

[Download] PHP Form Designer Nulled


Download PHP Form Designer free (Nulled) latest version


If you are not a programmer, building online forms for your website would not be easy.

Webbiscuits Form Designer helps non-programming persons build online forms for their websites. You can create multiple pages forms with customizable fields, and then direct what information submitted to be sent to whom as the recipients. It is extremely useful if you wish to run online registration task on your website.

No worries. Webbiscuits Form Designer is easily integrated into your existing website. Just copy and paste few lines of codes after you have customized your form.


How Does it Work? (3 easy steps)

Step 1: Upload the entire script folder to your web hosting account using FTP. Run the 1-step installation wizard. Step 2: Create your online form with multiple pages, customize form fields, and specify receipients’ email addresses. Step 3: Insert few lines of codes in your web pages to get the form to display. You are ready to receive submissions with your form!


Key Features

Create and Run Multiple Forms
Run different forms at a time
Preview, Print, Submit and Reset form buttons
Perform validation on non-executable files to be uploaded before user submits form
Upon submission, display Thank You page or direct to specific URL
Edit Form Pages and Fields
Create multiple form pages
Customize the fields in your form pages
Field types: Label, textbox, text area, file upload, drop down selection, multiple selection, radio button, checkbox, HTML editor
Support calculation fields which allows you to build simple formulate to automatically calculate the values
For textbox, you will be able to set the type of validation required
Edit and sort the options for selection field
Rearrange the form fields sequence
Notification Email
Email administrator a copy of submitted form
Email additional form copies to multiple email groups
Customize different messages and form submission data
Example, manager will get all information, while sales personnel only receives a certain product sales information
Auto-Responder Messages
User will receive an auto-responder email when a form is submitted
Personalize the email subject and content
Store and Export Submitted Data
Store submitted information for future reference
Able to define the column for record display
Export data to CSV format file
Select which form table to export its data
Able to select your preferable data columns for export
Anti-Spam With Image Verification
Secure your forms from being spammed by bots
Requires both the GD library and FreeType library
Easy-to-Use Back-End System
Translate to any language (Available Languages: English, Turkish)
Create multiple forms for your website
Preset forms are available
Set field’s location and tips
Automatically generate form inclusion code
Preview created form pages
Easily sort pages sequence through page list
Allow one form submission per person
Time Zone settings and CSS


Professional & Complex Form
It’s all about meeting your business requirements. Build multi-pages online forms with flexible-to-customize form fields.

Enhance Your Website
Enable your visitors to send enquiries, post technical issues, register for events and many other things that they can do via the Internet.

Collect Input and Information
Input from your customers and visitors are the most valuable information that you can gather for your organization. Use online forms to make these possible.

Customer Support

Greatly Help Documented

Our documentation is like a mini handbook. It covers everything you need to know. Check documentation page from here


Please feel free open a helpdesk ticket from our web site .


Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy PHP Form Designer from the The Developer ( webbiscuits ) website. Thank you.
Download = PHP Form Designer-[Updated].zip

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