordPress Plugin: - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time

Update: March 01, 2018
- Radio Player With Playlist: - code improvements
- Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin: - bug fix
- SHOUT HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - bug fix
- Zuper  Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements
- Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - bug fix
- HTML5 Video Player: - code improvements
- Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - bug fix
- HTML5 Audio Player: - code improvements

Update: February 20, 2018
- Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: bug fix which appeared on IOS when the playlist had not scroll
- Universal Video Player - YouTube_Vimeo_SelfHosted: code improvements
- Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - YouTube: code improvements

Update: February 12, 2018
- Universal Video Player - YouTube-Vimeo-SelfHosted: 
    - optional 'start point' and 'end point' added for each video
    - bug fix for first video parameter

Update: February 07, 2018
- Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: new parameter 'Show Next & Previous Buttons' to hide/show the next & previous buttons.

Update: January 30, 2018
- Image&Video FullScreen Background: code improvements for touch navigation feature
- CountDown With Image or Video Background: as an option, the parameters (colors, alpha, borders) you've set for 'Days' will be used for 'Hours', 'Minutes' and 'Seconds'
- All In One Slider Responsive: touch navigation library update
- Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider: touch navigation library update
- CountDown Pro WP Plugin: as an option, the parameters (colors, alpha, borders) you've set for 'Days' will be used for 'Hours', 'Minutes' and 'Seconds'
- UberSlider - Layer Slider WordPress Plugin: touch navigation library update
- Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel: touch navigation library update
- Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: code improvements
- WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel:  code modification for responsive behavior of the carousel.

Update: January 17, 2018
- Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: code improvements for touch navigation feature
- Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History:
        - RadioJar support was added
        - code improvements for touch navigation feature
- HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin: when loop:false the pause button will be removed when the audio file reaches the end.
- Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature
- Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature
- Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature
- Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature
- Sticky Radio Player Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: code improvements for touch navigation feature
- Universal Video Player - WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature
- Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider WP Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature

Update: January 05, 2018
- NEW Product has been added: 'Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - WordPress Plugin'

Update: November 28, 2017
- Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: code improvements for 'current playing song' feature
- Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: code improvements

Update: November 24, 2017
- SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support:
        - option to start the player minified
        - option to have the player without ads and artist image
- CountDown Pro: support for HTTPS websites
- Radio Player With Playlist: compatibility with HTTPS websites
- Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: compatibility with HTTPS websites

Update: November 03, 2017
- NEW Product has been added: 'SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support'

Update: November 01, 2017
- All In One Slider: new effect called 'alternateSlide'; https compatibility; code improvements for IE11
- Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: code improvements reading id3v2 tags
- HTML5 Video Player: code improvements
- HTML5 Audio Player: code improvements reading id3v2 tags; support for HTTPS websites
- Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: code improvements reading id3v2 tags; code improvements for download mp3 feature
- Sticky HTML5 Music Player: code improvements reading id3v2 tags; support for HTTPS websites
- Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: code improvements for responsive behavior
- CountDown With Image or Video Background: support for HTTPS websites
- xPromoter - Top Bar Switcher: code improvements

Update: September 19, 2017
- Universal Video Player: code improvements for volume initialization
- HTML5 Video Player - auto-play option added for IOS devices when self-hosted videos are used
- Image&Video FullScreen Background - https compatibility

Update: September 12, 2017
- CountDown Pro: code improvements
- Multimedia Responsive Carousel: compatibility with jQuery 3.0
- Sticky Radio Player:  it automatically adds '/;' at the end of the stream which requires these characters
- Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: auto-play option added for IOS devices when self-hosted videos are used
- Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: code improvements for shuffle feature

Update: August 22, 2017
- Responsive Zoom In/Out Slider: https compatibility
- Hero Radio Player: code improvements

Update: August 01, 2017
- NEW Product has been added: Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player
- Radio Player With Playlist: it automatically adds '/;' at the end of the stream which requires these characters

Update: July 05, 2017
- Universal Video Player: optional parameters for the shortcode for playlist order
- Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel: support for HTTPS websites
- Multimedia Responsive Carousel: support for HTTPS websites
- Responsive Zoom In/Out Slider: code improvements

Update: June 20, 2017
- Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: code improvements
- Hero Radio Player: code improvements

Update: June 09, 2017
- Sticky Radio Player: code improvements
- Sticky HTML5 Music Player: code improvements
- Hero Radio Player: code improvements for 'current playing song' feature

Update: May 02, 2017
- Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: support for HTTPS websites
- Universal Video Player: support for HTTPS websites
- Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: support for HTTPS websites

Release Date: April 10, 2017

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Demo = Most Wanted WordPress Plugins Pack
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Most Wanted WordPress Plugins Pack from the The Developer ( LambertGroup ) website. Thank you.
Download = Most Wanted WordPress Plugins Pack-[Updated].zip

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