Just to remind you: Almost all the plugins you need to create a complete and professional WordPress website are founded in THE MOST WANTED WORDPRESS PLUGINS PACK: Premium Sliders, Video Players, Logos Showcase, Full Screen Image Or Video Backgrounds, Audio Players, Radio Players, Carousels, Countdowns.
If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.
Update: May 21, 2018 - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - YouTube: - auto-play option added for IOS devices when self-hosted videos are used - when initial volume is set to 0 the html5 video tag is also set to muted - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements for reading the metadata file of the HTTPS radio streams - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin: - code improvements - CountDown With Image or Video Background: - code improvements - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements for reading the metadata file of the HTTPS radio streams Update: May 02, 2018 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time - code improvements for pop-up feature - HTML5 Video Player WordPress Plugin: - when initial volume is set to 0 the html5 video tag is also set to muted - Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - new parameter added 'Use The Original Upper&LowerCase for Song & Author As It Is In the Radio Metadata file' - the current playing song title and author letters will be displayed as they come from the metadata file or the song title will have text-transform:uppercase and author will have text-transform:capitalize - Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin: - new parameter called 'Cookie Expiration Time' used to set the cookie (used for continuous playback on all pages) expiration time in days - Video Player & Video Background: - when initial volume is set to 0 the html5 video tag is also set to muted - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - code improvements for pop-up feature Update: April 19, 2018 - WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel: - code improvements - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - new parameter added 'Use The Original Upper&LowerCase for Song & Author As It Is In the Radio Metadata file' - the current playing song title and author letters will be displayed as they come from the metadata file or the song title will have text-transform:uppercase and author will have text-transform:capitalize - HTML5 Audio Player: - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time - IOS & Android show play button when auto-play is activated Update: April 10, 2018 - Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin: - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time - IOS & Android show play button when auto-play is activated - Zuper Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - IOS 11 current playing song refresh problem fix - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - IOS 11 current playing song refresh problem fix Update: March 28, 2018 - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO WordPress Plugin: - code improvements for reading the mp3 file total time Update: March 01, 2018 - Radio Player With Playlist: - code improvements - Sticky Radio Player WordPress Plugin: - bug fix - SHOUT HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - bug fix - Zuper Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - code improvements - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: - bug fix - HTML5 Video Player: - code improvements - Hero Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - bug fix - HTML5 Audio Player: - code improvements Update: February 20, 2018 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: bug fix which appeared on IOS when the playlist had not scroll - Universal Video Player - YouTube_Vimeo_SelfHosted: code improvements - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist - YouTube: code improvements Update: February 12, 2018 - Universal Video Player - YouTube-Vimeo-SelfHosted: - optional 'start point' and 'end point' added for each video - bug fix for first video parameter Update: February 07, 2018 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: new parameter 'Show Next & Previous Buttons' to hide/show the next & previous buttons. Update: January 30, 2018 - Image&Video FullScreen Background: code improvements for touch navigation feature - CountDown With Image or Video Background: as an option, the parameters (colors, alpha, borders) you've set for 'Days' will be used for 'Hours', 'Minutes' and 'Seconds' - All In One Slider Responsive: touch navigation library update - Responsive Zoom In & Out Slider: touch navigation library update - CountDown Pro WP Plugin: as an option, the parameters (colors, alpha, borders) you've set for 'Days' will be used for 'Hours', 'Minutes' and 'Seconds' - UberSlider - Layer Slider WordPress Plugin: touch navigation library update - Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel: touch navigation library update - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: code improvements - WordPress Logos Showcase - Grid and Carousel: code modification for responsive behavior of the carousel. Update: January 17, 2018 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: code improvements for touch navigation feature - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: - RadioJar support was added - code improvements for touch navigation feature - HTML5 Audio Player WordPress Plugin: when loop:false the pause button will be removed when the audio file reaches the end. - Radio Player Shoutcast & Icecast WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature - Sticky HTML5 Music Player WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature - Sticky Radio Player Full Width Shoutcast and Icecast HTML5 Player: code improvements for touch navigation feature - Universal Video Player - WordPress Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature - Youtube Vimeo Video Player and Slider WP Plugin: code improvements for touch navigation feature Update: January 05, 2018 - NEW Product has been added: 'Zuper - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History - WordPress Plugin' Update: November 28, 2017 - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: code improvements for 'current playing song' feature - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: code improvements Update: November 24, 2017 - SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support: - option to start the player minified - option to have the player without ads and artist image - CountDown Pro: support for HTTPS websites - Radio Player With Playlist: compatibility with HTTPS websites - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: compatibility with HTTPS websites Update: November 03, 2017 - NEW Product has been added: 'SHOUT - HTML5 Radio Player With Ads - ShoutCast and IceCast Support' Update: November 01, 2017 - All In One Slider: new effect called 'alternateSlide'; https compatibility; code improvements for IE11 - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: code improvements reading id3v2 tags - HTML5 Video Player: code improvements - HTML5 Audio Player: code improvements reading id3v2 tags; support for HTTPS websites - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: code improvements reading id3v2 tags; code improvements for download mp3 feature - Sticky HTML5 Music Player: code improvements reading id3v2 tags; support for HTTPS websites - Hero - Shoutcast and Icecast Radio Player With History: code improvements for responsive behavior - CountDown With Image or Video Background: support for HTTPS websites - xPromoter - Top Bar Switcher: code improvements Update: September 19, 2017 - Universal Video Player: code improvements for volume initialization - HTML5 Video Player - auto-play option added for IOS devices when self-hosted videos are used - Image&Video FullScreen Background - https compatibility Update: September 12, 2017 - CountDown Pro: code improvements - Multimedia Responsive Carousel: compatibility with jQuery 3.0 - Sticky Radio Player: it automatically adds '/;' at the end of the stream which requires these characters - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: auto-play option added for IOS devices when self-hosted videos are used - Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player: code improvements for shuffle feature Update: August 22, 2017 - Responsive Zoom In/Out Slider: https compatibility - Hero Radio Player: code improvements Update: August 01, 2017 - NEW Product has been added: Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - Radio Player With Playlist: it automatically adds '/;' at the end of the stream which requires these characters Update: July 05, 2017 - Universal Video Player: optional parameters for the shortcode for playlist order - Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel: support for HTTPS websites - Multimedia Responsive Carousel: support for HTTPS websites - Responsive Zoom In/Out Slider: code improvements Update: June 20, 2017 - Responsive HTML5 Audio Player PRO: code improvements - Hero Radio Player: code improvements Update: June 09, 2017 - Sticky Radio Player: code improvements - Sticky HTML5 Music Player: code improvements - Hero Radio Player: code improvements for 'current playing song' feature Update: May 02, 2017 - Revolution Video Player With Bottom Playlist: support for HTTPS websites - Universal Video Player: support for HTTPS websites - Video Player & FullScreen Video Background: support for HTTPS websites Release Date: April 10, 2017
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Demo = Most Wanted WordPress Plugins Pack
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Download = Most Wanted WordPress Plugins Pack-[Updated].zip