

Download PHP Dashboards v4.5 (Collaborative Social Dashboards – 100% source code included) Nulled


PHP Dashboard v4.0, builds on top one of my other scripts HTML5 Dashboard Designer for the Cloud
but leverages the power of PHP/MySQL to create a collaborative platform for dashboard creation and sharing. With the latest update, you can now feed charts from MySQL, Postgres, Excel or CSV data sources from ANY server on the web.


  • Multi tenant – users can set up private account with secure login and password
  • Collaboration functionality – invite others by email to collaborate on charts and dashboards
  • “My Dashboards” panel – displays all dashboards you develop and maintain and those that you are collaborating on
  • Brand new enhanced menu that has thumbnail display of collaborators
   Along with these new collaboration features, you will still find
the easy to use, drag and drop user interface found in
HTML5 Dashboard Designer for the Cloud that allows
non-programmers (and programmers alike) to build
sophisticated dashboards (think dashboards you see in your
favorite sci fi/action hero/spy movies) in minutes leveraging
an extensible collection of popular Javascript and jQuery
data visualization plug-ins.
The script allows you to build dashboards using Mapbox,
d3js, Highcharts, Highmaps, Highstock, Leaflet.js, Datatables.js.
The rotating carousels containing the selection of charts are
architecturally extensible and the multi-year roadmap
of this script calls for support of additional chart types in the
near future.

This dashboard designer uses standard (non-proprietary) HTML5/jQuery/Javascript to create a very light, easy to share dashboard. Dashboards can be previewed, shared and saved, jsfiddle-style (on the cloud thru automatically generated URL links). The script also includes a code generator that generates standalone scripts (4 different flavors – HTML5 Only, HTML/jQuery, URL string, Silent Form Post) to render the dashboard you created.

    Chart data can be hand entered or loaded from a file on the server
where you have this script installed (for security reasons).
To update chart, simply update the json file. Finally, full source code
is available with every script purchase for you to customize,
extend and incorporate into your own software.
For the price and what’s included, it’s the best value out
there!!! You’ll save 100’s of hours not having to figure
how to use the JavaScript chart plug-ins incorporated
in this script. This script figures it out for you! Also, the
collaborative social paradigm for dashboard sharing
makes this script unique. Check it out!!!
the way data feeds each chart tile on your dashboard. The original
version had two ways to specify the data rendered on each
chart tile: 1) you can hand enter (“hard code”) the JSON data
or 2) you provide a URL to a JSON file or JSON outputting api
(and these files needed to reside on the same server the script code resides in because of CORS protection) which allows you to update your charts by just changing file/api on the server.

In the next few releases, I’ll be working on adding CSV and Excel support so that you can use these formats along with JSON to populate charts. I am also working on a direct interface to MySQL and Postgres DB’s so that charts can be populated directly from these databases.

Finally, it turns out PHP allows you to access files in other servers (unlike cors-protective javascript) which means you can access files that live on different servers! This opens up a new range of possibilities for collaboration.

All these changes are happening daily and you can monitor my progress on the ‘Live Preview’ here.

The script is great now, but I’m continuing to “sharpen” each feature to make it even better. As always, if you purchase script now, you will get the latest code plus ability to download future versions. So buy it now and continue to enjoy the future enhancements.

The recent 4.2 and 4.3 updates have above implemented for all Highcharts, Highstock and Highmap charts. Future release will have this functionality incorporated in the other chart types. Stay tuned!!!

– Ninja 5/7/2017 ( )

AUTHOR’S NOTE ON SCRIPT: see blog post – Author’s Note: PHP Dashboard 4

REMINDER ON EXTENDED LICENSES: Just a friendly reminder that there are two different license levels at The regular license is for single FREE user use. If you have multiple clients or charging clients for functionality from this script, then an extended license is the appropriate level. It’s only fair as I do spend a lot of time tuning these scripts. And more sales/revenues means I can code more features and it has come to my attention that many purchasers are using my script for commercial (for pay) purposes with just the regular license. Thanks for you support. Click for more details – Regular vs. Extended License Comparison


  • Create dashboards of any size form factor – any width by any height. Default is 5000×5000 pixels.
  • Extensible rotating carousel “palette of JS/jQuery charts” including Mapbox, d3js, Highcharts, Highmaps, Highstock, Leaflet.js, Datatables.js. Many, many more to come including: Mapbox, eCharts, etc. available soon!
  • Easy to use drag and drop dashboard designer user interface to create beautiful interactive dashboards in minutes. No coding necesarry! (see How to Videos)
  • Settings panel for “no coding” chart customization – setting titles, text font, text size, chart background, series colors, etc
  • DB agnostic data sources – Hand enter data or load data from a JSON file on your server.
  • jsFiddle style saving/sharing – Ability to preview, share and save your dashboard on the cloud using auto generated URLs (* these features require PHP/MySQL webserver).
  • Code Generator – auto generates code to render your dashboard in a standalone script. Different flavor scripts including: HTML5 Only, HTML5/jQuery, URL string (GET), Silent Form (POST)
  • Theming capability. Change color scheme, fonts, background of dashboard by changing a single theme setting.
  • Full source code available with every script purchase(< 10k lines) for you to extend, customize and incorporate into your own software.


  • See ‘Installing this Script’ How To Video above for a demo of installation.
  • Updated installation instructions – removed step 5 and replaced with step 6. Run /data/phpdashboardv4.sql script in your PhpMyAdmin console (or similar) to create tables and load with data.


  • Any browser that supports HTML5/Javascript, jQuery (2.1.4). Tested with Chrome Version 49.0.2623.110 (64-bit), Safari Version 5.1.7 (7534.57.2), Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.18230, Firefox 5.0.2
  • A PHP/MySQL supported webserver is required for jsfiddle features (preview, share, save) and render script options #3 and #4 – click here for phpinfo for PHP/MySQL versions and configuration options of the server serving up the demo. IMPORTANT: make sure to compare with phpinfo of your installation. Many PHP/MySQL errors stem from configuration options of customer php server instances.
  • This script uses hosted libraries for Highsoft (, etc) and no installation required. It does require you to procure the appropriate Highsoft (Highcharts, Highmaps, Highstock) license based on your use. Click here for details.
  • See ‘Installing this Script’ How To Video above for a demo of installation.


  • The Essentials
  • Tour of Dashboard Designer’s UI
  • Preview your Dashboard
  • Sharing your Dashboard
  • Saving/Updating your Dashboard
  • Theming your Dashboard
  • Data for your Dashboard
  • Render using HTML5 only
  • Render using HTML5/jQuery
  • Render using a URL string(GET vars)
  • Render using Silent Form (POST vars)
  • Installing this Script

VERSION HISTORY – PHP Dashboard v4.0

  • VERSION 4.4 (7/16/2017) – MySQL, Postgres, CSV, Excel Support (continued)
    • Implemented new data feed framework for leaflet maps
  • VERSION 4.3 (5/7/2017) – MySQL, Postgres, CSV, Excel Support (continued)
    • Implemented new data feed framework in Highcharts, Highstock and Highmaps
  • VERSION 4.2 (3/15/2017) – MySQL, Postgres, CSV, Excel Support
    • Established framework for charts to be fed by MySQL, Postgres, CSV files, Excel files
    • Updated file support so URL’s can be from ANY server
  • VERSION 4.1 (2/15/2017) – New cool widgets
    • Added ‘yellow sticky’ widget – see on left nav
    • Added ‘red arrow post it’ widget – see on left nav
  • VERSION 4.0 (1/15/2017) – Initial Launch Version
    • Multi-tenant user accounts
    • Invite collaborators
    • Share dashboard via link
    • Email dashboard link
    • Embed dashboards in your website(s)
    • Create dashboards for any size form factor – create dashboard of any width and any height.
    • Extensible rotating “palette of JS/jQuery charts” including Highcharts, Highmaps, Highstock, Leaflet.js, Datatables.js. Many, many more to come including , d3js, Mapbox available next release.
    • Initial launch version includes all the charts found in HTML5 Dashboard Designer, these include:
    • Easy to use drag and drop dashboard designer user interface to create beautiful interactive dashboards in minutes. No coding necesarry! (see How to Videos)
    • Settings panel for “no coding” chart customization – setting itles, text font, text size, chart background, series colors, etc
    • DB agnostic data sources – Hand enter data or load data from a JSON file on your server
    • jsFiddle style saving/sharing – Ability to preview, share and save your dashboard on the cloud using auto generated URLs (* these features require PHP/MySQL webserver).
    • Code Generator – auto generates code to render your dashboard in a standalone script. Different flavor scripts including: HTML5 Only, HTML5/jQuery, URL string (GET), Silent Form (POST)
    • Theming capability. Change color scheme, fonts, background of dashboard by changing a single theme setting.
    • Full source code made available with every script purchase(< 10k lines) for you to extend, customize and incorporate into your own software.

    My Other Scripts at Codecanyon:

    – (BRAND NEW!!!) PHP Dashboard v5 (Enterprise Edition)
    – PHP Daytrader’s Candlestick Pattern Hunter v1.0
    – Twilio “Geo-text” Plug-In (a PHP Uber-style Geotracker Add On)
    – PHP Uber-style GeoTracker
    – PHP Dashboard v4.0 Collaborative Social Dashboards
    – PHP Dashboard v3.0 – For Mobile Devices
    – PHP Dashboard v2.7 – Responsive Carousels
    – PHP Dashboard – NEW Version 1.2
    – HTML5 Data-Driven Documents (D3js) Plug-In
    – HTML5 Cloud Dashboard Designer
    – HTML5 Streetmaps
    – PHP Streetmaps


    • About Author – Data Ninja at
    • Data Ninja Portfolio at
    • Data Ninja’s WordPress blog
    • Data Ninja’s Youtube Video Channel
    • Data Ninja’s Email::

    [eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

    Demo = PHP Dashboards v4.5 (Collaborative Social Dashboards – 100% source code included)
    [eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

    Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy PHP Dashboards v4.5 (Collaborative Social Dashboards – 100% source code included) from the The Developer ( data_ninja ) website. Thank you.
    Download = PHP Dashboards v4.5 (Collaborative Social Dashboards – 100% source code included)-[Updated].zip

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