

[Download] NFT Medora | Full Functional NFT Marketplace with Solidity and Web3.js


Download NFT Medora | Full Functional NFT Marketplace with Solidity and Web3.js free –
Latest version [Nulled] , powered by ionichub

Medora is an NFT ( non-fungible token ) Digital Assets Marketplace web application built on Ethereum blockchain. Built with Solidity for smart contracts and Web3, IPFS and React.js. Medora provides all the essentials functionalities to build a reliable & powerful marketplace, as well as a catchy and user-friendly design which is compatible with both desktops and mobile.

Before you see the demo:

  1. Make sure you’ve installed MetaMask on your browser, or on your mobile phone.
  2. Our contracts are deployed to Kovan test network so, please make sure you’re connecting your MetaMask with Kovan test network
  3. You can deploy your contracts on any Ethereum network, we’ve chosen Kovan just for demo.
  4. If your transaction took a bit longer to complete, don’t worry, this is not a performance issue, this is just because we’ve reduced the gas fees to the minimum so that you can test without higher cost.

Why Medora is your best choice on CodeCanyon:

Unlike all similar scripts that existed on CodeCanyon, we provide a different experience and unique functionalities. So, what can this script do:

  • Auto detecting if the user is using MetaMask
  • Auto connect the application with the user MetaMask wallet
  • Detect the connected network as well as account changing
  • Create & Sell and Buy NFts
  • Calculate the user funds.
  • Give the user the ability to collect his funds.
  • Calculate the Top Sellers as well as their selling rank.
  • Sync the marketplace user avatar with the MetaMask avatar.
  • You can track all your assets in a single page
  • Track your transactions on EtherScan
  • Filter NFTs according to their category
  • A full compatible mobile version
  • Working Contact form
  • During minting, you can preview how would your item look like on the marketplace before you send it to the blockchain.

All of this is on the initial release, there are more upcoming features on the next releases.

A small hint about the upcoming features:

  • You can add more info about your NFT durign minting.
  • Each item will have a single page to present all the info about it.
  • Functionality to record and track each NFT history, as owners, previous prices… etc
  • Ability to start an auction for your NFT.
  • And much more…

So, hurry up and pick it with the current price, this will not last for too long

Need a further customization:

If you need a functionality that’s not listed above, or you have a template that you need to integrate with our functionality, feel free to contact us. We’re open to your custom needs.

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy NFT Medora | Full Functional NFT Marketplace with Solidity and Web3.js from the The Developer ( ionichub ) website. Thank you.
Download = NFT Medora | Full Functional NFT Marketplace with Solidity and Web3.js-[Updated].zip

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