

Download PenPals | Android Universal Real Letters Social Application Nulled


October 30 2018
- First release, Android 5.0 and above
- Native Android Studio project, Java language, Parse Server backend

PenPals is a full-working application for finding new pen friends worldwide and get the feeling of sending/receiving real letters! Yes, that’s because the messages you’ll send will be delivered after a certain amount of days, depending on the distance between you and the receiver.
So this is not a common fast-chat or dating app, instead, it brings you to that old-style feeling when we didn’t have cell phones, computers, and e-mails, but just a pen, a piece of paper and a stamp

This app also allows users to also exchange Stamps by sending a request. It works in this way:
• User A selects one if his/her Stamps and sends an exchange request to User B
• User B gets a push notification and accepts such request
• User B selects one of his/her stamps and gets the User A’s stamp
• User A gets User B’s stamp

It has a lot of features like editing profile, attach a picture to a letter, remove and report Users, Location detection, search by Topics, Languages, and Countries, and much more.
Users don’t sign up or log in with a password, but just with a username and a valid email address, the app will email them a verification code in order to use all application’s features. So, you absolutely need your own server with PHP enabled where to upload a .php file into and allow your server to send emails through that file.
Avatars are pre-designed and included in the app.

It’s backend is by Parse Server and it’s hosted on back4app – NO MySQL database involved.
Parse Server is flexible, reliable, open source, based on Node.js and well supported by a large community of developers, and back4app is a great BaaS hosting website where you can configure your database and Facebook login features in just a few clicks.
This template includes an extensive HTML Documentation file that explains how to configure the app’s features and database.

If you want to use a nice Admin Panel to manage data of your database instead of using the Parse Dashboard, sign up for a FOREVER FREE account on and watch this video to see how to create a Panel for your Parse App.

As per Envato Marketplace Terms, the Extended License applies to all applications that charge money to their users. In case your users will not be charged of money through your own version of this app, you can still buy it under a Regular license.
Therefore, you must buy this template under and Extended License if your plans are either one or more of the following:

  • Add In-App Purchase or any other Payment Gateway in the source code and publish the app for free on the App/Play Store – NOTE: If you want to publish your own version of this application for FREE only, then you can still buy it under a Regular License.
  • Publish this application as a PAID app on the App Store.
  • Transfer the live app of your own verison of this app on the App/Play Store to another owner by selling your ownership on or similar marketplaces – IMPORTANT: You are NOT allowed to sell the original source code of this template anywhere due to copyright infringement.
  • Android Java/XML language – Native Android Studio project
  • Android 5.0 and above – Universal
  • Backend with Parse Server hosted on
  • Filter serach for pen Pals by language, topics, countries and age
  • Possibility to attach a picture to a letter
  • Custom verification system (needs a hosting server with PHP enabled, like GoDaddy, Hostgator, etc.)
  • Report and Remove Users
  • Save drafts of your letters before sending them
  • Echange Stamps with people
  • See the correspondence with your friends
  • Letters get a delay on delivery, it depends by the distance between users
  • Select a stamp for your new letters
  • Intro, Login and Sign Up custom screens
  • Terms of Use and Privacy Policy HTML file (GDPR compliant)
  • Facebook login
  • AdMob Interstitial ads
  • Modern, clean UI design
  • Documentation included in the package
  • PSD icons included in the package

  • The latest official version of Android Studio (NO Betas)
  • An Apple Mac or Windows computer, updated to its latest OS version
  • A Google Play Developer Account
  • Basic knowledge of Android Studio and Java language
  • An active AdMob account
  • A real device to test the app before submitting it to the Play Store (the Emulators may fail during test
  • A free account on
  • A hosting server with PHP enabled

For any support requests, please contact me through my Profile’s Contact Form

Your support is always appreciated, from comments to product’s reviews, so please write us a review here

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Demo = PenPals | Android Universal Real Letters Social Application
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy PenPals | Android Universal Real Letters Social Application from the The Developer ( xscoder ) website. Thank you.
Download = PenPals | Android Universal Real Letters Social Application-[Updated].zip

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