PHP Login and User Management includes many in-build authentication techniques , Such as two-factor authentication , Authentication throttle , User management .
Administrator Details
Email :
Pass : admin
- Secure user registration and login
- User Controls – User Banning and Automatic user expiry
- IP-Blocking
- Social Authentication using Facebook, Twitter and Google+
- Password reset
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Remember Me feature on login
- Login with email or username
- Google reCAPTCHA on registration
- Authentication Throttling (lock user account after few incorrect login attempts)
- Interactive Dashboard
- Unlimited number of user roles
- Powerful admin panel
- Unlimited number of permissions
- Manage permissions from admin interface
- Assign permission to roles
- Easily check if user has permission to perform some action
- User Activity Log
- Built using Bootstrap 4
- Client side and server side form validation
- Fully customisable from settings section
- Complete and detailed documentation
- Runs on PHP 7.1.3+
- CSRF Protection – all forms include CSRF token
- Session Protection – highly secure Laravel session mechanism
- Highly secure one-way password hashing
Server Requirements
- PHP >= 7.1.3
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- GD PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
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Demo = PHP Login and User Management
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