Newscodes – News, Magazine and Blog Elements for WordPress 2.3.0
News, Magazine and Blog Elements for WordPress! Welcome to the future of your posts! Newscodes will dramatically revolutionize how you use and display your posts and improve the way your visitors interact with your content on news, magazine websites and blogs or just about any project you are working on that uses posts to generate and present content.
- Shortcode Generator!
- Demos Included!
- 20+ awesome Newscodes post layouts
- Unlimited Newscodes Styles
- Newscdes Tabbed Elements
- Automatic Updates
- Newscodes Style Manager and Editor with Preview possibility from the Admin page
- Support for all Post Types
- Post Filters
- Post Taxonomy Filters
- Post Meta Filters
- Changeable Filter Relation
- Ajax Load
- Image Ratio Options
- Featured Posts
- Post Grids
- Post Lists
- Marquee
- Tickers
- and many, many more!
Design News and Magazine Layouts in Seconds!
Create stunning layouts on your pages without having to use any coding, thanks to the super user-friendly options and settings that will let you transform your pages with amazing post layouts and styles in no time. Newscodes provide unlimited post layout and style possibilities and options for your awesome current and future projects. Many great included layouts are available, like: Featured Poster, Grid, Lists, Column Lists, Marquees, Tickers and more! Dozens of slick and modern Styles are also included! Use the included styles, edit them to your liking or create your own, completely new and unique Newscodes styles for your website. Unlimited design possibilities are at your disposal with extensive font and color options and advanced text formatting for all post layouts and styles. Every Newscodes element is fully customizable. Instantly preview all your changes directly from your page, saving time and your invaluable creative flow. Newscodes have been made with you in mind.
20+ News, Magazine Elements, Shortcodes!
Post lists, post grids, columned posts, columned featured posts, featured post lists, marquees, tickers and more! All seen elements on the news, magazine or blog sites packed in one powerful package – Newscodes! All codes can be inserted into Newscodes Multi – Tabbed element to create stunning tabbed post lists!
Custom Styles Manager with LESS CSS +50 Predefined Styles!
AJAX powered live preview Style Manager! Customize your own styles and Newscodes will compile them for you and include as a CSS for best performance and quality! 500+ Google Fonts, Included Fonts and System Fonts with unlimited color variations and text formatting options! Live from the Newscodes Style Manager! +50 predefined styles to get you started!
Easy Element Code Customization
Element templates can easily be replaced in your theme/child theme directory, by creating new templates in the /newscodes/ directory! This means that, if you want to add any text anywhere, or icon, or rearrange elements, you can do it with ease! WooCommerce has a similar system! We’ve tried to do the same!
Improve your News, Magazine and Blog Websites! With these News Shortcodes!
Get these News Shortcodes package to improve your site! Unlimited Magazine elements and shortcodes that fil every template. WordPress plugin that revolutionizes how you will show your posts and custom post types! With over 20+ elements to choose from. Including tabbed layouts and tabbed shortcode. If you search for these, you’re at the right place!
- News Shortcodes
- Magazine Shortcodes
- LESS CSS, Cached styles, Ultra Fast!
- Post Lists Elements, News Ticker, Magazine Poster, News Marquee
- Customizable, Style Manager
- WordPress Plugin for News, Magazine, Blog Websites
- Custom Taxonomies Support
- Excerpt More Customization
- Post Filter, Show Posts By Taxonomy, Show Posts By Meta Key
- AJAX Post Load
- Load More Pagination, Infinite Scroll
- Featured Posts
- Post Grids, Up to 6 Columns
- Tabbed Post Categories, Tabbed Post Galleries
- The Best WordPress Plugin for News Website!
- Supports WordPress Registered Image Sizes
- Supports Various Image Ratios
- News, Magazine, Blog Columned Shortcodes and Posts
- Post Template Overrides in Theme/Child Theme Directory
Cornerstone and Visual Composer Support
The Newscodes plugin comes fully compatible with any theme you might be using and it also fully supports page builder plugins like Visual Composer and the Cornerstone extension for the X Theme.
Get The Newscodes Plugin!
The power and simplicity of Newscodes make it an invaluable tool for every WordPress website and it works with all themes! Newscodes put you in charge over your posts with each option being specifically created and designed for easy use and incredible flexibility. Start the Post revolution today!
+ Newscodes 2.3.0 - 10. August 2018.
- removed automatic updates and registration! to get automatic updates from WordPress Dashboard use the Envato Market ( plugin
- merged with Newscodes for WooCommerce plugin
- updated and improved plugin documentation
- fixed fatal error: unsupported operand types in newscodes.php:177
+ Newscodes 2.2.2 - 5. May 2018.
- fixed strip_shortcodes not working for excerpts
+ Newscodes 2.2.1 - 21. April 2018.
- fixed bugs and issues with poster_image and composer/cornerstone elements
- fixed warning: a non-numeric value encountered in nc-shortcodes.php online 425
- fixed use theme font is now a default option instead of trebuchet m
Newscodes 2.2.0 - 9. February 2018.
- fixed issues caused by esc_html__ and esc_html_e
- fixed element lists bullet bug
- fixed cornerstone element image ratio control
Newscodes 2.1.2 - 20. December 2017.
- fixed automatic updates
+ Newscodes 2.1.1 - 21. November 2017.
- fixed poster links
+ Newscodes 2.1.0 - 20. June 2017.
- added hover effects
- added transparent/rgba colors
- added jquery-confirm.js
- fixed notice non-static method newscodes::plugin_url() should not be called statically
- fixed discard/exit button
- fixed ajax post appearance and layout bugs on response
- fixed post without an image
- fixed preview mode tab style bugs
- fixed $.confirm not inside functions
- fixed shortcode generator not saving filter values bugs
- fixed admin translations
- fixed remove autoload on options
- fixed php notice: Undefined variable: choice in newscodes/includes/nc-admin-controls.php on line 490
- fixed ask when deleting shortcode
- fixed posts/custom posts excerpt length and more parameters
- fixed meta shadows
- fixed all scripts
+ Newscodes 2.0.5 - 11. November 2016.
- added poster_image="" parameter, now you can use custom images on poster elements
- improved one tabbed posts element
- fixed load more function and custom post types
- fixed tablets and grids responsive problems
- fixed AJAX loader issues
+ Newscodes 2.0.2 - 7. November 2016.
- fixed custom taxonomies not seen in the shortcode generator
- fixed shortcode generator remove filter issues
- fixed missing featured image problems
+ Newscodes 2.0.1 - 7. November 2016.
- improved font loading on the frontend, now only used fonts are loaded, no more need for the font optimization option
- fixed google fonts not displaying in preview mode
- fixed responsive multi columned elements on mobiles
+ Newscodes 2.0.0 - 5. November 2016.
- added demos! now demo files are included for cornerstone builder, visual composer and even when these are not used! copy/paste installation!
- added newscodes shortcode manager and generator!
- added saving and managing shortcodes
- added short version for saved shortcodes
- added http_query parameter! check documentation for more information! post author and date support!
- added news grid author
- added news list with featured author
- added news list compact with featured author
- added news list tiny with featured author
- added dark preview
- added filter for title tag 'newscodes_title'
- improved documentation and guides
- fixed excerpt_length="0" removes excerpt (for cornerstone builder use 00)
- fixed excerpt_more="" parameter now has a link surrounding it
- fixed admin save already existing style entry
- fixed support for image attachments (make sure to set the post_type="any" to use attachments!
- fixed post_status in shortcode not working
- fixed admin appearance issues
- fixed vc-icon.png failed to load resource: failed to load resource: net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
- fixed wp translation management
+ Newscodes 1.2.0
- fixed edit style not working
- fixed registration not working
- improved documentation on the plugin, now it has a lot of information you can use! please do read, thanks!
+ Newscodes 1.1.0
- added automatic updates! enter your purchase code and get automatic updates in a single click directly from WordPress!
- added frontend optimizations manager
- improved styles and fonts load
- fixed columned posts paddings
- fixed columned posts responsive
- fixed current tabbed click bug
+ Newscodes 1.0.1
- added style groups for better optimization
- fixed a few bugs
+ Newscodes 1.0.0
- initial release
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[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = Newscodes – News, Magazine and Blog Elements for WordPress
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Newscodes – News, Magazine and Blog Elements for WordPress from the The Developer ( dzeriho ) website. Thank you.
Download = Newscodes – News, Magazine and Blog Elements for WordPress-[Updated].zip